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Everything posted by skydiver30960

  1. Ha, totally forgot I'd posted this. Craigslist has a "best of CL" heading on each city's main page that leads you to postings that were nominated for the title by readers. Every few months I check in and marvel at the crazies and funnies. Elvisio "worth a read" Rodriguez
  2. For me, the solution is to ask myself this: "Is stopping the act I am about to stop with deadly force worth me spending the next twenty years of my life in jail?" Right off the top, assume the worst. Assume that you will go to jail on a technicality. Assume that your lawyer will be a brain dead vegetable, that your judge will have a vendetta against you, and the jury will be deaf and blind. Don't worry about what the law says, worry about what your heart says. Stopping a murder? Makes sense. Twenty of my years in exchange for a lifetime of someone else's. Stopping someone from taking my TV? Well, maybe not such a good deal. Elvisio "think then act decisively" Rodriguez
  3. Definitely off topic, but just in case anyone with kids hasn't heard about this one yet... Elvisio "none for me, thanks" Rodriguez
  4. A barful. Elvisio "I'm just here for the beer and boobies" Rodriguez
  5. "OHSHITOHSHITOHSHITOHSHITOSHITOHSHIT!" Elvisio "no hairs left on that frogs ass... oh wait, no hairs anyway" Rodriguez
  6. I was reading on one of the anti-419 sites that the scammers actually use crappy grammar and bad english on purpose. The thought is that it auto-selects the population they're scamming: they don't want to put effort into trying to scam reasonably smart people who will figure out down the road that they're getting taken. SO, make the original point of contact so obviously bad so that anyone who DOES respond to their request is probably stupid enough that they aren't going to catch on later down the road. Elvisio "but, I read it on the internet, so that means it's true" Rodriguez
  7. Elvisio "10 points for persistence" Rodriguez
  8. I'm going to have a hard time giving shit to someone for pocketing a couple creamers. The average worker's wasted productivity due to Facebook alone totally eclipses the cost of such pilfered nondairy products. I can see the point of some above that any theft is that: theft. I also think we can reasonably draw a line somewhere to say at what point a company should begin to get concerned. While I can't say exactly where that line is, I'm guessing a couple creamer packets is below that line rather than over it. And for the record, I'm not posting from work! Elvisio "master of 24 hour shifts" Rodriguez
  9. I agree that I'm somewhat intrigued by the trailer... I'm also THRILLED to see the new Mad Max is coming out around the New Year, very excited to see that one. Elvisio "one is about a police force out of control, the other is about no police force at all" Rodriguez
  10. The tricky part would be getting my management to pay for it... for the thousands of air medical crewmembers they have. Elvisio "send me a quote " Rodriguez
  11. From a flight nurse: Scrubs have become a de facto uniform, worn by WAY more people in healthcare than just those that actually need to change out of them frequently. ACTUALLY, the ones who might need to change into fresh scrubs frequently or who work in areas where infection or getting bloody is a significant issue (such as the OR and Labor/Delivery) will have their scrubs provided by the hospital. SO, more than likely, you won't ever see them out in public in scrubs. They go to work in street clothes, change into the hospital-provided scrubs, then wear their street clothes home. Most hospital staff are expected to provide their own scrubs. When infection is a risk (either to or from the patient), supplemental precautions are used including gowns and masks. The degree and type of precaution used is a function of the illness and mode of transmission being considered. Study after study after study has shown the most effective barrier to transmission of disease is... wait for it... hand washing. If healthcare workers are doing their job of washing their hands well, and you as an average Joe wash your hands prior to/ after handling food or handling your moist bits, you'll go a long way to keeping yourself as healthy as possible. Elvisio "wish I could wear scrubs now, but can't get them in Nomex" Rodriguez
  12. My already overstuffed DVR thanks you. Elvisio "sorry, my dear wife, but all that Elizabethan crap just has to go to make space for quality entertainment" Rodriguez
  13. Find something you love to do.... Elvisio "and do it like a badass, whatever it is" Rodriguez
  14. I can only give a partial answer since I don't own a Mac anymore. But what I would say is that if we were discussing a PC laptop I'd say HELL NO, it's not worth it. A new Windows laptop would run you just a couple hundred bucks more, if you would be happy with a entry -level machine (which I am). BUT, given that you're talking about a Mac and its much higher buy-in price, I think there could be more consideration given to repair/improvement over just chucking the old unit. For me the deciding factor would include the opinions of the know-it-alls at the store, Mac owners here and elsewhere, and what is or is not in Apple's development pipeline for release in the next couple years. Elvisio "I don't use burner phones, I use burner laptops" Rodriguez
  15. I must admit I missed my chance to go today. BUT, a FB post from a very pro-2nd friend of mine said that when he went in (open carrying of course) that about 80% of the people in there were also showing their support, in one way or another. (He is in Arizona, FTR) Here's my question: The comment that someone upstream made about "most people have no idea I'm carrying even when I'm standing right next to them" got me thinking. Do you ever worry that being so in-your-face in demonstrating your support for and rights under the 2nd could cause a community backlash? The point made by the poster above is true: most CCDW folks prefer to keep a "low profile." An entire Starbucks could be armed on any other day, and Joe Average could have a hard time noticing it. But in this situation, with everybody "showing support" by open carrying, do the "on the fence" voters look around and think "man, these gun folks really are nuts!" FTR I consider myself a moderate 2nd supporter. I just worry that in such powerful demonstrations more damage may be done than good. Elvisio "just pondering" Rodriguez
  16. Winner. I DO agree with points made above that having a "medical condition" has become a badge that many are now PROUD to wear. It makes one special, worthy of pity and attention because if it's a condition it isn't your fault, it was a cross you were forced to bear. But that being said, it's all about money. Once a medical condition has a name, medications can be invented to fix it and it can be coded to be claimed on insurance claims. Elvisio "I would like to add (no Obamacare) if permitted" Rodriguez
  17. Some friends and I were discussing this from a "can't wait to see it vs. sacred ground never to be desecrated" point of discussion. My guess is that a) I will go and then b) I will wish I hadn't Elvisio "sacred ground ain't just for Highlander fans" Rodriguez
  18. I bet he didn't even understand what you were saying, assumed it was road rage, and downshifted into "road rage mode" himself. Are there any property tags on the unit that would tell you what company owns it? Maybe make a call to the manufacturer to see if they can trace it by serial number? I'm SURE the company would love to hear how well this employee takes care of their equipment, and how they handle themselves when on the road representing the company. Elvisio "some people are just assholes, regardless of race" Rodriguez
  19. Kim Kardashian's new vibrator. Elvisio "just a guess" Rodriguez
  20. A married couple (self-employed, an economist and a writer, bought and payed for health insurance on their own, owned a decent plan) I know just got written notification from their insurance provider that their premiums would go up 116% due to the ACA. I know this is just one data point in an entire country full of them, but it hits close to home for me since I know they're good folks, who will have to see a drastic change in lifestyle and/or coverage. Elvisio "not all good news" Rodriguez
  21. I'm looking at this program like I would look at a full syringe of heroin: I know that it would only take one hit to swallow up my life; leaving my job, marriage, and home in shambles. I have enough crap in my life that does that already! Elvisio "back away, slowly" Rodriguez
  22. Fine with me, the statement I made wasn't partisan at all. If the blue states have more money, so be it, and let them spend that money however their voters might choose. Same goes for the red states. If you find yourself in a state that doesn't spend your money the way you want it to, move to a state that does. Elvisio "too simple to work" Rodriguez
  23. Perfect timing: I report for jury duty on August 8. Elvisio "apparently I am a peer" Rodriguez
  24. You'd best hope not, as they are paying the way for the red states. Don I say: fuck it all, let each state pay its own way. If Michigan wants extensive "liberal" programs to keep Detroit from rioting, let them pay for it. If California wants tons of green technology, let them pay for it. If Arizona wants big walls and big guns at the border, let them pay for it. Push everything we can back down to the state level. Dissolve as many federal programs as possible. Federal funds should be to build our roads, defend our borders, and... well, that's about it. Elvisio "snowball's chance in hell" Rodriguez
  25. Well, they were still under warranty. 4-year service and battery replacement? Elvisio "the FAA can suck it" Rodriguez