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Everything posted by bisqit999

  1. I've been to Letterman about 5 times and Conan once...its a lot of fun!
  2. i've had a history of sinus issues and on a few jumps I had problems with my ears even without a cold. What I do now is I'll always take Advil Cold and Sinus before the day starts and I haven't had a problem since.
  3. Thanks for all the great info and Tom thanks for all your work on this. I will let you know in a couple weeks what happens or if somebody else goes through this please explain your experience. thanks
  4. With heightened security these days...espaecially in NY and NJ mass transit lines....what would you do if you had your rig with you and they wanted to serach it before getting on the train or the subway? I may have to go through Jersey transit in a few weeks and don't know what I would do. Thoughts???
  5. Well it's been in the upper 80's to low 90's here in NY so what do I do? Book a trip to Arizona. It's just not hot enough here in NY. Can't wait!!!
  6. 0:0:0 been working my ass off......haven't jumped since the fourth. This is not good!
  7. I was drinkin that new Coke Zero when I started this thread...i have since realized that diet coke is still better. I hereby retract my thanks to Coke.
  8. just take some ibuprofen and walk it off.
  9. heights and bees.....oh man do I hate bees!!
  10. this site is great for all your vocabulary needs Felch on!!!!!
  11. I have Zero to thank you for!
  12. not fair!!!! I been looking for a job in that area for a while now because my girl had to move there and I haven't had any luck. Congrats!
  13. I didn't know this happens...did they do that to you? I can't recall if I've been on a load with a student. I guess it makes sense. Good thing I'm almost at 50. I honestly think he got grounded because he didn't bring enough chips for everyone!! Glad you're ok Mike!!
  14. we have them but I don't know what they are made out of. I'll see if I can find some pics of it. SO much more comfortable!!
  15. i voted 1 because I hate my job, and I hate the line of work I'm in. I have to put up with this hellhole for 3 more years or so because I've decided to go back to school....change careers totally all while having these guys pay for my tuition.
  16. i just thought mine is creepy
  17. bisqit999

    NY Bagels

    I'm sorry but NY has the best bagels....I went to AZ and brought some bagels as carry on (security looked at me wierd). I was loved by all that had the opportunity to eat a NY bagel. Just thought I'd brag about my bagels. So nanner nanner nanner!!!!
  18. bumpski since it's comin up.... Hope the weather holds up!!
  19. pretty much seemed to me like the reporter was just stating facts...we all know these already and these are the things people who haven't jumped wanna know about....i know before MY first jump I asked about fatalities and hazards and all that stuff....i have no problem with this article.
  20. bisqit999

    For Grue

    very nice....but can it core a apple?
  21. try the bait thing.....maybe you just got a real asshole for a neighbor. Leave a package out for a day and maybe setup a camera to watch it. If you recognize the person as a neighbor you can tell your landlord and the police that he's been harassing you. If it turns out to just be some random jerk off the street......then just get outta there. If thats the type of area you gotta deal with then I would leave. Good luck!
  22. I'd say it's probably in the millions, but who can really come up with a correct figure? Maybe that can be something to discuss while smokin a bowl.