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Everything posted by whatever

  1. damn, dude... little legs! ROTFLMAO soon to be gone
  2. whatever

    Good Bye kat69

    for Chute: {{{{{{{{{vibes}}}}}}}}}} trying to understand these situations is very trying on everyone, but given some time you can remember your friend in a happy way and keep almost exclusively the memories of the good times you had together and what she meant to you for Kat: Blue Skies soon to be gone
  3. Okay, so here's the list so far: quade goth skydiver zero http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?username=quade; whatever goth skydiver one http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?username=whatever; bozo goth skydiver three http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?username=bozo; (thanks to RevJim) kallend goth skydiver 69 http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?username=kallend; Nightingale goth skydiver thirteen http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?username=Nightingale; DJL goth skydiver 666 http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?username=DJL; vonSanta goth skydiver seven http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?username=vonSanta; welshKat goth skydiver 667 http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?username=welshKat; RippedCord goth skydiver 2.7182818284590500 http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?username=RippedCord; get your's while the getting's good.... soon to be gone
  4. How can you not be merry when you get to throw yourself out of a plane on regular basis and survive? besides, did my 2nd sucessful Mr.Bill yesterday and that time I was Mr. Bill (not Sluggo, like before) - so I'll be happy all week! soon to be gone
  5. yeah, 666, that's pretty funny... someday you'll be wearing black too (unless you ask to be buried in pink...) waste away all you want, just don't bring your sadness near me.... soon to be gone
  6. whatever makes you happy 13 it is soon to be gone
  7. like the man said, just take a suitable number and you're all set.... soon to be gone
  8. of course, the more the merrier, just take a number you think is suitable soon to be gone
  9. hmmm, lemme see, badgers are almost all black with a little bit of white - you're practically goth already! keep flapping those arms and maybe you'll take off soon... soon to be gone
  10. yeah, man, definitely, the sisters.... what else would you expect from goth skydiver # 1 ? 'and I was wrong, I was wrong to ever doubt, and I can get along without, and I can love my fellow man, but I'm damned if I'll love yours...' soon to be gone
  11. oooh, ooh, I know, I know.... it's for in case they take out your plane but you're still on trajectory, you can do max damage with a suitable helmet.... I think this thread would make a great poll.... here's some of the options you want: -because regulations require it -because it keeps my head warm -to mount a camera on -to hold audibles -to sticker -to protect my head in the plane -to protect my head on exit -to protect my head in freefall -to protect my head under canopy -because it looks cool -to keep my sunglasses on -to set an example for students etc. just my 2 cents... soon to be gone
  12. dude, it's probably from that time you 'exited' that Cessna and you made that loud thumping noise on the way out! soon to be gone
  13. Quade – you are *so* Goth Skydiver Zero now….. Don’t take the depression thing too far though, you sound like you need some drugs… Eugene – he’s not kidding, everyone, you CAN see his jumpsuit reflect in freefall from the ground, and I’m talking even if he’s still at 9000 ft… you need these if Eugene's in the air Nigthingale – very nice goth pic… Airtwardo – you want to scratch my what? Faber – you can be regular and I am too, really! That’s just not a very good pic, but it’s all I had around from that era… so anyone who wants a number should just look at the thread and take whatever number seems suitable...
  14. I know I gotta stop making jokes that have the potential of starting trends. go for it Paul , ask for Goth # 2 yeah, Paul, what he said... number 2's yours, all it wants is asking... soon to be gone
  15. whatever

    Goth skydivers

    but you'd be even more goth if you had a 'vision thing' .... soon to be gone
  16. uh, yeah, why not? it's only a number and it's all in fun, right? do you know something I should? want to tell? soon to be gone
  17. whatever

    Goth skydivers

    check this out: http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=830598;#830598 just for us.... Quade - nice t-shirt idea... just needs slight modifications to be even cooler... soon to be gone
  18. there's got to be more Goths or (like me) ex-Goths out there who jump.... get your Goth Skydiver Number right here, all you need to do is be a goth or ex-goth, post a suitably goth picture and ask for a number, it'll be first come, first served.... then we can try all try and get a goth-way going sometime... PS: ex-goths only accepted if you still like at least some of the music.... PPS: posted a pic of my goth ex girlfriend as well, as it's a much better goth picture soon to be gone
  19. whatever

    Goth skydivers

    how about: used to be a Goth, now I'm a skydiver? soon to be gone
  20. thanks dude that's what I was trying to get across.... You just say it much clearer and simpler! soon to be gone
  21. dude check the excel spreadsheet I attached to my first post in this thread, it's got all those values you mentioned calculated... soon to be gone
  22. yeah, man, that's me! how's the old girl? small world indeed.... soon to be gone
  23. Quote same - I said it was a good analysis and example of how to get to the same probs in longhand - binomial math will make it easier for you to do the same thing so you agree that if I go out and do 25000 jumps the probability of me having a double mal sometime during those 25000 jumps is 37% based on the entirely fictional probabilty of 1 in 25000 for a double mal on any one of those jumps individually? I don't agree - it's the whole point of the thread. Each event is an independent occurrence and the likelihood depends only upon the probability of the occurrence - which you already note is "constant". There is a whole other branch of stats for dependent occurences and your spreadsheet (and my minitab run) does not apply those tools and it also isn't applicable to this example anyway my bad, I phrased that very stoopidly I know the probability on any one jump will stay the same, regardless of how many you have done before it or are going to do after it. If it's not applicable, please explain why, and please start with the coin toss example and show me how it's not any more likely to get one tails in 10 tosses than 1 tail in 1 toss it's not, you are mixing up independent occurences with dependence based stats where am I mixing it up? hope this helps it does a bit, but I still don't see the difference between the double mal stats problem and flipping a magic coin that has one side far more likely to land up than the other... for any one flip the odds are the same... but if you keep flipping, wanting to always get the more probable outcome, sooner or later you'll get the less probable outcome, it's just a matter of time... soon to be gone
  24. dude, that's a quote from my post, its right near the top too...... like I said, I'm not arguing/debating/analyzing the variables, or probabilities of mals and reserve mals, I'm trying to determine if I understand probability at all... soon to be gone
  25. ja swaer, next year.... colour me there! soon to be gone