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Everything posted by whatever

  1. dude, seriously, post a different pic, that one's just not very flattering! peace! soon to be gone
  2. well, there are blue skies at my 'local' dropzones today, but..... there are high winds too, think 60 km/h + ... there's snow on the runway and it's still too soft for the snowplow to go on.... the 0 degree Celsius temperature I can deal with soon to be gone
  3. 81 seconds long sleeve t-shirt and cargo pants - tracking dive 14000ft to 2800ft by the look of some of these posts, I guess I've got to work on it a bit... soon to be gone
  4. 121 and I'm almost ashamed that it would've been much higher if I had more money to spend on computers and gadgets.... guess it's a good thing that I got my priorities straight and now spend my money on jumping.. soon to be gone
  5. yeah, you are obviously and without any doubt the most awesome imminent dutchman kisser on dz.com.... soon to be gone
  6. don't think I've heard the Metallica cover, but the Thin Lizzy song totally rocks! soon to be gone
  7. yup, know that feeling all too well... still, it could be worse, you could be like me and stand a good chance to spend xmas working.... at least I'll be able to afford more skydiving toys then! soon to be gone
  8. all you have to do is repeat that 1162 times and you'll know first hand! soon to be gone
  9. Hey Frodo at 6'2 you're probably not too light, so I would say get 26" wheels and try for ones that has 32 spokes laced 3-cross. 36 spokes are good too, but not that much stronger unless they're laced 4 cross and then it's a bit heavier... try and avoid 28 spoke radial laced wheels unless you're real light (under like 150lbs) or real light on your bike... have fun, man! and watch out for those chainring tattoos - I eventually got a permanent one soon to be gone
  10. found this pic of the same inflatable, since named 'Willy' , by the DZ I donated him to, as their yearly waterjump PLA marker.... also, me on the waterjump
  11. I'm thankful for being able to do and feel what I do and having another day to experience this life.
  12. I do need to add another option or two! could someone please tell me how? just editing the post doesn't give me the option of editing the poll thanks soon to be gone
  13. What do you mean, story? Are you implying there's something strange happening in my piccie? I went cycling through Italy for a week with this friend of mine. On one of the days she was having a 'sense of humour'-failure and I spotted these inflatables for sale by the side of the road..... I just knew I *had* to get the orca, it put a smile on her face and besides, what better way to spend a few hours in the summer than cycling around Lake Garda with an inflatable orca taped to your backpack? made sense to me at the time, but then, so do a lot of other things (and of course I have some funny pics from those too) here's the rest of the trip if you're into the European scenery: http://www.geocities.com/a2984298/italianjob.html cheers Sam edited for spelling, twice, I should really start using the spell checker... soon to be gone
  14. holy crap is this thread getting huge or what? guess I'll just help it grow some... maybe not a hottie pic but good for a laugh later soon to be gone
  15. yeah man, no shit, there I was, jumping at Headcorn Parachute Club.... but I have since moved continents and even though winter here is gonna be hella cold, in summer there's quite a few turbines close enough, I personally love the KingAir..... what happened to your 'Trig does not...' signature? or did you miss skidrow too much and go back? soon to be gone
  16. my 100th jump... last load of the weekend, me an my friend on a 2-way with a video guy too, the rest of the load (13 I think) on a bigway... so, as they try to do for the last load of the weekend, sunset load and all, we got some extra altitude (15000, I think), but this meant it was really a sunset jump (at exit) the bigway takes way long to climb out and leave, so when the video guy dumped at 5000 or so, I had a look around as I tracked and I thought: 'why does the ground looks so unfamiliar?' opened as soon as I had good seperation turned into the video guy's direction and realised I'm not making it back.... I should've just fought the temptation to try and make it to one of the fields adjacent to the LZ (I've landed off in a few of them ) , but I didn't and when I realised they were out of reach too, I ended up putting it down in a the biggest open field around, which happened to be a 'big cat sanctuary'... so there I was, landed next to an open topped wire enclosure used to house such friendly cats as Lions and Tigers.... it was dark and there were plenty of fences between me and the DZ... so I quickly packed (no way am I dragging my open canopy across some ugly fences and hedges if I can help it) and headed over to the trailer with lights on nearby. the people where really friendly, their kid was like: 'daddy, he landed right here!' but they pointed me towards the road and wished me well... walked about a kilometre to the nearest pub, strolled in with my rig and jumpsuit over the shoulder, ordered a Coke and phoned the DZ to have someone pick me up... it's pitch black outside by now and I'm getting some funny looks, but the jump went great and I'm unbelievably happy to be sitting in a pub in England waiting for my ride, thinking back to the first day I went to the DZ and got the area briefing.... 'and over here is the big cat sanctuary, these four square things are wire fence enclosures with Lions in them...' immediatly I could see the headlines in The Sun : 'South African eaten by Lion in England after bizarre parachute incident' I was happy no-one got to see that headline! soon to be gone
  17. Hi. can't remember where I heard this, but it's pretty funny anyway... Apparently this military guy was taking up skydiving and on one of his first jumps (maybe his first) he cut away because the canopy was pink and he didn't want to fly a pink canopy !?! anyone else heard this and any other entertaining tales? soon to be gone
  18. exit a tube, hold it for a good while (legstrap grips), break it open into a catterpliler, track the cat like crazy, when you're going real fast, the front person does forward loop, which catapults the rear person across the sky in a most satisfactory way!
  19. that's what I think, but I could be totally wrong... *** Alien Skin SF? I put my thumb on the channel just before it goes under the right flap and push it up and under the flap to keep it taught, seems to help keep it neat and tight. *** Alien Skin SF, close....
  20. after looking at the pic of the Javelin with dynamic corners in Gear & Rigging, I can see that. It does look like there is some sort of angled edge there though, maybe that's just the way binding tape is attached, but it looks like there is something that tends to angle the 'dynamic corner inserts' (yellow bits on that picture) inwards nad that that would also tend to do so with the bottom flap when closed?? could you eloborate on the differences in the way the corners are stitched in the Javelin and the Teardrop? thanks soon to be gone
  21. Gus Thanks for the info. I'm pretty sure it is the way the Javelin's side flaps wrap around the bottom flap, but the Teardrop doesn't. The Wings' sideflaps wrap around as well and the Gargoyle's does too, but only very slightly. I believe this supports and locates the bottom flap when closed, giving rise to Robert Jones' comments. I can see the logic in this and totally agree with it, but then, I can so no reason why the sideflaps of the Teardrop couldn't be modified to wrap around the bottom flap a little too.... it just requires more work Chute Shop S.A.'s Vortex II containers have the wrap around corners too and they seem to have started out as Javelin copies and evolved into featuring a ver Wings'like look/design as far as the side and bottom flaps go. I believe they offer the some form of open or dynamic corners for wingsuit flying too. I would even want to go so far as to incorporate the bridle cover into the sideflap 'extensions', like I've seen on some containers, as the channel that the Teardrop has stitched onto the bottom flap isn't that easy to keep nice and neat, but then, maybe that's just a function of me having fairly soft material on my Teardrop. soon to be gone
  22. holy crap, dude I think the better question is: 'how normal is it to have girlfriends in the 6'1 - 6'3 range?' you must be living near the long lost village of the amazons or something.... I used to feel average at 6'0, now I feel short, people on this continent eat too much sugar... soon to be gone
  23. Hey there. I' sure someone out there has modified their Thomas Sports Teardrop Superfly for wingsuit use. Would you please share some info and pics if you have? And any comments on how it's worked for you. I'm specifically interested in knowing if someone has fitted dynamic corners and then there's the question of Pilot Chute size and construction. I'd like to know TSE's views on these mods if anyone who has discussed it with them care to comment. thanks Sam edited for spelling - doh! soon to be gone