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Everything posted by airdvr

  1. On a brighter note I think HillBill for '08 is done. SHe's put the big "healthcare" bullseye on her back once again and she'll get run over by it once again. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  2. I told Dale Gates (D-91) about those kind of dreams when I first started. He just chuckled and said "those are the dreams that'll keep you alive." Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  3. Many great things have happened to skydiving in my 20+ years. I think the original poster may have been referring to the downward trend in USPA membership. I lay that partly in the hands of Tandem, and the USPA itself. For a long time the USPA got it in its fool head to try to make skydiving "mainstream". Actually tried to make folks think it was safe. Be careful what you wish for... Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  4. airdvr


    Anyone see this last night on CMT? I thought it was done extremely well. Very surprising to get that insight on him the drive-by media misses. clicky Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  5. Some very interesting bits in the book: The First Lady called Rove "Pigpen" or "Boy Genius" both in negative context and thought he was a necessary evil. She also would get angry over Rove getting too much credit instead of GW. The Author felt Bush was almost uninterested as Katrina approached the Gulf Coast in 2005. When he showed up from his vacation at the emergency briefing, he was so "gassed" and exhausted that he didn't ask any questions during the briefing. Bush admits to bouts of crying over the Iraq War and that he cries out of public view to appear strong and instead cries on God's Shoulder. Bush admits to seeing Ghosts come out of the wall in the Lincoln Bedroom. Bush said he was creeped out by the White House when his Dad was President. Rove apparently rebutted a Republican Senator that said an invasion in Iraq wouldn't be welcomed by it's citizens. He in fact imagined the response would be like the US entering Paris in WW2. Bush plans on doing the lecture circuit after his term to "replenish the ol' coffers" and make "ridiculous" amounts of money just like his Dad and Clinton. Bush recaps his hated for the UN saying he wouldn't be found in the hallways of the UN like Clinton after his term is done. Many have seen the news in the last two days that Major Policy decisions were made without consulting or informing Bush. Apparently the book highlights the lack of communication and mismanaged decisions in the administration. For instance, Bush didn't know that Paul Bremmer was disbanding the Iraq Army in 2003. Bush apparently doesn't know why the Army was disbanded when it was the initial policy to keep it together. However Bremmer is now claiming in the press he had full support for his actions. Anyhow, this looks like it could be a very interesting read. the non-fiction section. I'm still looking for that damning evidence you talked about earlier. All I'm reading here is a la Kitty Kelly. Please. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  6. airdvr


    Ur confused. Jessie's checking our her purse which you can't see from this angle. Bill's checking anything. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  7. Of course they didn't violate any rights by making a request - however they treated it as a demand and tried to force him to comply. You agree that there was absolutely nothing wrong in what the author did in refusing to show his receipt? No. The store has a right to see your receipt. He actually violated the store's right to see it. They're not doing a search, rather a verification which is within their rights. I'm pretty sure that the door monkey wasn't properly trained in what to do in the event someone refuses. I've seen it time and again. You give someone some power and they feel an obligation to excercise it above and beyond where the fence is built. His actions were consistent with dealing with a "known" shoplifter and that wasn't the case here. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  8. airdvr

    Surf's up! Wow...this is wild! Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  9. Baaa1...give it to me good Bill! Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  10. [reply So even if the store is breaking the law you think its okay? Do you really believe they are breaking the law with the policy they set in their stores? At this point I pushed my way past Joe and walked onto the sidewalk next to the building. I pulled out my phone and dialed 911. I called for help and I got arrested. Yea...that qualifies as an emergency. I knew exactly what I was doing and was very careful with my words. He was spoiling for a fight by his own admission. I have to say the cop probably stepped on his crank but living in Ohio and knowing a bit about Brooklyn I'm guessing this cop was pissed that he had to respond to this little whiner who dialed 911 for a non-emergency. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  11. One other thing this does is prevent the cashier from allowing someone to walk out with merchandise they haven't paid for. I can see where that would be a big concern for the store. For me, it's no big deal. I'm having a hard time understanding why it is for others. You can always vote with your feet...meaning if you don't like their policy don't shop there. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  12. It's their store thay can do what they want to. They don't need a law while you're still inside. I don't understand why anyone would have a problem showing their reciept if asked. Do you think they do this to be pricks? They have a right to protect themselves. Me: “I’m required by law to state that my name is Michael Righi, but I do not have to provide you with my driver’s license since I am not operating a vehicle.” Officer Arroyo: “Give me your driver’s license or I will place you under arrest.” Me: “My name is Michael Righi. I am not willing to provide you with my driver’s license.” Officer Arroyo: “Turn around and up against the wall.” I think there's a law somewhere that say you have to show proof of indentity when asked by police. Regardless, this guy was just looking for a reason to be beligerent. I'll be interested to see what happens with his case. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  13. clicky Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  14. Actually, I'm an agent for UA. Beleive me its more about the way the agent explains the policy at the time of sale. As in any business there are people who do it correctly and ethically and people who don't. You don't have to look far on that website to find complaints on all insurance companies. Its got alot to do with understanding what is and what is not covered and what ya have to do to get covered. Though they do have some crappy complaints, and looking at thier plans its shit to. The plans aren't shit...but they aren't major medical either. There are some agents who don't disclose that and it comes back to bite them in the ass. It's actually very affordable coverage for people who have no insurance. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  15. I wonder if they have some requirements about the placement. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  16. Sweet ride...but I have to many jumps did it cost ya? Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  17. airdvr

    John Elway

    As a long suffering Browns fan I can only suck Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  18. In a word...burble. Not to mention that the bridle wraps up the bottom of the pilot chute. I had a similar incident with my reserve on a floater (yea...Racer). PC sat in the burble. I'd have rode that puppy to the ground if I hadn't looked over my shoulder. You can see how it would hjave been easy to have the bridle wrap around an arm or a leg in that video. Thank you Bill. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  19. Check out the deployment at 2:30 Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  20. Of course I do. It just really irritates me when people use the term "real mom" or "real dad" as if the people who raised me are some kind of fakes. My real mom and dad are the people who have been there for me my whole life. Yes. I got that alot too. Just because you know how to conceive doesn't make you a mother or a father. Not preaching or anything but I was given this book awhile back and it was an epiphany of sorts I've avoided the search for my biologicals becasue I felt it would hurt my parents. Now as I get older and have my own kids I wonder more often. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  21. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  22. airdvr


    wouldnt that hurt? Yea...that silicone can be really hard Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  23. I like these Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  24. Wonder if he had time to turn a style set Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  25. airdvr

    New Laptop!!!

    Swwet. But that little graphic in the circle looks suspiciously like.... Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne