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Everything posted by airdvr

  1. Saddam's WMD hidden in Syria, says Iraq survey chief By Con Coughlin (Filed: 25/01/2004) David Kay, the former head of the coalition's hunt for Iraq's weapons of mass destruction, yesterday claimed that part of Saddam Hussein's secret weapons programme was hidden in Syria. In an exclusive interview with The Telegraph, Dr Kay, who last week resigned as head of the Iraq Survey Group, said that he had uncovered evidence that unspecified materials had been moved to Syria shortly before last year's war to overthrow Saddam. Just can't imagine why anyone would have been inclined to think SH had WMD's (see below) Weapons inspection: the key dates Iraq's cat-and-mouse games with UN weapons inspectors over the past 12 years have brought the country to the brink of war with the United States and Britain. Some of the key dates include: 1991 February 28 The Gulf War ends, Saddam Hussien's regime remains intact and Iraq's possesion of chemical and biological weapons remains an issue. April 6 Iraq accepts UN resolution 687 calling for it to eliminate its chemical and biological weapon stocks and allows United Nations weapons inspectors to monitor this process. Weapons inspectors are soon barred from some of Iraq's most sensitive sites, including the presidential palaces where Iraq has been accused of hiding chemical weapons. 1997 October 29 Iraq blocks US weapons inspectors, provoking a diplomatic crisis which is defused by a Russian-brokered compromise. 1998 January 13 Iraq bars an inspection by a US-dominated team and accuses its leader, Scott Ritter, of spying for America. February 23 UN Secretary General Kofi Annan announces a deal on weapons inspections after meeting Saddam Hussein. October 31 Baghdad announces it has ceased all co-operation with Unscom, the United Nations Special Commission set up for weapons inspections in Iraq. November 14 The Iraqi leadership tells the UN it is willing to allow inspections to resume. November 17 Unscom inspectors return to Iraq. December 16 The UN orders weapons inspectors out of the country after Unscom chief Richard Butler said the Iraqis were still refusing to cooperate. US air strikes on Iraq begin within hours. 1999 December 17 Unscom is replaced by the UN Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission (Unmovic). Iraq rejects the resolution. 2000 March 1 Hans Blix assumes the post of Unmovic executive chairman. 2002 May 3 Unmovic and Iraqi officials hold talks - the first to take place at technical level since December 1998. July 31 Richard Butler tells a US Senate committee that Iraq stepped up the production of chemical and biological weapons after UN inspections ended - and might even be close to developing a nuclear bomb. August 1 Iraq says the chief weapons inspector, Blix, is welcome in Baghdad for "technical talks". September 12 : President Bush warns Iraq that military action will be unavoidable if it does not comply with UN resolutions on disarmament. September 16 Iraq offers to allow the unconditional return of weapons inspectors. September 24 Britain publishes a report on Iraq's weapons programmes. October 1 Blix and Iraq agree practical arrangements for the return of weapons inspectors. US Secretary of State Colin Powell rejects it and says the US wants a tough new UN Security Council resolution. October 25 US formally proposes a new resolution on disarming Iraq to the UN Security Council. November 4 Saddam Hussein says Iraq will comply with a new UN resolution as long as it does not serve as an excuse for US military action. November 8 UN Security Council unanimously passes a new resolution on Iraq's disarmament, warning of "serious consequences" for material breaches. Under UN resolution 1441 the use of force can only be considered if Iraq lies in its declaration of its weapons programme and obstructs the work of inspectors. November 18 Blix leads UN inspectors back to Baghdad to start their mission. November 27 The weapons team starts work. December 7 Iraq presents the UN with a 12,000-page dossier on its weapons of mass destruction, a day before the UN deadline. December 18 Foreign Secretary Jack Straw says Britain believes Iraq is in "material breach" of the UN resolution, a view which is echoed by the US the next day. December 19 Blix gives an initial briefing to the UN Security Council. December 20 Blix urges the US and Britain to share their intelligence about Iraq's weapons so it can be checked. December 23 Inspectors start interviewing Iraqi nuclear scientists. 2003 January 9: Blix says his team has not uncovered any "smoking guns" which prove Iraq's weapons programme. January 16 A cache of empty chemical warheads which was not mentioned in Saddam's declaration is found in a bunker near the fortress of Uhaidar. UN inspectors also uncover 3,000 pages of material reportedly relating to the enrichment of uranium as part of a nuclear programme in the 1980s. January 17 The White House calls the find "troubling and dangerous" but stops short of saying it is enough to justify war. January 27 UN chief weapons inspector Blix makes his first substantive report to the Security Council on Iraq's weapons programme and its cooperation with inspectors. He said previously: "There has not been sufficient co-operation." Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  2. Never said he was credible...but one has to wonder why a lib journalist like Jerry would want to discredit John Francois. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  3. Powell had a much better chance of being POTUS in '96. I seriously doubt he'll run, and I don't think Hillary's looking to ride anyones coattails into the oval office. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  4. Fortunately I beleive W has a far higher moral standard. I'm not saying he's not getting skull from some intern somewhere...but if he was busted he'd come pun intended
  5. Very true. Buy why? Because of the moral integrity and overwhelming veracity of republican congressmen? Or because he was a democrat? Do you honestly believe it would have been pushed the same way if it were a republican president? Hehe...if it had been GWB...with a dem controlled would have been a feeding frenzy Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  6. He just doesn't get it.,2933,139060,00.html Let's look at the excuses so far... Kerry should have won this election running away. Instead, Bush racked up both an Electoral College win and a 3.6 million vote margin in the popular vote--enough for the Republicans to claim a mandate, unlike the stolen election of 2000. --it was one of the most incompetently run presidential campaigns by a Democrat in my lifetime. In addition, the voters just didn't like the rich stiff--and, as I've often observed, Americans don't want a president thay can't like. (In the exit polls, 76% said the one candidate quality which mattered most in how they voted for president was "he cares about people like me," John Kerry, on the other hand, campaigned as a technocrat, a man who would be better at "managing" the war and the economy. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  7. Read it again...."We had to show this was a systematic attempt by Republican leaders to de-legitimize Bill Clinton and the administration," was an attempt to expose the holder of the highest office in the land for what he was...a baldfaced liar. I still have no problem with womanizing and back hallway headjobs...more power to him if he can get away with it. But when he stared into that camera and pointed his finger at us..."I never had sexual relations with that woman"...Calling it partisan is spin pure and simple. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  8. LITTLE ROCK, Arkansas (AP) -- Bill Clinton's presidential library, opening Thursday, covers Whitewater and Monica Lewinsky in a single display that portrays the White House scandals as a "fight for power" and an exercise in the "politics of persecution." "We had to show this was a systematic attempt by Republican leaders to de-legitimize Bill Clinton and the administration," said former Clinton adviser Bruce Lindsey, who worked with the ex-president through much of the exhibit-design process. The nation's second presidential impeachment is dealt with alongside other scandals in an 8-by-6-foot alcove titled "The Fight for Power." Clinton doesn't need any help de-legitamizing his legacy...he did fine all by himself. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  9. She poses a grave threat to Queen Hillary's run for POTUS in '08. Dems are gonna have a difficult time bashing her and getting away with it. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  10. You wouldn't know that based on the pre-election screaming about Theresa Heinz Kerry's effective tax rate (because she donated half her income to charity). Not true. She used the existing tax loopholes to get around paying taxes just like most super-rich do. Income can be sheltered in trusts where it remains untouched by taxation until it is spent. In the meantime the value of the trusts continues to rise. 'Charities' are also a favourite dodge of the leftist elite. When most people think of charities they imagine orphanages, school grants, medical foundations, etc. However, in the leftist world of the likes of Theresa Heinz Kerry leftwing political organisations also count as charities. For example, using the Heinz Family Philanthropies and the infamous Tides Foundation, she has been able to channel tax-free funds into anti-American, anti-Israel and even pro-terrorist groups. (One of the beneficiaries of her largess, the Ruckus Society, is planning to disrupt the GOP's New York convention). That Theresa Heinz Kerry has deliberately circumvented the law in the name of charity in order to finance these vicious groups is in itself an immoral act, and one that bears investigating by the IRS Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  11. If you avail yourself of those benefits...... Get serious...tired of having a battle of wits with an unarmed person. What you're suggesting is ridiculous. I'm supposed to denounce my family's holdings because of how they came by it? If someone has a legitimate claim let them go through the proper channels. I think VW had to pay out a few years back for using Nazi slave labor. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  12. What is cause for concern is that 2 of the 5 permanent members of the U N Security Council have ties to the program. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  13. I'm not expected to be responsible for my grandfather's business dealings almost 70 years ago. Anuone who thinks I am is nuts. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  14. Really, so tell me, how do the troops dying in Iraq protect freedom of speach? Let me help you understand. I realize it escapes you how the 2 can be tied together....right now there's people planning on killing americans...lots of them. I hope they don't do you. What we're doing in Iraq and other parts of the world helps to keep them from carrying out their plans. They hate us, they hate our way of life, and that includes your right to say what it is you think without worrrying that someone will take you away in the middle of the night because they don't agree with you. Get it? And before you start flaming about ties between SH and Al Queda read my other posts.,2933,132682,00.html Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  15. Let's see the source of this information. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  16. airdvr

    Buh Bye Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  17. Somehow they'll find a way to hang some non-descript person out to dry for this one. Either way, it suggests that the UN is a sham organization and the Security Council is corrupt beyond all imagination. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  18. She must think that the War in Iraq has something to do with Free Speech... Whenever our troops are dying its ultimately to protect our way of life. And that includes the right to free speech. The mear fact that you would question what the mother of someone who made the ultimate sacrifice so you and I can enjoy our lives speaks volumes about your lack of character. And before you start flaming away about how Iraq has nothing to do with 911 or terrorism just remember that right now, somewhere in the world, someone is planning on attacking us again. The reason?...they hate our way of life, they hate our values, and they hate who we are. I think this particular mother would rather you say a silent prayer for her son and go back to doing whatever it is you are free to do. I bet $1000 she believes Saddam was directly responsible for the 9/11 attacks and that the US has concrete evidence of WMD, Nuclear Programs, and a link between Saddam and the terrorists of Al-Queda as described by the Bush dministration before we invaded Iraq. Both Duelfer and Kay found Iraq had "a clandestine network of laboratories and safe houses with equipment that was suitable to continuing its prohibited chemical- and biological-weapons [BW] programs," the official said. "They found a prison laboratory where we suspect they tested biological weapons on human subjects." They found equipment for "uranium-enrichment centrifuges" whose only plausible use was as part of a clandestine nuclear-weapons program. In all these cases, "Iraqi scientists had been told before the war not to declare their activities to the U.N. inspectors," the official said. Now, buried in some of the United Nation's own confidential documents, clues can be seen that underscore the possibility of just such a Saddam-Al Qaeda link — clues leading to a locked door in this Swiss lakeside resort. Next to that door, a festive sign spells out in gold letters under a green flag that this is the office of MIGA, the Malaysian Swiss Gulf and African Chamber . Registered here 20 years ago as a society to promote business between the Gulf States and Asia, Europe and Africa, MIGA is a company that the United Nations and the U.S. government says has served as a hub of Al Qaeda finance: A terrorist chamber of commerce.,2933,132682,00.html Funny article though What was funny about it? Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  19. The 54-year-old Kim, a self-trained love-making specialist, I was self trained too....but my Mom used to get really mad at me when she caught me "in training" Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  20. Why would Bush appointing judges to the SC scare you? Becasue they aren't liberal enough? Do you think they'l reverse Rowe v. Wade? (won't happen) When was the last time any SC decision affected you personally? Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  21. No President has won a majority of the popular vote since 1988 so, sorry liberals, it is an astounding win, it is a mandate from the people. Now you can go huddle in a corner with Springsteen, The Dixie Chicks, George Clooney, Michael Moore, and all the other Hollywood types for the next 4 years. Watch and learn about what a leader with character and principles can and will accomplish. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  22. [ I also remember a resolution that stated that the WMD inspectors should go on with their work in Iraq, as they have done successfully in the years after the Gulf War. True...but what we didn't know at the time was the principles involved on the Security Council and Koffi Annan himself were raking in big coin for the Oil for Food Program. The last thing they wanted was the US screwing up thier cash cow...and...according to the Duelfer report... Saddam wanted to recreate Iraq’s WMD capability—which was essentially destroyed in 1991—after sanctions were removed and Iraq’s economy stabilized, but probably with a different mix of capabilities to that which previously existed. Saddam aspired to develop a nuclear capability—in an incremental fashion, irrespective of international pressure and the resulting economic risks—but he intended to focus on ballistic missile and tactical chemical warfare (CW) capabilities. But...this is old news. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  23. The Guardian? Same rag that had an editorial piece wanting to know where the Lee Harvey Oswalds and Sirhan Sirhan's of the world are when we really need them? File them under C for crap. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  24. Tracey Schmitt, a Bush campaign spokeswoman, said no one on the campaign staff "can remember the incident or understand why they would have been removed unless there was reason to believe that they were disruptive or were planning to be disruptive.'' I guess it comes down to who do you beleive. Isn't it convenient that they just happen to have a picture of themselves. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  25. So far I don't see any mention of what might have been on the backs of those shirts. Somehow we all tend to beleive what we read and take it to heart as the "truth". I'm positive there's more to this story than what was printed. Lessee, we've got "teachers" who everyone knows are above reproach and people saying that things are "obscene" which is a great trigger word. I thinks we're being worked here. The source is a website called The Bend. WHat is it that they are bending? Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne