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Everything posted by sneaky

  1. 1998... Med sea... pulled a 540...result ...salt in my mouth and nostrils and a broken chest bone and having the piss taken out of me for months after.... oh yeah and 3 days to extract my balls from the back of my throat...
  2. I want to meet you Alanab !!! just get your ass down to ZHills in the winter .... come fly with me and I'll show you some tricks in the air...
  3. fuck that safe is getting a good beasting eh? I looked at this 2 hours ago and just now and their still at it!!!!
  4. Do any of the old timers remember the Tandem that bounced in Cyprus doing a TV show ? do you know the exact details or know where I can get hold of the video....Im interested as on my Tandem Course this was mentioned and I am dumbfounded as too how this guy fucked up so bad...
  5. hey Skymama Im in the US in Oct and will be doing some Tunnel time I'll pop over and say Hi....
  6. From what I have seen on the thumbnail I wouldn't meeting Skyrose7 !!!!! I met Gus ...hes a cool jump animal with a wingsuit ....
  7. cheers!! interesting reads....I have emailed the dudes with some questions and stuff..... Thanks
  8. I gotta Super Blaster water swoosher...great for blasting the Neighbours cat and their 4 year old son with.Good also for washing the car with !
  9. Sorry to hear you laid down dude.Heres what ya do.... Obide the request of the doc and sit out and recooperate...what dvd's etc take it easy.Then when alls done go and see an FAA approved Medical examiner who is expert in the field of Aeronatical Medicine and they can advice you from there. I had a fractured Sternum and was out for 6 weeks....4 days after the accident I was back in the air,totally ignoring the advice of doctor Steinhart...but I was OK... but with this condition you need the time to get patient. Peace
  10. Can anyone who has attended the USPA AFFI Cert course please write their experiences and opinions of the course.I want to get a heads up on what to expect as Im attending one in November.Thanks.
  11. I have done loads of fun jumps out of Army Lynx choppers and Navy Seakings when I was serving in Northern Ireland ( Brit forces )..did 8 jumps one day and it only cost me a crate of beer..only rule was no shitting on the way too altitude!! If any of these guys read this ( Tomo,Ginge or Pete ) many thanks !!
  12. Thats the same as ' How longs a piece of string'
  13. 5'11'' tall and dark and very strange.... but arnt we all ?
  14. your a hottie as well... how tall are you?
  15. no but there both ex marines and Im sure one has enjoyed the best of both worlds
  16. heres 2 of my best buddy's in this world...come on girls and men who love men ..are they hotties or what???
  17. Jez this is a long thread...some nice people out there...a few I reconize from I'm gonna contribute to this one and get on the bandwagen..heres me and my sorry poor ass...
  18. Need a Cameraflyer mate ? where do I apply?
  19. 'Trap' adj South London expression meaning to lure a willing consenting partner into the acts of love and the magic bit at the end...To 'Trap' takes the skillfull hunter time in that he must select the right partner,size her up,find out her status,buy the drinks and proceed to talk bullshit through his teeth for the coming hours.It helps to wear your jumpsuit and carry your rig over your shoulders ( joke )...then the hunter must lure his pray away from the pack ... and then bingo...hes trapped !
  20. Thats why I left the United Kingdom dude...we have immigrants everywhere...a tit for a prime minister ,a stupid socialist goverment that wants nothing more than free euro handouts and crazy price wars and in the capital some bars the staff dont even speak English... A cop arrest someone for terroism and the criminal can press charges on some bullshit human rights park in the wrong place and its gonna cost you nearly 180$ to get your car back....and everywhere there are cameras to monitor your speed...also to get a simple home improvements loan they check your history as far back as 12 years...what a bullshit place to live...
  21. i used to have an xrs in and put a stiletto 107 in and it was perfect...tight but nice