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  1. No. I am not kidding. All of the facts that I know of (for sure) are there. And all of the facts that are useful to my answer are in here -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- maybe now, but they weren't provided by you. Jumper is responsible. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- to both of you. yes they are. read what was written. read. read with intent. the question is being answered and i am thankful for the results however they turn out. this is an unnnnbias poll about a situation to which the facts have been provided. the answer means liTT-le. provided, were the facts as i knew them and as i saw fit. go get an education, read more, and perhaps you will realize that the world, skydiving, and this forum is not about your life perspective or anyone carrrring about youuuuuuu. your opinions provide me with only one confirmation. -that this is a very about yoouuuuu place where youuuuu mean everything and everyone else meeeeans nothing. that is why you are perfect for skydiving - because, hey mom, look no hands - no plane - look at meeeee. either way, thank you for your opinions they've been noted.
  2. No. I am not kidding. All of the facts that I know of (for sure) are there. And all of the facts that are useful to my answer are in here. If you wish to discuss this from a new perspective (one that holds up in the US court of law or something), then find out the more facts for yourself and start your own thread. How do you know that the facts are muddled and misleading. Were you there? Are you the jumper, the instructor, the packer, the gear store employee, or an employee at this DZ, or perhaps a DZ local who is in on this? Please help me understand your intuitive nature on understanding the situation. Please let us know how you have the ability to see things that are not being reported in this thread. New jumper off of student status was mentioned. Unlicensed jumper. Coach jump. The only thing I did not mention was the licensing. This was mentioned also. Instructor deemed rig "unjumpable" due to a hard pull at the fault of the gear and packing. I don't know. But he's a highly experienced instructor...rigger...i don't know...maybe. i don't know. it doesn't matter for the answer that i seek. start your own thread if you are looking for that. now, if you respond to this post, please take a muscle relaxer first.
  3. Correct, statistics have changed. It is now 33 to 23 in favor of the new jumper paying. All of the known facts are given. Considering the opinion of the perspective being persued, current divulgence of facts are adequate. ***
  4. New Jumper Pays! 18 / 40% DZ and company! 16 / 36% DZ and company split cost with new jumper 50 /50! 3 / 7% 19 people say the dz has at least 50% responsibility. 18 people say the new jumper has responsibility. heeheheheheeee
  5. yah...ok. we are not discussing a situation that involves the creator of this post. pick either party. it matters little. there is my opinion and everyone elses and it seems controversial enough. right now the numbers are very close in both directions. It was a coach jump with video. A packer at the dz packed it.
  6. Instructor pics up rig by the handle on the pilot chute. (not in reply to bob.dino here) For those who think that a rig is acceptable to jump with a main canopy inaccessible then perhaps you need a lesson in odds.
  7. Your opinion is noted, thanks billvon. Sometimes rental agreements are a sign-out sheet; often vague and indirect. However, in this case, lets just say there is none. huh?...there is more to life than a written agreement. let's just say, for now, that it is not written. btw...who said it was a "he".
  8. It may say that the DZ is responsible for everything in an alternate universe. At this point, however, this is about what seems to be ethically correct rather than legally binding.
  9. Scenario: Person just off student status (20-jumps) rents gear from gear store at DZ. Main is unpacked when received by new jumper. New jumper brings gear to packing mat. New jumper goes on skydive with instructor at DZ and gets a video. Hard pull occurs with rented gear. Instructor comes down, inspects gear, and confirms gear to be unacceptable to jump. New jumper loses handles and other gear during the jump. Who should be covering cost of replacing the gear? this did happen....but anonymous is just better
  10. I like the way you think.
  11. lol...what you suggested, dear moderator, is to do something ironically precluded by the passage. it is nice that you are making the suggestion.
  12. And for some reason I just felt like putting this down and thought it would be nice to share it... A Handful of Weeds I once was a poet... What happened?...life, love, the world... in all its pain it spreads. When we are young, we view ourselves as a gift. Prepared to strike with wonder to all those who come across our paths. Giving what we have and lacking discretion. Able to provide with focus, course, and diligence. Energy influences those around us to be influenced in only the most positive of lights. Then something happens; crushing and suppressing. Others have learned to take more than they give. And life, then becomes a search for this innocence which has been left behind. A clandestine effort to obtain what, individually, we believe is right and righteous. To maintain ourselves, we search alone in something that can often be referred to as spirituality. It is this innocence with which we are all truly obsessed. Deep down and sometimes just alone, the strong cry; on the surface and in the open do the weak, the takers, scavengers, and the selfish. A blessed effort is that of a human being who views the world and contemplates a prettier picture. Something from nothing but the pain inside. Dig deep beyond the disappointment and gather the colors. Some weeds, you know, are purple and yellow. Take the dark and light shades which stir inside. Create a palette and mix away. Find a canvas and spread as best you can. People will come to see it and you will have shared your colors. Do not look back at the awe of others upon your canvas. Both, takers and givers will come to appreciate. Please, move on, paint a new one if you can. The most giving will come see it again and perhaps express thanks. Appreciation is the raise in value of your doing as others perceive - not an appreciation of the well of giving which I began this about. ................... I once went out on a warm summer day when I was about eight and picked a handful of weeds that happened to be subtlety purple on their tips....then brought them home to my mom. She put them on the kitchen table for about a week. A handful of weeds; I am obsessed with being this innocent again.