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Everything posted by bisqit999

  1. I once walked up to a girl and said "you wouldn't know this by lookin at me, but I can run REALLY fast." (from a Seinfeld episode) it actually worked, we ended up talkin the rest of the nite, she thought I was funny. Sometimes I guess stupid lines like that could work. Its a little more interesting.
  2. so was the Late show crew there today? What did they do? I'm a huge Letterman fan.
  3. yeah...i'd like to one day meet one of these "GIRLS" Maybe next week when I visit Fantasy Land!
  4. I'm thinkin capital punishment for this one. BRING BACK CRUCIFICATIONS!!!! gross...but who cares.
  5. so sorry...hate when that happens. I feel your pain. My Gremlin just stopped working as well. It's only a 1978!
  6. I'll be out at SDLI next Sunday if the weather is nice. Let me know if you'll be there!
  7. Congrats Michelle....when we meetin up to jump on Long Island?!!?
  8. when i was younger, my parents went away and when they came back they found whippit cartridges (look like CO2 cartridges) underneath the dining room table. They never said anything to me about it until a few yearrs later. My parents were pretty damn cool.
  9. Why are you on the show? What is the topic?
  10. That Coke is some BAD stuff anyways. You don't wanna get mixed up in a beverage like that. The waitress was probably lookin out for your best interest. Probably thought u would get all crazy and stuff. Next time try and order a lemonade.
  11. I was...i guess I still am but I got my ass dumped last week out of nowhere....damnit!
  12. Hey...wasn't that a George Carlin bit? He's hysterical.
  13. At the moment I'm listening to 25 ta Life, and Sheer Terror....not that many have heard of these bands.
  14. Thats not really my cat. I just found those pics somewhere and thought they were cool. So I guess by all means do what you want with them.
  15. it the fuzzy seats???
  16. just comes natural to them!!!
  17. Day 68 349=gunmen 119=craftsmen 55=silo workers 420=clip size My job is way too boring!!!!
  18. played this game for hours....i also have almost no life.
  19. Queens vs. Brooklyn Some people are nuts!
  20. Happy Good Friday to you as's 4:10 here in NY...i get out of work in 2 job sucks