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Everything posted by phonics1981

  1. Jesus thats cheap!! Here in the UK I paid £1400 for my AFF (not sure what that is in dollars). Level 1 is £350 A tandem is £350 also. Why do we always get ripped to bits over here?!?! ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  2. Ive just recently passed my AFF also. The only advice I can give is the same as everyone else...RELAX!! It really is amazing the difference it makes, especially when you are doing task like turning etc. Good Luck ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  3. Theres a slightly different version here Its amazing sh!t!!! ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  4. Ive had soaring dreams for as long as I can remember too. I love them!! ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  5. Before I started my AFF i had loads of skydiving dreams. Normally they involved me twatting into the ground still in the box position, getting up and going to do it again. Pretty mad. Now my skydiving dreams normally involve me getting out the door and glimpsing my rig on the floor inside the plane. I do have fun skydiving dreams aswell... ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  6. Before I had done any jumps i got a book called SKYDIVE - Sport Parachuting Explained by Chris Donaldson which was good and is aimed at beginners then I got Parachuting: The Skydivers Handbook by Dan Poynter. Both books helped alot before I started jumping so that when I got in the air for my AFF i was already aware of what would be asked of me (Although the feeling of my first freefall could not possibly of been prepared for!!) Since then I have scanned through JUMP! and I would of bought that as my first book had it been available on and not just ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  7. Is this real???? That looks to mad to be real!! Would it be even possible?? The shadow on 36 secs looks too small for the height that he appears to be, and then the camera rises ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  8. I reckon its because once your out, you realise how f**king good it is you forget being nervous!!! ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  9. Will do Mac, thanks. I was just wondering whether or not its best to have a goal and work towards it rather than being unfocused. ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  10. I wasnt ruling out swooping and head down, they were just the first things that came into my head as examples!!! ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  11. Thats how I feel too. Nervous in the door then once your out the nerves seem to disappear. ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  12. And by the way, ive read the 2 articles at the top. ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  13. Ive only recently started skydiving so I know ive got a looonnngggg way to go before I progress to BASE, but its what I want to do. Can anyone give me guidlines on which areas of skill to build on when skydiving to make the transition smoother when I eventually try BASE? I dont want to be wasting my time learning to fly head down and make swooping landings if its not going to help me progress to BASE. Any input is appreciated. Thanks ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  14. Ive only just started but I cant see the nerves ever going. Think about what we are doing, we are falling from 13000ft at terminal velocity! We are only seconds from death everytime we jump. Things can go wrong. Being nervous helps keep this fact at the front of your mind so you are half expecting it. Also, the nerves make the whole experience better! It gives a sense of relief and acheivement after every jump, well it does for me anyway!! ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  15. Relaxing is definately the way to do it. Just let your hands flop. You will feel the difference straight away. Instead of feeling like you TRYING to fall through they air, you will feel like you SHOULD be falling through the air. ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  16. I'm still new to this but its amazing how things just click. Luckily for me I didnt have any problems with stability, but I couldnt track to save me life! Just keep on jumping and it will come ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  17. It took me 4 weeks. I didnt need any re jumps but the weather got in the way :( If the weather stays good and you dont need any rejumps i reckon you can get it done in 3 days. Good Luck!! ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  18. Ive only had 11 jumps but ive never injured myself landing (touch wood!). I do however, have a severe black bruise at the top of my thigh from the opening shock. God Damn it hurts!!! And then to hang in my harness for 5 minutes decending is a nightmare! ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  19. Ill give it a go and see how it goes, cheers for the help. ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  20. Ive just recently turned Cat 8 and passed my AFF without problem. Since i turned Cat 8, when I jump i am tending to turn to the left. I correct the turn but it happens again. I obviosly have my body in the wrong position but I dont know what part. To me, I feel like im in a good position. Has anyone had this problem before when they were a student? Its doing my head in!! ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  21. I started in April and have 11 jumps (including AFF) ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  22. Ive only just started but I can see this becoming my life. I'm trying not to rush in to it too quickly but its hard to do! My Favorites list has quickly changed from and to and of course Ive done many things, one of the best being Scuba Diving. I thought noting could be better (even in the brown coloured North Sea!!). But the day I made my first jump was the same day I advertised all my scuba gear for sale!! I can get a few jumps for that! ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  23. Anyone know what the biggest St Georges Cross ever flown is? Ive got a whopping 3'x5' one on my wall!! ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  24. I'm new to the sport and have only recently passed my AFF but because i'm the only one out of my group of friends to do this, they are all asking me "Why do it? You could die" and the way I see it is that I could die doing anything, crossing the street, going downstairs, anything. Who says that I wont die doing one of those things tomorrow? But if that does happen tomorrow I know that I have enjoyed today because I have jumped. Its better to burn out than fade away. ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------