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Everything posted by GravityGirl

  1. That'll get 'er done. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  2. Bonehead can't do it. Tap Plastics is our ace in the hole. I was hoping not to re-invent the wheel if someone already has one. Thanks for your response though. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  3. Yup. That's a great one too. But we are looking for one that is set at an angle. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  4. Does anyone have contact info for someone in Perris that make the Mud Flap Alti Mounts out of plastic? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  5. >>Hi Bonnie, It's up to your own judgement! There is no regulation anywhere about it. The manufacturer said to me before it's ok, but they don't recommend it! I have customers asked before and in my perspective in not worth to us to do it! How's your business? Selling goods?! Cheers,
  6. A good swoop or hook turn is not measured by the degree of the turn. It is your ability to increase your speed effectively and then to translate that speed into a long, phat swoopalicious landing. You can do it with a 90. If you can't, get coaching and practice, practice, practice. I've never heard anyone comment on a good swoop by saying, "Wow. That was a good swoop, but you only threw down a 90." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  7. What do you mean when you say, "It's okay and it's not." ? Why do you think it's not okay? Assuming that this is the owner of both and he/she knows with some certainty that he/she has not put over 500 jumps on the batteries. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  8. Is it okay to say that I sell them in my store? I do. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  9. Just some food for thought. I PERSONALLY would rather jump a modern container with no AAD, than try to freefly in a container that was not designed for direct air flow... and has aged. I choose to jump an AAD because I think it prudent and I can afford it. But if I had to choose between freeflying in an unfit rig and jumping with an AAD, my choice is clear. In my mind, it is more likely to have a premature container opening; horseshoe malfunction; or premature reserve deployment at a high rate of speed, on an old container than it is likely to be knocked out in freefall. I have noticed that people will spend thousands of dollars on electronic devices that should be used as BACKUP, but they will look to save money on the container that is the actual life saving device. Besides my unsolicited opinion, RW does not support the tuck tab mod on the Vector IIs. You can get all new velcro, a bridle protector mod and stiffners in the flaps. But that will only take you so far. Acceptable if you are doing the occasional barral rolls, flips, etc. But if you want to Freefly or jump in a manner that has direct air flow on the container for the duration of the skydive, you should get a modern container. Just my opinion. Worth what you paid for it.! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  10. I have both bought and sold stuff with Richard successfully. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  11. Have you talked to instructors at your drop zone in regards to canopy choices? Sometimes in an effort to be conservative, you may go too far on the other side. Too light of a wing loading can leave you vulnerable to gusty wind conditions and/or turbulance. On some canopies too light of a wing loading can even be less stable. Toggle and riser pressure may also be a factor. Food for thought. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  12. Just out of curiosity, why did you choose such a light wing loading? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  13. The second one is priced appropriately. It's a fair deal. The first one looks like a scam to me, honestly. The cost of the container alone is over his asking price for a rig, reserve and main. If you go there, definately ask for a mediator. The seller has no profile filled out. It doesn't look right. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  14. Gravity Gear is a good name. You can have it for a small fee. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  15. >>Instructor comes down, inspects gear, and confirms gear to be unacceptable to jump.Gravity Gear!
  16. I don't think so. I wear childrens glasses (Barbie), and that wouldn't work. SORZ follow the line of your face very closely. Is your son playing football with regular glasses? Are they impact resistant? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  17. You are welcome, Nick. I always think it's weird when my real world intersects with my cyber world. I better watch myself here. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  18. I carry Gatorz in my store/s. Only a hand-full of contact lense wearers can actually use them. Personally, I cannot. They don't seal enough for me. I have a narrow angular face. But they do fit a wide variety of faces and can be molded SLIGHTLY. Have you had a chance to try some on? Radiator or Wraptor? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  19. Where do you jump? How is the landing area? Surroundings? The Pilot has a longer glide. The Safire2 has more "bottom end flare". Both great openings, and good response to toggle input. If you jump somewhere where long spots are common place, go for the Pilot. If you jump somewhere where the landing area is tight and you need to sink it in more, go for the Safire2. It's hard to choose when there are so many great canopies on the market. But the good news is, you'll likely be happy either way. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  20. All of the above. Talk to him. Ban him from jumping that canopy on your DZ. Call the neighboring DZs and let them know that he was banned from your DZ on that canopy and why. On the talk portion, I like to appeal to the ego instead of attacking it. Ex: "Wow. You are really good for your jump numbers. I'm impressed. For someone who has natural talent, your choice of canopies seems off though. It looks more like that canopy is flying you, rather than you flying that canopy. You may want to consider a progression that really shows off your skills and allows you to become the master of your parachute. Anyone can fly a small parachute. Few can master them. The degree of the turn does not indicate mastery. It's your ability to find that sweet spot where there is virutually no input required to come out of that turn. To be able to direct and redirct at will and with ease. To have the ability to build speed on ANY canopy. In short. It's a cheap way out to try to buy a canopy that does the flying for you. You're better than that. I can tell you have natural talent." Something like that.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  21. Nothing fits in the overhead of the Barbie Jet... .... I mean CRJ. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  22. Don't be upset that the team had them before you. Be grateful that they are Beta Testing them for you, so when your product arrives, it has been fully tested. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  23. >>The seller still owes you about $100 towards a replacement set of risers. Gravity Gear!
  24. Come on out to the drop zone, and I'll show you a set up close and personal. I can show you how to install and maintenance them too. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  25. Pinot Noir, Cabernet, Merlot.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!