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Everything posted by kyros1

  1. As said BIG DEBATE. Relative workshop release the skyhook which will put out the reserve in half second. It sounds good!!!. I prefer no RSL
  2. On SIM of USPA there some really explainatory graphs regarding landing patterns. It might be very difficult for everybody to keep a left hand pattern (in case that there are many canopies on the air), but I believe that we should keep some principals like no S turns, no spiraling down and try to keep some vertical and horizontal seperation. What I prefer to do is when I open I dont unstow brakes and I leave traffic below me. If somenone got a faster canopy than me I give him all the way to go and land first.
  3. I think that you are trying to compare two indifferent thinks (RSL & AAD). My personal suggestion would be go for an AAD. It might be more expensive but your life worths more. Regarding RSL (I am not jumping one) its how you feel it (BIG BIG DEBATE). On my first malfunction when I cutaway, I found myself to an back to earth position due that I was under a spinning canopy. I dont know what would the consiquences be if the RSL has opened my reserve. But always remember these are only back up systems. Jump safe.
  4. Depends on the intensity with which you are doing it. If you are having more than 4 jumps a day, you may be hungry. But finally I believe its really personal how much tiring is a sport to you. I can cycle for hours with no problem
  5. I believe that people in Deland remember when I celebrated my 100th jump and I brought beer and ouzo (the greek strong stuff). I was hanging around with the ouzo bottle and nobody wanted to talk to me LOL. Beer works well
  6. Some sandwich and meaby banana (its also a fartmaker)
  7. I am also jumping with contacts. It also happened on sitfly to lose one contact, so I suggest you to buy the daily contacts which are cheaper and you will not care so much (and you will always have a spare with you). Its Ok to fly with goggles and full face.
  8. The man is right!! Sure go for it!
  9. you dont have to mention the place Any others?????
  10. its an acceptable price. It seems Europe is more expensive than US, althought I have heard that the most expensive ones are in Japan
  11. Yeah these ones are more expensive than the regular ones. By the way whats the price that you pay for regular ones?
  12. What was your most expensive ticket to 13000ft? 45 euros ouch
  13. I had the same ear problem and I tried to pressurize under canopy. BUT WATCH OUT how you are going to presurize. If you over do it you will create a small internal bleeding in the ear (small vains pop). It happened to me and I stayed grounded for at least 20 days. Valsava (method of equalizing pressure) must be done really smoothly otherwise you may damage small ear vains. In general avoid jumping with clogged ears even if you use spays. Thats my suggestion. During flight if you feel some pain try swallowing or chewing. Cheers, Kyros
  14. Cane, Your question reminds me the other question: Why to jump out off a perfect airplane? But seriously now, AFF by far will give you a good prespective of the sport since you will do things under the supervision of your 2 jumpmaster. Its nice the feeling of having 2 other (EXPERIENCED) persons next to you. Regarding tandem I believe you will get the feeling of freefal (to be honest I never have done one). Its your choice finally, but for sure you are not insane Cheers Kyros
  15. I am very glad that I have met Bill Booth during my several visits in Deland. Its a real honor to meet someone that has already served so many things in the sport. Specially, when you come from Greece!!! I can remember during my last visit, and at my last day, when we went for lunch with Xeno, Petro and Irena and Bill Booth showed up joined us and introduced sky hook. It was even before the commercial release of it. Imagine coming back to Greece and spread knowledge directly from the source. I was thrilled!!! Cheers Bill and as we said you are always welcomed to visit us in Greece Kyros
  16. kyros1

    Skydive DeLand

    January 2000 was my first time in Deland. I travelled from Greece and I found nice friendly people that helped me to progress. Hallet and his staff is awesome. Also with all these manufacturers in the surrounding area you will always have the opportunity to ask some "genious". All that years I am always returning to Deland because its the place to be. Facilities are very good and comfortable. See you there!!!
  17. Goggles are better except if you are doing some RW or you are jumping in winter