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Everything posted by phonics1981

  1. Id like to think that Felix would be bothered to know we dont really beleive him and release some hard evidence of what he did, but I seriously doubt he gives a fuck. ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  2. I had a problem a while back where I had an slight left turn when falling. I found that the problem was with my legs as they werent level. Could this be the same with tracking? ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  3. Yeah, I pick a heading and keep looking at it. I think I may be bending my waist slightly, hence I always turn to the left. ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  4. Flat. I start off going straight then do a 180 (left) almost on the spot! ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  5. If i HAD to go SL, I wouldnt of started. Or, I wouldnt have been so eager to start. I knew AFF was right for me and passed without any rejumps. AFF was better for ME. But thats me, not everyone else. I think that having more than one learning option opens the sport to more people. A way that is right for one individual is not necissarily right for another. I feel AFF has a higher learning curve and that works for some people, not others. SL and AFF are both just as good and the end result is pretty much the same. And my canopy control is just as good as a SL students ! ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  6. When I start a track, it starts off ok then I quickly do a 180! As far as i'm aware, i'm not shifting body position (obviously i am but I dont know where!) Any suggestions? ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  7. I dunno.... Have any of you seen that picture of a vietnamese prisoner with a gun to his head by a vietcong soldier? The picture was taken at the exact moment the bullett was inside the prisoners head. Disturbing. Any way, keeping in line with the Forum Topic, skydiving is fucking amazing!! ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  8. Ive wanted to do it as long as I can remember but never wanted to get a 'Quick Fix' by doing a tandem so I saved until I could afford to pay for an AFF course in full and this year aged 21 i started and finished my AFF in May. ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  9. I reckon this forum is a perfect example of how common it is. Most of the people who post here do so when they are at work to cheer themselves up and talk about skydiving. Our boring daily lives are only perked up by posting about skydiving! ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  10. Can we have a clicky link? ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  11. Ive heard from a few people that Harrison Beaumont are good for skydiving injury insurance. Sorry, dont have a number handy. ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  12. That looks pretty good ! ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  13. Ive seen it mentioned a few times on this site but I still dont know what a hybrid jump is !! Sorry if im being thick! ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  14. You jump at Peterlee? I hate the 182 now so i'm not looking forward to frozen landing strips! ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  15. I dont know your situation etc, but everyone ive spoken to who who has quit skydiving say that they have regretted it non stop. The reason you think it 'sucks' is because no other activity comes close to skydiving and your ganna miss it. ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  16. What?!? You think it doesnt matter if he did or didnt complete the crossing? All your interested in is the fact that he jumped from a plane and landed a parachute? I can do that my self but I dont get any recognition for it!! I bet he's made a few quid from it aswell!! ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  17. Its the worlds smallest hang glider ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  18. Not sure if this is the best place to post this but.... Do any other sports have such a passionate online community? Ive been on many football (soccer to all you over the water) forums and i LOVE football, but i've never ever seen any forums where its members genuinely love their sport as much as skydiving! Skydiving is not just a spot its a lifestyle. Do any of you participate in other sports with the same enthusiasm as skydiving? ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  19. Ive still got all my mates but its becoming more of a struggle to keep them. They all still want to go out and get shit faced (drunk) on the weekends and i'm like "I cant stay out till 7am like you's, I want to go jumping tomorrow" I think its starting to piss them off. Along with the fact that I never shut up about skydiving!. But so what? I'm sure as hell not giving up skydiving! ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  20. Do you have longer months in the states!! ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  21. Its not the law thats the problem. Its a bit of a grey area as to whether it is in the power of the law to confiscate a BASE rig or if its not. Thats what we're discussing. ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  22. Totally agreed. ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  23. I had the same problem. I realised it wasnt my arms / shoulders but my legs. Try some heel kicks to make sure your legs are the same level. Sorted me right out! I still always turn left after a dive exit for some reason.... ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  24. I think the poll results are a bit crazy!! How can anyone choose no?! The pictures and the vid masher mentioned prove otherwise! ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  25. In which folder? I cant find it! ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------