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Everything posted by airdvr

  1. I've invented a new affliction of which I suffer...A&ADD...which is short for Attention & Affection Deficit Disorder. I think I'll have a website, personals...people with A&ADD for people with A&ADD, meetings where people have to get up and admit they are 'attention hos'. That's number one in the 12-step program. I am busy thinking up the rest. Possibly some form of intervention. The t-shirt and bumper sticker possiblilties are endless: ...DON'T Back off ...If you are too far away to read this, you are too far away to touch me ...Reach out and ...Got touch? ...Honk if you'd like to touch me ...A&ADD people do it with their hands ...Achtung baby! In order to be diagnosed with A&ADD, you need to require continuous ST (sexual touching) or NonST and attention, have to crave it, the way alcoholics crave their next drink, and heroin addicts crave their next hit. You have to make stupid relationship decisions, like choosing A&AP's (Attention & Affection Phobics), and be willing to pimp yourself out, just so someone will pay attention you. You have to have used sex to get touch, and you have to have stayed with someone just because they might touch or pay attention to you. From the foreward of the "Care and Feeding of A&ADD's"... The perfect partner will touch us constantly and willingly, provide us with endless attention and genuine affection. They will love on us where ever we are, and won't hold back, or act all self conscious about it. They will send us little messages and emails and call us, just because. When they are with us, they will attend, make eye-contact, kiss us, hold our hands, stroke us. Where ever we are, at least one of their body parts will be in contact with at least one of our body parts at all times. They will say things like "I miss(ed) you", "I enjoy you", and "You are delicious". They WILL NOT withhold touch to punish us. They will not withhold touch from us ever. And they won't manhandle us...we require TLC, gentle sweetness, honest affection. Our ideal matches will be A&ADD sufferers, just like we are. It is the only way that we'll ever have our needs met, because only someone with A&ADD can understand someone with A&ADD. They will not find us suffocating, because we aren't...we are loving, affectionate, extraordinary people who always give more than we get. Charter memberships are only $5 and come with a certification suitable for framing. Care to join? Blue skies Scott A&ADD #1 Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  2. airdvr

    nice landing... Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  3. Be thankful you don't live in Cleveland. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  4. This is why I changed my feelings towards this. Her $450,000.00 is a far cry from the $60,000.00 I bankrupt. Once I realized exactly how I felt with mounting bills and no possiable way to pay it put me in Shaynas place. This poor girl is pregnant and in need of assistance (they know how that pregnancy thing happens now. Please don't make it sound like it's cancer or something) and all we have done is berate her. I for one am ashamed that I let my passion for the sport over ride my compassion for another human in need. (I am very compassionate to someone in need. You said it yourself...bankruptcy...happens all the time) I hope that they can forgive me for not seeing the whole picture. If you have the ability to place yourself in her situation, do it and then look at what she faces in the future. (You have a crystal ball? What does she face in the future? Why will it be so bad? I understand she's badly injured and somewhat disfigured, but she survived.) Hopefully you will see it from her standpoint. I hope that she can garner some income from this and be at ease. (I have no problem with cashing in on a media event. But I watched the interviews and, even with her boyfriend sitting next to her, she never even hinted at the fact that she may have done something wrong, or may be partially to blame) I also hope that others can understand that they also can find themselves in such a situation and will most likely do what it takes to get on with living a fullfilling life minus the pain and aggravation of mounting debt. After all, skydiving ain't nothing but a thing. Shayna on the other hand is a person in time of need. Let's all have alittle compassion for her and Rick. I cannot imagine how he feels for what has happened. It must be terrible knowing that your descision nearly cost the life of someone you love. (Funny, I'm sure they're both good people, but he was sitting next to her smiling. Didn't look too broke up to me) Leave them alone and just shut up and jump If you're going to cash in on your own misfortune don't take the sport with you. Have the principles and character to make sure it's being reported correctly. This gives everyone in the skydiving community a black eye and is now cannon fodder for every person who ever wanted a good reason to stop someone from considering skydiving. Back in the day a girl at our DZ went in and survived. She did the same thing, Oprah, the whole nine yards, but at least she always made sure to point out that blowing her reserve into her not-cutaway main was a bad idea and was not the fault of the equipment. Shayna is playing on the fears of the general public by repeatedly stating that it was a problem with her equipment and she had no control over anything. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  5. airdvr

    Stephen King

    Dark Tower is not horror or even suspense, but these are my favorite books by King You're saying lobstrocities, the thinny, and all those mid-world freaks are not horror? Only thing that p[issed me off was how long it took for him to finish the series. I was really PO'd at the first DT book when they were on Blain, riddling to save their lives...and then ....nothing for like 10 years! Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  6. By far the best rack in the business! Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  7. Can someone please list the pro's and con's of having an RSL. WHat would it change in my EP's? Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  8. Everyone here is assuming these 2 people didn't execute their EP's at an altitude that would have saved their lives because they lacked some skills or awareness the rest of us possess. Not true. Unfortunately we can't ask them why. Shit happens...I talked with a freind last weekend who opened into a spinner. She said the handles weren't where she expected them to be. She had an RSL and it beat her to silver. Perhaps these people had something different happen. I'm pretty sure that a good friend of mine who went in years ago after cutting away from a wrap couldn't find silver. No jumpsuit...perhaps his shirt came untucked and blew up over the handle. We'll never know and that will always bother me. He most definitely would have had a better chance of still being with us with an RSL. I don't have an RSL now...I will by next season. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  9. Basically laying the canopy out on its "side", then folding with each line group on top of the previous. It's how we packed b4 pro became so popular. The knock on it back then was off heading openings because you're laying the canopy out at 90 degrees off heading...but my headings on opening are all over the place anyways.. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  10. Thz pro packing skills are so rusty and I've got an unpacked Tri sitting on my lving room floor. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  11. Is it OK? Anything to watch out for? Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  12. I've always used my swoop cords...but they're adjusted so they only come into play when I really need them. Emergency brakes so to speak. Adjusted like that, reaching up for the toggles or to collapse the slider isn't an issue. I don't normally jump with gloves on, and I never thought about whether I would put the gloves on over the cord. I think if I do wear gloves the swoop cord would go on over the glove...if only for giving me the option of ditching them if needed. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  13. Anyone know more about this one. Seems to be getting more common...but this one was way too close. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  14. in order...Angelina...Halle...Susan Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  15. Dale Gates at Cleveland Sport (D-51 I think) laughed at me and told me those types of dreams will keep me alive. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  16. Second time I've seen those nasty hooks on Skyvans cause a problem. First one was back in the '80's...ripped a girls container clean open on exit. I know bwcause I dove into a sea of blue fabric and lines. Worked out OK in the end. From then on I always looked to see if those hooks are retracted and duct taped over. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  17. Peoples attitudes must change. There'll always be someone who pushes the envelope. Once they've seen and heard enough about bad swoops, mals, and airplanes it will begin to sink in. Unfortunately there's always someone else to take their place. And why is it that we think these folks must be protected from themselves? Darwinism at work. My only concern with those folks is when they place someone else in danger. But that's nothing new..just a different avenue. Used to be pretty common to have newbies go low on a formation...loiter there then dump. To me its no different than somebody hotdogging it into the landing area and taking someone else with them. All I can do is try to stay out of their way. I used to enjoy flying my canopy after I'm just looking everywhere to make sure someone doesn't bone me. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  18. My 14yo son rode co-pilot on a couple of lifts last year. Since then he's been bugging me on and off to do a tandem. I thought it was really neat......then I watched the Otter crash at AerOhio from under canopy and had to re-think the whole thing. Although the pilots survived I have my doubts if anyone in the back would have, I think we, as jumpers, tend to minimize the risks. We get comfortable in an environment that is just not natural to most people and is inherently dangerous. Do we then assume that it's OK for everyone else? We don't recognize the dangers as being very real but they are...and not just the jump itself. You don't have to look very far in the incidents to see planes trying to get us long before we ever get to altitude. I say let your kids wait and make their own decision. You know it's a high risk activity and you've made the personal decision to accept aren't old enough to make that decision for themselves. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  19. Have a couple of old photographs. Somehow they got wet and I can see they are stuck to the glass. I really want to save them but I fear if I try to seperate them from the glass I'll ruin them. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  20. My personal experience after a 10 year layoff: Just go for it! Let everyone know your situation,,,do a thorough EP review with an instructor...strap that gear on and get busy. It's just like riding a bike. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  21. Wow...I guess everyone has a different experience...lemme tell you mine. i got stupid last year and did my own measuring...needless to say the suit didn't come close to fitting me. I figured I was screwed since I'd measured it myself. Long story short, Tony replaced it at no charge! That's what I call service. My second Tony suit and I've never had a complaint. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  22. Personally, one of the changes in the sport I liked is the higher pull altitudes. Old school here and spent most of my time dumping at 2 grand. On the upside, I think most old schooler's won't stay with a canopy very long when its not behaving properly. When you're used to being in the saddle at 2 or less your response time to a mal is much $.02 Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  23. OK...Aerodyne was really nice about the problems with my Tri. Gave me a Pilot to demo. Here's the rub. Aerodyne says my Tri was not manufactured correctly. Says the top skin is too large in relation to the bottom skin. The mod they did consists of "pinching" the nose closed by taking a small gather of canopy in each cell at the nose and stitching it up. In effect puliing the nose just a bit closed. Didn't seem to effect the flight characteristics. Seems kind of strange. It opened OK..anything was better than being slammed. Anyone ever heard of this type of mod or the problems Aerodyne told me about mis-manufactured canopies? Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  24. I can relate a little to what your friend is saying. I think the different disciplines have fractured the skydiving community at alot of DZ's. Used to be it was all about RW and everyone wanted to do it. Now we have freaks and swoopers and flockers and it seems no one wants to do CReW. I don't see anyone organizing big ways at the end of the day and after an RW dive there's no de-breif to discuss what worked and what didn't. I actually heard someone a few months back refer to our 8 way as a big way! Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  25. Gotta disagree here. It's an opportunity to showcase skydiving. When the F14 does a full military power takeoff straight up that's not the "safest" maneuver he could do. That's not what it's there for. It's to show off the capabilities. What's wrong with a 15 or 20 second delay with smoke? Golden Knights do it at the Cleveland AIrshow. Hell, they get a whole segment...cutaway jump, CReW, diamond track. ANd the people love it. Bring the people some excitement. By todays standards and, I think airshow standards this type of demo is a bore. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne