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Everything posted by bisqit999

  1. there was a time back in 1998 for about 10 minutes where I thought I had it 10 minutes of my life. I'd give a nut for just one more of those minutes
  2. my him hook line and sinker!!! welcome!!
  3. hey what would u do if you did a few jumps at a DZ u never go to and forget to get your book signed. Happened to me last week, did 4 jumps in AZ and now am in NY. What should I do?
  4. why can't I come up with ideas like this?
  5. i just think mine is kinda creepy
  6. years ago we had a neighbor's dpg always poopin on our lawn. My mother used to put it in a baggy and walk to their house and place the bag on their stoop.. She would do this like every day for a few weeks until finally the owner controlled his dog.
  7. can u do this to yourself or is it like how you can't tickle yourself...
  8. Mr. Slugworth always freaked me out.
  9. Skydive LI I believe is the closest to the city. Thats where I mostly go...Its a great place. You really can't miss with any 3 of these places though. Try em all!
  10. She lives in Arizona, I live in NY for now.
  11. ain't I lucky? too bad she lives 2000 miles away for now.
  12. Hell no!!! how's about Kim Jong Ill?
  13. bisqit999

    Cool tat NSFW

    then I thought...Gee, where did they get that picture of me?
  14. as a smoker i have no problem smoking outside of a bar. I am totally in favor of the law. I always hated being indoors when its all smoky. Also gives us a chance to mingle with some other people.
  15. where's my voucher!?!?!?!?!?1
  16. thats from a cartoon from Don Hertzfeldt called "Rejected!" Its hysterical. I highly recommend u search for this video and watch it.
  17. looks great....I love eyebrow piercings...very sexy!
  18. i thought it was funny as hell!!! It was like the show never stopped and they picked up right where they left off.....brilliant!!!
  19. Lutz Verb fly a parachute in to a set of powerlines unnecessarily. "I performed a Lutz in to them powerlines over 'der!"
  20. at work until 6am....if i think of anything funny or entertaining to say, i'll get back to u.