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Everything posted by sneaky

  1. sneaky


    I agree skydiverchick ...I know Olaf and hes as cool as hell !! Leave the Guy alone respect!! hes an innovator and gave us a path to walk down.So what if he has said a few things or TM this or done that... People are quick to diss others,but remember this..the guy is a world champ and has done so much for skydiving in forms of creation and safety awareness...which is more than most people on this forum... If hes disillusioned or has some issues that piss others off,so be it...thats life. Peace and safe flying guys
  2. Gonna be in the US for a few months in never know eh ? I'll PM you if I get lucky...but this is the great thing about our actually have something in common with the person you are about too trap.Plus working for a DZ you need to be social sometimes.
  3. oh yeah and 1 AFF student last weekend....
  4. 8 skydiver chicks and 2 tandem passengers and some great head of a crew dog ( yes women do crew as well )
  5. sneaky


    Put over 70 jumps on my Sabre2 120 loaded at 1.6 .... this canopy rocks!! I have taken a step back from years on Xbraces to try something new and this was a canopy that came recommended ...Packs up nice and opens better if you leave the nose exposed with 3 rolls on the tail.It will open off heading sometimes but just be ready to steer it on the rear risers.. I was quite confident that on one packjob I deliberatly put twists in...and it opened with the twists ( obviously ) but stayed flat with no dives..Not a recommended procedure to try but I wanted to test this canopy to a reasonable limit and she passed with flying colours.Also I had no slammers during this period....So if your looking for a no hassle 9 cell that flys great at higher wing loadings then this is it!! I know that I will be on this one for a while..
  6. sneaky

    Cutaway !!

    Thats its Girls and Boys Im outta here !! I have quite the real world and as of Tommorrow will be fulltime skydiving..( after my rather untimely departure to whuffo land and late nite kebabs for the last year from 7 years fulltime skydiving ).first in Spain then onto the USA...all in all I'll be spending very little time with my feet on the ground for the next 5 months.!! I'd like to thank Mr Andy Baughen,a UK goverment employee for proving to me life in London really is more phones ringing ,no more crowded underground trains and no more dickhead Bosses to deal with !! Yippee !!
  7. A friend of friend landed in the town in Ampuria which resulted in his death from hitting a wall.I was sitting in front of him in the plane,I think he was swiss german..on that jump.The toughest bit was seeing the police tell my mate that his friend had been killed.Funny really ,how you expect yourself to do certain things when this happens,but you dont,you just cant say anything,your mind goes cold.I felt bad for my mate,because it was his good friend.All I could do was get the beers in and roll a big one ... felt the right thing to do at the time.
  8. I saw a German mother of 2 toddlers go in in Ampuria,low cutaway hitting a boat.Her Husband hooked himself in at the same time I think from witnessing the accident under canopy.It was a Sunday 2 years ago...I got up and walked off the DZ and didn't jump again for a year.Very sad,as they were nice people.Didn't deserve to go this way... What pissed me off was everyone ( Whuffos mainly )rushing around all morbidley curious as if this was the highlight of their day.No showing any respect for the Family and friends or the Staff and Emergency Services.
  9. I got my mate the 37mm...I tried it with the step ring and I could see NO notable difference.
  10. Its a dummy passenger ..correct..! I jumped a similiar version for my RWS TCC.
  11. yeah thought so...I had this problem recently with a SL student who didnt pull her reserve handle....her response was ' I have an RSL doesn't that open my reserve ? '.... too long a story but...Well you know the argument then... Im having a slow day..its in the 40's here !!
  12. I havnt Aggie....just got on a few months ago...Im me the joke please !! Apolgies to Squeek if I got the wrong end of the stick
  13. Well done bud!! I got in contact with my ex after 8 years...and my initial thought was ' fuck I was married to that !!! ' quite sad really as I was tanned and muscle toned to sweet F#¤k after a heavy skydiving season in Florida...and she was regretting treating me like shit and shagging my best mate!! They say good things come to those that wait....and that was my moment
  14. 14 Grand...shorts T-shirt and a FX83... Nice
  15. Mate...I hope this is a joke...if not read your docs .. FFI to find the distinct difference between an RSL and an AAD...just in case...would wanna see anyone misinformed !..
  16. Hi Some good pointers on the cons,although I dont suffer any helmet intrusions.I have my cam mounted on a shitty old its OK. Im trying to find a lense Cap at the moment..But I might resort to making one out of Gaffer tape...!!! But all in all its a great lense and you get value for money !! Especially as most things in life now are too over priced...
  17. Is it possible to fit a side mount PC101 on this helmet ? and is the helmet quiet in freefall ?
  18. I have a YZF-R1 ,tweaked a little bit,full race Exhaust System ( No EXUP ) and shes kicking out 160 Bhp....great bike,easy to ride and very managable ( But then again I race club supersport ).. nice around town,all the power top end so a good medium. oh and its totally road legal...been in trouble a few times..but hey ,I have proof Cops victimize stopped once ,after 5 minutes of paper shuffling and walking around the bike,I ask the cop why he pulled me and what was my wrong doing...his reply " I dont know yet..." I told him I was a Lawyer.....he let me go..but followed me for 15 KM
  19. Definatley Genisis ,Dire Straits,Chris Rea and U2.And more recently David Grey and Coldplay
  20. One thing I have noticed friends...its the Pilot not the Canopy .... I have a mate who does the most awesome carves on a Stilleto 150...again the pilot...
  21. all the time...especially last thing at nite..
  22. Hey Stu... I gather you have experienced all. I can relate to many.My 6 star hangover goes along these lines...or so I have been told.I woke 2 days later in Hospital with Border line liver failure and stitches and a broken nose... so here goes I went to a friends house and took along the obligatory Bottle of Plonk.In this case Southern Comfort.But no one would drink it,so I thought Oh what the hell and proceeded to neck the whole bottle.Polished off in less than an hour,decided to hit the Chinese for a sit in scran.Everyone was leathered by this went down a treat along with a few bottles of red and a few pints.Next thing my bird turns up raging,starts a fight with me ( you see I was supposed to meet her that nite and she couldnt find me ) proceeds to break my nose ,rip my clothes and push me through a shop window. Then a bloke comes over thinking I was assualting a women and proceeds to give me my second course of Fist ala boot sauce... Anyway ..Im soo drunk I have no feeling or Im not in pain.I makes me way into a bar and proceed to get really pissed for the next 2 hours with some old fella,we then get a bottle for the road.. Next thing I wake up in a Hospital bed with a face like Tutencarmen and the hangover from hell..I mean i couldnt even turn my head it was a really bad rollercoaster ride.. Apparently someone found me sleeping in a Farmers field,and couldnt wake me...Ambulance and Police came thought I was the Victim of Murder. Took me 4 days to get over that I got a bill for £220 for the window ,and was out of pocket by £120 from Alcohol,plus I picked up the Meal tab at £74 and me Girlfriend sleeps with my best mate!! I dont drink anymore
  23. 5 11 - 180lbs and Hung Like a Donkey