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Everything posted by peterk

  1. Well, I think after 40 jumps a week, the lighter weight will be appreciated. For sure... As far as the machine-gun effect, it is pretty much like that. I set my XT up on medium resolution, since the large res files are huge, and most often unnecessary. But if you activate the tongue switch and hold it when the tandems start the exit count, you can keep bursting 3 fps until you flip over to open. On each tandem 125-150 pics, 200ish MB, no developing, easy cropping, no scanning to email pics to friends, etc. One of the coolest ideas that we have been working on makes film with 1-hr photo seem silly. We have been working with WalMart's photo centers, and have the capibility to FTP transfer the pics through the wireless setup at the dz, so that by the time the customers leave the dz, and arrive at WalMart, their pics are literally developed and printed, waiting for them. I never appreciated still cameras until I got my XT- now I'm totally addicted to stills and could just as well never take video again. --------------- Peter BASE - The Ultimate Victimless Crime
  2. By popular demand, I have cleared my busy schedule and will be in Twin Friday night, until Sunday night. Autographs will be available weekend long. However, posters will be on a first-come, first-served basis. I apologize for any inconvenience... --------------- Peter BASE - The Ultimate Victimless Crime
  3. That is a great website for comparison- however, the cost is roughly $400 more, and the only advantage that I can see is that you can take 5 fps instead of 3 fps. Nobody has complained yet when I hand them a CD with 125 pics in freefall alone... Personally, even if they were the same price, I would get the XT simply from the weight difference- 770g vs 540g. --------------- Peter BASE - The Ultimate Victimless Crime
  4. Just out of curiousity, what are the huge advantages to the 20D vs the Rebel XT? I've had the XT for tandem vids for about 4 months, love the light weight, fast frame rate, and the pics aren't too bad. ;) As "cheap" as the 20D is going for on some of these places, the XT is seemingly much less expensive and seems to do everything that I could ask for... --------------- Peter BASE - The Ultimate Victimless Crime
  5. Also, tailwind openings will generally be slower, less on-heading, and have a higher incidence of line-overs... --------------- Peter BASE - The Ultimate Victimless Crime
  6. So I'm looking for a program that can batch watermark a lot of pictures really quick. Doesn't need to be detailed, or a complicated watermark, just fast and easy. I land and have to transfer the pics from the camera, to the hard drive, pack some, burn it to the CD, pack more, deliver the CD, and get on the next load. Sometimes back to back, with one off load. If there was a way to insert watermarks quickly, that would be an even cooler batch of pics. I bougth iwatermark online, seems like it might be a bit slow, haven't played that much with it yet though... Suggestions? --------------- Peter BASE - The Ultimate Victimless Crime
  7. Skydive Hawaii... --------------- Peter BASE - The Ultimate Victimless Crime
  8. K, If you promise to have sex with me instead of my brother, I'll take you on your first jump. PM me for graphic details. Love, Peter --------------- Peter BASE - The Ultimate Victimless Crime
  9. Only because I love BASE so much do I actually still check this forum out... But, I cannot believe that I actually get to read the Toms and non-Toms in an openly broadcast internet forum war... Who won? --------------- Peter BASE - The Ultimate Victimless Crime
  10. Remember, you can take sweet pics with the stock Digital Rebel XT lens. Its what you make of it... --------------- Peter BASE - The Ultimate Victimless Crime
  11. Congrats to Steve-o. Also, anyone who participated in the Mile-Hi CPC is invited to enter the Skydive Hawaii/ Brush Skydivers Invitational Swoop Meet. After all, we have the world's largest swoop pond, and the water is always full... --------------- Peter BASE - The Ultimate Victimless Crime
  12. Seriously Jimmy, do you have any idea how many jumps people didn't do because they were anxiously waiting to write something in response to you? Tar and feather him if you must, just grow some balls and do it instead of just threatening it. --------------- Peter BASE - The Ultimate Victimless Crime
  13. Drowning pool... Nice Jimmy, I'm banging a 20 year old here, and I'm 31. It's worth it. I am disappointed at how few people are getting really upset about the virtual world. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE keep the fire going. Tom, you don't like Jimmy or something? Jimmy, if you were friends with the skydive crew here at this dz, I might have to buy you a beer in Norcal and have you explain to me why. Let's keep the hate alive and strong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! --------------- Peter BASE - The Ultimate Victimless Crime
  14. peterk

    BASE dytter

    I can't believe that I am reading this. With all due respect, Lee made some mistakes and was unlucky that day. The solution to back-to-earth impacts isn't a dytter that takes away the responsibility of pulling on time. It is to take 8 seconds or less, for a 11 second delay, so that you have cushion time and can ensure a good body position on opening. If I am 1700' on an A, I don't tell people that I am going to take 6 seconds, or 8 seconds, or 11 seconds, or whatever. I don't count, don't wait for my audible to tell my hand that it is pull time, I just keep my eyes open, enjoy the object and groundrush, and when the mental impact calculations come back that it is time to pull, I pull. If you go low on the skydive dytter, its all good. Your freefly jump broke apart at 4,000 instead of 5,000, 6 seconds later. If you dial your BASE audible to beep when it is too late, by the time you hear it, it will be. How long will it take from you enjoying your BASE jump, in which you have already lost altitude awareness, to reaching back and filling up a pilot chute? The answer is too long... --------------- Peter BASE - The Ultimate Victimless Crime
  15. I thought about it, but then I realized that I am not too worried about line-overs on my sport canopy. It would be easier to carry a hook knife, or easier to cut it away and get another skydive. --------------- Peter BASE - The Ultimate Victimless Crime
  16. peterk

    PC construction

    One step further, I never got a good answer except money for this one- Arguably, pilot chutes, are the most critical, simple, and least expensive link in the equation to get a consistent and on-heading opening. If the PC is hesitating or oscillating, you won't be happy. However, with the exception of apex venting, there have been very few new ideas from two pieces of mesh and zp/F111, skydiving style from days past. Why hasn't there been more R&D into pilot chutes, and if there has, why hasn't it been introduced into the community? If I'm paying $95 for a vented piece of ZP and mesh, I would pay more for something that had more vents in more places, a 3D shape (tandem drogue), or some other idea that would even further eliminate hesitations or oscillations. Seems that most of the video I see of 180s, etc are from a pilot chute orbiting on the way out, the "perfect" parachute and "perfect" packjob simply follow. --------------- Peter BASE - The Ultimate Victimless Crime
  17. I can't believe that "Americans" are willing to tolerate this from their government... Its a good thing that our forefathers didn't wait for the Brits to respond to the email requests for independence... Yes, they can arrest me, but they can't arrest us all... This is so stupid that I can't believe that we are on the internet trying to get some bureaucrats to allow us to BASE jump off our land... They pull this on us because we allow them to, and our lack of organization and leadership is their best ally. Peace --------------- Peter BASE - The Ultimate Victimless Crime
  18. I bet they wouldn't have cared unless you begged them to interpret some BS that you and the USPA love... Go tell the FAA to F-off, step away from the computer and FARs, and go jump sometime... Keep your laws off of my parachutes... --------------- Peter BASE - The Ultimate Victimless Crime
  19. I wrote a whole rambling reply to this BS. And then I read what Nick wrote... One simple signature on a piece of paper and the whole BASE problem goes away. BASE jumpers- Get off your asses and stop talking about stupid stuff for 30 minutes, write up a letter to your state and federal reps, Dept of the Interior, NPS Superintendant, Yosemite, etc. --------------- Peter BASE - The Ultimate Victimless Crime
  20. How much is your life worth when you have a mal? Think about it and have a nice day jumping... --------------- Peter BASE - The Ultimate Victimless Crime
  21. What are some of the more powerful/ user-friendly/ widely-used manifesting programs out there? What are you guys using at your DZs to keep track? --------------- Peter BASE - The Ultimate Victimless Crime
  22. So, I can't find any downsides to why these aren't out there for competent packers/jumpers. If freestowing lines is black death, think about that when you have your next cutaway. I haven't heard of any problems with the system on reserve freebags, haven't had any problems with the freestowing on my BASE jumps, and think this is another example of good ideas that are ready, but fear of trying new and better systems keeps us from moving ahead with making skydiving gear better. If anyone with rigging skills, (not necessarily a rigger), is willing to make me one, I will pay for the time and materials and will test jump it 6-10 times a day. Rubber bands holding lines just seems so early 2005. --------------- Peter BASE - The Ultimate Victimless Crime
  23. Spin the wheel, play the game... --------------- Peter BASE - The Ultimate Victimless Crime
  24. By popular demand... Thank you, Skydive Hawaii --------------- Peter BASE - The Ultimate Victimless Crime
  25. Why would you want rubber bands in your equation? When the bag is coming out, it is popping left and right feeding out lines. With this setup, you wouldn't have to leave any slack in the pack tray to get some speed for the bag before the first bands... It is quicker to pack, etc... Thank you very much for the pics. The one I saw from Sunpath had tucktabs, I think that is the direction that we are going to try to go. Jumping 8-10 times a day would wear out the velcro within a week. And if the velcro got weak and opened premature, that would suck. The tucktabs seem to tighten the flaps against the bag just right, most consistently... I still think it sucks that I can't get the dialed in one from the manufacturer, or at least some ideas of what they found was a bad idea... --------------- Peter BASE - The Ultimate Victimless Crime