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Everything posted by whatever

  1. too funny, man, too damn funny! keep 'em coming.... soon to be gone
  2. get a furry jumpsuit!! no, seriously, if it's well furry, everyone will be in awe and will even want to stroke your jumpsuit! soon to be gone
  3. Yeah, I love mangoes (enjoyed your description of eating it too ), I was thinking about this yesterday, actually. having lived in few different parts of the world I find it interesting what fruits people from different parts fo the world enjoy. we should make that it's own post: 'where are you from and what are your favourite fruits?' I'm from S.A. and my favourite fruit are: cherries mangoes mulberries blueberries pomegranates kiwi fruit lychees yellow cling peaches (huge ones) luquarts coconuts I give up, there's too many!
  4. holy crap, man, can't argue with that! never mind me, it's just my sarc-ie sense of humour..
  5. you should've been at bridge day then..... holy shit - free Red Bull - all weekend !!! 'no shit, there I was..' using two crates of Red Bull for packing weights, when a whitewater rafter sauntered up and shot and incredulous look at all the Red Bull and asked if we hi-jacked a truck or something.... 'so, let me get this straight, I have to pay for beer or soft drinks, but I can drink all the Red Bull I can manage for FREE????' So what do you think I did? like Jason said, he wasn't sure it was always nerves that had some jumpers' hands shaking at the exit point - damn right too - you drink a couple of cans of that stuff a day, for 3 days running, and you be trippin' too! I think I had caffeine withdrawal for a week afterwards.... I do like it better than Coke though, but you wanna be careful with it. Kinda annoyed you can't buy it in Canada. I'm surprised they let us have Coke here, but apparently at a much lower Caffeine level..... soon to be gone
  6. yeah, but can you live with the health risk of those artificial sweeteners? worth looking into..... IMHO, it's far easier to deal with sugar in Coke than the risk in diet cola sweeteners.... my vote's for Cherry Coke anyway - by far the best! soon to be gone
  7. having read a fair amount of your posts and people's replies, I'm pretty sure there's some posters out there who'd like to take you up on that.... soon to be gone
  8. Smarties, eh? rotflmao soon to be gone
  9. The difference is that jumpers are motivated to buy jump tickets and get on the planes, but they are not motivated to all return to the same place to check back in after jumping. As a matter of fact, there is a disincentive for them to do so in the form of a much, much longer walk. Over the course of a busy day, it might add up to a couple of miles of extra walking per jumper. Having somebody track down all the jumpers that would decide not to walk back to check in would be a waste of resources. I'd much rather have someone standing out near the landing area just watching for people landing off and then go get them -- which is what we do. Does it work 99.9% of the time -- sure! Is it a perfect system? No. It can't be. No system could be. I don't see why getting jumpers to check themselves out and back in is such an issue... Having jumped in a few countries, I can say I really like the way the British Parachute Association works. At the DZ I jumped In England (and I believe they operated very much to standard BPA procedures), every jumper got a flightline check from any other B-license or above jumper (part of the B-License requirements are the abilities to give these checks) and would be signed off by them too. Then the jumpmaster (there was always a designated jumpmaster on every load - also had to be B-License or above) has a manifest sheet with the whole load and you better believe that if you were on it and there was no signature next to your check, they'll let you know all about it.... This way you know that everyone who gets on the plane had a proper gearcheck, loops, pins, handles, repack dates, equipment suitability, etc. (expect the check to be done by a more senior DZ person if you're not known there). Then, when you get back, you draw a line through your name (on the same sheet) to show you're back. That way, if you don't check yourself back in, they can give you a hard time at manifest when you next show up there.... I wouldn't say checking that all jumpers are back on big DZ's is unfeasible, admittedly it's a big job, but it can be handled amongst the jumpers themselves with the right system. just my two cents cheers Sam soon to be gone
  10. WHOA! Really now!? Tell ya what P, I'll post my bum, if u post yours! hey, now, that's the kind of deal all of us can live with!
  11. bet you mean my brother in that dress.... otherwise you're second in line, as there's already one guy after me... but that's gotta be fairly standard for anyone who lived in London for a few years... if I could only have this effect on women... thanks anyway soon to be gone
  12. I'm finally off 'Newbie' status! kinda feels a little bit like when I got my first A-License... I feel like doing a little no-lifer internet dance... oh, and I can slack off on the mindless post whoring too
  13. well, I'm bored, so I might as well post these.... maybe some misguided soul will proclaim me a hottie too and make my day.... oh, one of these are my brother, dressed up real nice.... soon to be gone
  14. dude, why would you edit that? what's wrong with sucking a hottie? isn't that what they're for? soon to be gone
  15. yeah, that's me, silly.... finally waded through this whole thread and all I can say is: where in the hell is the pic of Pia's butt? my fellow South Africans, you dissapoint me... seriously guys, let's bring this thread back on track and post more butts! warning: don't look if you don't like very nice female butts, albeit presented all artsy fartsy and stuff... soon to be gone
  16. hey, great tat! nice ass too painted chicks rock has anyone started a 'post your tattoo thread' ? they should if they haven't... lemme see now: -motorbike, check -tattoo, check -piercing, check -funny dress sense, check .... O.M.G. , I'm a skydiver!! soon to be gone
  17. 2 words: snowboard dryslope soon to be gone
  18. uhm okay, why not.... only picture I have of my butt
  19. some posts really make you wonder if the poster has been drinking while posting ..... soon to be gone
  20. I wouldn't say that is a matter of personal preference and freedom of choice, I would say that is a matter of perceived risk versus actual risk and severity of injury versus probability of injury. but, that's just my opinion.... soon to be gone
  21. some posts really make you wonder... soon to be gone
  22. whatever

    Belgium ?

    plenty worth seeing there... also plenty worth trying like: -Leonidas chocolates (not that mainstream Godiva stuff) -blonde beers (they all sorts of other interesting beers too) -frites, with mayo have fun! PS - watch out if you ever get in a bicycle race over there, the cyclists there are very friendly but super tough.... soon to be gone
  23. 'Mystic River' - has to be one the best movies I've seen this year.... soon to be gone
  24. hey, why the hell don't they have Bill Booth on that thing? I think we should start a DZ.com petition to get him added... that'll learn 'em whuffos good.... soon to be gone