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Everything posted by kyros1

  1. I took the name from the subtitles. This guy was as you said a frieflyer and camera flyer. This test jump took place somewhere in Africa.
  2. Last night I picked up a DVD with the life of Leonardo Da Vinci. The documentary starts with a BASE jump and the testing of Leonardo's parachute (yes the first parachute ever designed). The guy who made the test jump, I have met him in Deland some 2 years ago. His name is Andre Jacque Garnal It was really amazing to watch a parachute designed 500 years ago to be airlift by a hot air ballon to 10.000 ft and then realeased. Finally Da Vinci's parachute worked. Some interesting info his parachute weighted 90 kgs (as much as the man hanging bellow it) the parachute was like a pyramid (see attached foto) the parachute was constructed out of cloth and wooden poles the test pilot didnt land with the experimental parachute. he cut away and landed with his regular parachute
  3. Dont know about the customs staff... but for sure extra insurance. someone that I know is searching for his expensice brand new rig
  4. Everyone of us worth a second chance. The DZO should instruct him again and warn him that he will be grounded next time. Tell him why it is good to pull high. .... ah and he should buy BEER next time.
  5. Excellent, awesone..... Try as many exits as you can from it (especially if it howers). Try a base exit or just fall in your back..... Remember not to jump when you exit (there are some rotating blades above your head) Hop n pop isnt a problem but just it might have a bigger delay on opening due to subterminal. Enjoy!
  6. Ok, I would like also to place my opinion on that topic. For me you have to take into consideration two factors: 1. Education How well trained are your canopy skills. Thats the reason that there are canopy schools. After attending one of them (about 100 jumps after) I understood how wrong was my landing technique. Why not be taught by people that made mistakes, survived and have identifyed them? and 2. How current you are Every time that I visit one of that big DZ's and looking some really fast swoopers I say WAOOW!!! But this guy/girl might be jumping day after day and doing at least 5 jumps per day. In our sport how current you are plays a big role. Finally, I dont believe that this sector must stay uregulated. Why not to give exams on your landing profficiency and show your card to the DZ?
  7. try also that one...
  8. try this link
  9. I would suggest you to purchase an isothermic cloth plus wear multiple layers of T-shirts. A full face helmet and a neck protection will work very good. Regarding fingers.... hm .... no suggestion. I am still jumping my neuman gloves.
  10. Gin tonic and beer....... Any tea?
  11. ===================================== If thats the case .... sorry but something is wrong. What should my gf say when I leave for 2-3 weeks to US (I live in Greece) ? Different time zone and pretty far from home. Apart of that I pushed her and she made 3 tandems to get a taste of what I am doing. Finally she didnt like it but she knows what make me kick. I believe that you should discuss it with him and balance things. Do your hobby/sport but give him also some time to spend together. Blue ones, Kyros
  12. Believe that chat rooms are cool
  13. kyros1

    New years eve

    wishing you a Happy New Year from the exact opposite side of Australia----> .... Greece
  14. Greek tradition says at 7th January
  15. kyros1

    Happy New Year

    And many jumps to all of you!!!!
  16. kyros1

    Happy New Year

    I would like to wish you a Happy New Year and all the best
  17. I would also suggest you to attend a canopy school
  18. I am trying to find a film with some skydiving scenes called FUN TANGO. Is that correct?
  19. whatevery you can jump off is really good. C 182 is Ok although a turbine is even better. I have several jumps on the C 182 and it was Ok
  20. eyeball of course and my pro track. Although eyeball is for more experienced!
  21. A Skyvan is always welcomed. When you are 6' 2" you need A LOT of room to move and feel comfortable. Also its a tailgate so ....... exits are always wonderful