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Everything posted by whatever

  1. I'm pretty sure you want raw asparagus for maximum olfactory effect. soon to be gone
  2. for sure, that's the best way to see it! maybe, just in case, you should post your butt in the 'post your butt' thread and get some 2nd opinions.... you know, that stereotype about women thinking their butt is bigger than it actually is - *so true* soon to be gone
  3. you have a big butt? wouldn't say so from your avatar.... I'm from Africa, where big butts are really big and quite plentiful too...... nothing wrong with having a big butt.... if it's within reason it'll even help you track better and fall slower, IMHO, as far as female skydivers go.. soon to be gone
  4. In their/our defence, English is one of the most frustrating languages to learn if it's not your first language..... so let's hear it for those that do the most damage soon to be gone
  5. hey, dove! I'm not convinced your thong looks the same, I think we need better and more pictures..... (of your thong, not hers...) purely for scientific purposes..... soon to be gone
  6. 'No that doesn't make your ass look big, it's your bad diet and lack of exercise that make your ass look big...' wish I could claim I said that, but sadly, I cannot... soon to be gone
  7. Great...thanks!!! That's all I needed now....the song that says: "I like big butts..." ARG!!!! hey, that sounds like a song by Sir Mixalot, or at least a line from one of his songs... soon to be gone
  8. yeah, what he said, stop murdering the Queen's English, please.... I can't decide what puzzles me more, what the Americans do to English or what the Canadians do to it, eh? Like people who think that a pylon is a traffic cone.... WTF? soon to be gone
  9. What gets even worse is: person - persons - person's - persons' and all those. The use of the apostrophe, when used to indicate posession, especially in the plural form, causes much confusion. All I can say is: 'Fire away, Grammar Police, Spelling Police, Language Police, Repost Police, Sense of Humour Police, Forum Etiquette Police, as between my time in South Africa, England, the U.S. and Canada, I am now impervious to criticism regarding any of the above, I almost always believe I know of at least one better way to do it and I don't care if you think I'm full of shit!' PS: f*k the P.C. Police - as P.C. has to be one thing in this life that I have no time for.... soon to be gone
  10. hmm, good point about the hoppers etc. I guess it'd have to be on the shoulders kind of jobbie then, or as a few paint markers have fully electronic triggers these day, putting the handle on the top of the marker upside down would be easy enough... soon to be gone
  11. yeah, that's the kind of paintjob I'm talking about..
  12. '... but Tom Green can hump a dead moose...' Tom Green has to be one of the best things about Canada ever.... soon to be gone
  13. You know, I don't have a comeback for that one. You're right. But still . . . Kelly You know the people here . . . It could just as easily been a joke about porn and the mile high club. "Debbie does a King air" "When Bambi meets King Air" I think if it was poor Debbie in this case it would've read: 'Debbie gets done by King Air' and it'd be your own fault for looking... soon to be gone
  14. whatever

    More choices

    Hey tonto give up this dubya thing and go jump already! some of us have left our beautiful S.A. weather behind to freeze our ass off elsewhere, you kinda owe it to us to be glad you're very far away from george dubya and you probably have nice jumping weather right about now... soon to be gone
  15. I really do like the Let - huge door, bigger than an Otter's door, me thinks... One of the best things about them has to be the 'standard' Eastern European Airliner paintjobs on them... soon to be gone
  16. How about: ‘Mr. Bill’s Dogfighting Flying Paintball Circus’ ? That should prove fairly descriptive…. I really like the Mr. Bill idea, as it adds the factor of hanging upside from ‘Sluggo’s’ legs while trying to shoot paintballs at another pair. Also, it adds the skill of getting the Mr. Bill working first…. And there’s the teamwork angle, too, very important…. And, just like ‘Top Gun’ pairs of players can have matching dorky nicknames…. As for Darwin, bring it on…. I think you’ll find that risk taking, as a phenotype trait, is connected to the same gene that makes you a skydiver…. It’s all lines in the sand…. Don’t kid yourself that your line is the ‘real’ one and that there aren’t people on the other side of it thinking: ‘Yup, Darwin’ - just because you skydive…. soon to be gone
  17. that's why we have the Mr. Bill release altitude and ceasefire at something like 5000ft, leaves Sluggo plenty of time to remove mask, Mr.Bill counts 5-10 seconds after release, putting him/her at 4600-4000ft on deployment, with once again plenty of time to remove mask.... Fullface paintball masks are very well ventitlated and many have double lenses to avoid fogging up seriously, all these little details can be sorted out in a safe, sensible manner, IMHO, as a long time paintballer and short time skydiver... as for laser tag - it's just not the same.... anyone who's ever run around the woods firing a 68 Special like mad and feeling like a total loonie knows that laser tag just doesn't compare... like when my team was sponsored - free paint - and we played that game where I shot out 750 paintballs in an hour or two - more fun that you can shake a stick at! soon to be gone
  18. Did you already include me? dude, you are *so* there... yeah,I kinda figured you're one too... soon to be gone
  19. hey hey definitely want some used equipment you don't care much for, for this kind of thing.. this has got to have the potential to get sponsored by some dumbassed tv show or something - would be great to stick the bill for this on someone else! thanks for the hint about the waterballoon - will follow up as for where the paintballs and anything dropped ends up, some DZs over the deserts can get away with safely throwing cars out of planes, we should be able to find a suitable venue..... someone's gonna do this sooner or later - I'd like to be in on it.... PS - who's the other 5 crazies who said count me in so far? (obviously I'm one) edited for grammar (flame away) and for extra crazies voting... soon to be gone
  20. I think the paintball safety would be fine if everyone wore full face paintball masks, I'm quite sure they'll stand up to the skydiving too and if they need mods it would be minor. As for the canopy safety, if we go Mr.Bills only, start high (like 12-14K) and have a ceasefire and Mr.Bill release altitude of say, 4-5K, I believe we can accomodate that too. Obviously you'd turn the velocity on the markers down as far as is practical and do some tests to see if you are really going to put holes in canopies, I doubt you will, and besides, I'm willing to bet any half-decent paintballer could avoid hitting canopies. OK, that's an interesting statement. in retrospect that's not the best solution, I prefer the Mr. Bill idea as I believe it makes more sense - any better for you? thanks made it clicky I seriously don't think this is such a mad idea and if there's ever a sport I'd like to watch it'd be this! soon to be gone
  21. man, that sounds like potentially the best jump plane crossing ever! if only the result was something the size of the Otter that climbs and flies like the King Air...
  22. holes in our canopies - interesting - I'm not quite convinced you would, but it's not impossible - guess we'd want old canopies, eh? so, how about this, since the tandem bit scared some folks: you exit in pairs, Mr. Bills, and in the unlikely event that Mr. Bill and his paint marker (well padded for the exit, etc.) is still clinging on after opening, at like 14000ft or so, he can do the leg-lock thing with Sluggo, unwrap the padding from his paintmarker, lock and load and become the upside-down-hanger-on-gunner.... think of the video, think of the video! (although the last thing I'd ever want to bring into that kind of situation would be expensive electronics...) soon to be gone
  23. paintball under canopy... either solos or the tandem 'gunner' idea... come-on, you know you want to! soon to be gone
  24. I've been trying to find somebody (and some old gear) to do canopy paintball with for years. I haven't had much luck finding another interested participant. --Douva D-22772 Hey hey! count me in! I've been looking for an excuse to buy a paint rifle again and I've always wanted to do paintball under canopy! for added craziness people on the ground should play too - in fact, it can be a game from exit to manifest! shoot while landing at your own risk.... in fact, this has drifted, so I'm gonna post a paintball under canopy poll and try to get us crazies together, we can even involve the birdmen by having gunners riding rodeo.... later soon to be gone
  25. yeah, but I bet the time you drank cider it was something like White Lightning, in those crazy 3 litre bottles..... soon to be gone