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Everything posted by GravityGirl

  1. I carry them as well. They fit into an Small Priority Mail envelope, so shipping is about US$ 5.25. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  2. Since this has come up a lot now here on, I have had many requests to act as mediator. I figured this would be an occasional thing, so I declared that my fee for this service would be a bottle of nice wine. I have had a flood of requests. The sad thing is, I have not enjoyed even one bottle of wine with my friends. So that sort of didn't work out. I would like to encorporate this type of service into my busniess. It is, in fact, on my long, long list of things to do. Anyone who has input on a menu of services, along with suggested pricing, feel free to PM me. The Inspection part is pretty standard. We have set prices for that. But holding of funds, processing credit cards, packaging and shipping of product. That is going to take some time and input. It does involve a certain amount of liability as well. So I don't want to go into this without proper planning. So. I'm welcome to consumer input. Any anyone out there who owes me wine.... PAY UP! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  3. I generally don't plug in $1,295 as the original price for an original Cypres. I use $975. That seems to be fair, leaning toward the sellers side. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  4. Cool. Now you can afford to work for peanuts. I'm hiring. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  5. FYI: I carry Pro Tec. They are in stock. My customer service line is forwarded to my cell in the off hours. Oh. But we are out of Smalls. They are backordered from the factory. We do have M, L, XL Black. Did you order Small? That might be the problem. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  6. Happy Birthday Kim! Looks like you'll have to book a tour of the US with all the Tandem gifts you are receiving. Since you are getting video, I'll hook you up with a cool pair of goggles for your jump. Happy healing. Just concentrate on the little accoplishments for now. One step at a time. Keep thinking about the blus skies. Anyone have a snail mail we can send a video or DVD to? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  7. I sell Chums with the Gatorz. Seem to work great. No complaints yet. >>running to knock on wood. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  8. That sounds right. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  9. That is a different Brentwood in Southern California. This is the closest town to Byron.... besides Discovery Bay.... which is part of our unincorporated township. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  10. Tracy is closer. If you are looking for Hotels, try the Holiday Inn in Brentwood. I'll try to get us a skydiver rate on that. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  11. If anyone has contact info, please PM me. I lost it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  12. He is talking about his coach rating. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  13. You asked for it JP. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  14. 2K is a low number for good modern sport gear. It is possible to find something in that price range. But it is the very low end of the price you can expect to pay for used equipment. A realistic figure these days is more like $3k - $4k. And they are right. You need to get the training first before you start gear shopping. But it's always good to start your research. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  15. I know Ramiro. PM me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  16. On a related note. I'm not sure really how to put this in written word. But... Bob brought Shannons gear into my store to have me sell. We spent so much time with markers and crayons designing that obnoxious rig. It's really hard for me to post her gear in the classifieds. I would love, love, love it if one of her friends wants to buy it and fly it and celebrate her. If anyone knows any of Shannons friends that would want her Wings container, PD Reserve and Katana 107, please PM me. I'll likely post it soon. I'm just hesitating for some reason. There is also a camera helmet, some BASE PCs and misc stuff. Wraaaaaaaaaach. This sucks. Still with heavy heart.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  17. What class airspace is it? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  18. Most manufacturers are looking for good DEDICATED employees. Like any other profession, you'll likely have to work your way up. I had a job with a manufacturer. I started out laying out patterns and cutting out the rigs. It was fun. I learned heaps. After a while I got to use the cool tools. If you are serious, make some calls. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  19. What do you need? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  20. Well, Bob. I can't wait to see you soaring under your parachute soon. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  21. Well. I had this concept to do a huge toast in the landing area and do some photo ops during her memorial. Anita was going to help with the graphics. But what happened after that was pure majic. It just so happens that we got winded out, and our DZO arranged the Jet pilots to do a missing (wo)man fly-by formation, and people were here from all over, and Anita's imagination caught fire, and we fed off each others creativity, and Shannon was definately involved. If you get a chance, shoot PackerBarbie a PM. She is pretty shy. But as you can well tell, and as I've known all along, "THAT BITCH ROCKS THE HOUSE!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  22. So I'm about to tell you all that most of the credit goes to Anita Grundherr of Byron. I did a search to verify her screen name (PackerBarbie), and it came up with this:;search_string=packerbarbie;#1679591 Now I'm full of goose bumps and tears. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  23. If you want a copy of the original, I can e-mail mail it to you. "Watch over us in the blue skies... and guard us from black death. Watch over us with angels eyes and let your soul find rest." "Remember those who fall befor you and those to yet fall past. Let them be a reminder too true that this life happens fast." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  24. Before the new line set, did you examine your pilot chute? How old is that? F111? ZP? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  25. Have a look at that helmet again. Now picture the airflow of a belly to earth or sit fly skydive. The entire chin area is exposed. The helmet would catch air and slide up. But you're right. It's pretty, and it's padded. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!