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Everything posted by GravityGirl

  1. Welcome to the forums and welcome to Byron. See you at the dz soon. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  2. ... you were reserve side on a level one. Dive plan is lock on at 6k, waive off at 5.5 and pull.... .... and the main side (with no indication to you) reached in and dumped the student at 5.5k? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  3. Dear FlyingJarhead, Next time come into the store and we can discuss some of that factors for that particular day. Today for example, we had very unusual winds for San Diego. Load one consited of wind shift, dust devils and wind sheers. It was really sketchy to watch and most Jumpmasters opted to stay on the ground. We then went on weather hold. After the temperatured settled in at a nice 89 degrees and the winds were steady out of the west again, nerves were still on edge. The uppers were hauling out of the east for a few loads even though we were running a west jump run. So by delaying your exit you were putting the jumpers behind you out way over the lake. If you are doing a solo as in taking 100% responsibility for yourself, then find out what the uppers are doing. Where they switch, and what that all means to you and your degree of separation. If this is greek to you, please come into the store. My door is always open, and your are welcome to ask any and all questions necessary. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  4. Oh yeah. I do have 9 reserve rides. Mostly I haven't had to look. But I have also been knocked out twice in freefall. Things get fuzzy in that state. Food for thought. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  5. In a crisis situation, your brain reverts back to training. If you are spinning hard at the edge of blacking out, your brain may react best to color. Why cut out one variable. It is an EMERGENCY handle. I usually suggest Red to all of my customers. Otherwise vary to pink or orange (very close on the color wheel) if you have to be that fashion driven. For the soft reserve handle, my color of choice is silver. It matches everything and well.... it's silver. Look red. Grab red. Look silver.. well... you get it. By the way. Red and Silver look fabulous with Navy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  6. Dude. You looked down, didn't you? The rest looks normal from what I can tell. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  7. Thanks for that. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  8. Is that also the standard for dual canopy BASE rigs? Seems odd if it is. The order of ease of cutaway was described to me as follows: Easiest: Big rings - Big Risers Next: Little rings - Little Risers Next: Little rings - Big Risers I would think that in a BASE situations, even if you were jumping something that allowed for two canopies, you would be down and dirty if you ever needed to use the cutaway system. You would want the fastest combination, no? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  9. Are you tall and slim? Short and fat? Somewhere in between? Your jumpsuit is a tool to help you improve fall rate range. If you are long and lean, or just small in general, chance are you will need a tight jumpsuit. Now that does NOT mean you have to go sportin' the moose knuckle.... or camel toe for the ladies. There should be enough room down there for you to be able to raise your hands and arch without causing any type of discomfort. I like to measure my customers personally (for various reasons ), but if they have to measure themselves, I like to realy point out that YOU MAY NOT LOOK DOWN when taking the zipper measurement. Go from that happy little place where all seams meet in your pants, then go comfortably around the "package" and up to the "hole in throat". Best to have a buddy help out with that one. Preferrably someone you like. Now post a pic. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  10. I just paid $400 for one that was 2 years younger. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  11. NWFlyer makes a good point. From a dealers perspective... I don't always advertise my best prices on the web site. My best prices go to my lowest maintenance, repeat customers. You do me right, I do you right. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  12. Carefull with what you say. A container built for a 170 will likely NOT fit a 190. A container built for a 190 will likely fit a 170. Each manufacturer is different, but when you build a container for a 170, it implies that you want 170 and smaller as opposed to the other way around. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  13. Actually, when you were streaking through the hanger on Amazon's shoulders, I was less surprized at the nudity, but more surprized at what a great body you were hiding under there. Could use a bit of a tan, but nice. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  14. Did you pay for rush service? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  15. No! Not at all! I am saying that at some point, I re-typed that manual for Eclipse. You know. So it wasn't PHOTO COPIED. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  16. Correction: It's not a photo copy. I have the tunnel carpelitous to prove it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  17. Contact Pete Swan at the Parachute Center in Lodi, California. If that doesn't work contact Ray Farrell at Skydance Skydiving in California. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  18. I'm not sure because I am no longer a Byron resident, but rumor has it, they are not going to poison the water this year. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  19. Gawd Damn Evelin, don't advertise that shit! She meant that I would hang a sun shower for her off the back of my van.... yeah.... that's it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  20. Okay Michelle! How 'bout coming down to see your long lost sister? How can you be my evil twin if we NEVER see each other? Hmmmm? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  21. Well. They don't pack the same. I've only compared the Smart 120 to the PD113 in actual flight. They were comperable. What is your background? How many jumps do you have? What elevation do you jump at? Have you ever flown a 7-cell F111 parachute? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  22. How funny. I checked out the ad. Looked at the jumper and realized he is from San Diego. Then I turned around and saw the rig sitting here in the loft. It's here for a repack, which has just been done. I didn't know it was for sale. In any case. The rig is in nice shape. Reserve is a PD 193r DOM07/94, AAD is DOM 07/01 4-year done 11/05. Don't know about the main, but if it has new lines at 650 jumps, that is great. 650 jumps is not a lot of jumps on a main. It is being properly maintenanced with new lines at 600j. I'ld say it is a fair price. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  23. Hey! I resemble that remark. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  24. Holy shit! I'm taking a screen shot and making this my new desk top! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
  25. You know. This has been a particularly tough week. You just put a huge smile on my face for the weekend. Thank you! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!