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Everything posted by phonics1981

  1. 8 levels in 8 jumps (level 8 being a hop n pop) ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  2. Ground Rush is cool ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  3. Has Michel Fournier not scheduled this for september also? ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  4. Where? I love jumping in the UK. Fair enough the weather is a bit pap, but that leaves more time for getting pissed! of course i'd rather have the weather than the beer but ive got to look on the bright side! ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  5. I'm pretty sure i'd of climbed into my own arse if i wasnt under canopy at some of these mad heights! ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  6. Hell yes! Since passing AFF (also in 7 jumps ) its like "petrol or jump"! Nowt better to spend money on! ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  7. At my DZ someone will show you how to pack for free. I even asked the rigger and he said just watch other people for a while and i'll fill in the gaps and make sure you know. Still havent learned yet though! ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  8. What kind of money would a full time instructor at a mediuam sized DZ be looking to make in a week then? ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  9. fuck Me!! was 500ft when you were under canopy or when u actually pulled? If so what height were you when the canopy developed? ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  10. I may be wrong here but ive never seen it mentioned anywhere that he "skydived" across the channel. Its always referred to as "The first unaided flight" across the channel. I hope someone does skydive across soon! ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  11. Nice one! Well Done! ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  12. Last week end I did a jump where an instructor followed my out. When we landed he said he noticed that on exit I turned left. After thinking back to othe jumps i realised that I ALWAYS turn left on exit. Why is this? As far as i can see my body position is ok and i'm stable straight away apart from this left turn. I never got a chance to ask the instructor about this cos he was straight up on the next lift. Any help appreciated ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  13. For some reason, when you were saying "pied", i assumed you ment drunk!!! We have too many slang words for drunk in England!! Anyway, congrats on getting your A! ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  14. I totally agree with metalslug. I wont force or try to persuade anyone to try skydiving. I would just show them well made vids and let them make their own choice. Skydiving isnt for everyone. ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  15. See my sig... ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  16. I think if your in any doubt AT ALL then dont jump. If you feel better waiting a week, wait a week. If your ear hasnt cleared properly you may have to wait 2 months again if it gets dameaged. Its up to you tho. Check with your instructors too. Edit: When I was doing my AFF i used to get pissed off with the CCI for not letting me jump cos of winds so I know how annoying not being able to jump is but whats 1 week?? Maybe if the CCI had let me jump then I may of caused an injured and had to wait even longer. Dont rush things. Be Safe ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  17. Yes. Straighten them and bring them in slightly ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  18. According to this means.... Thursday July 31, 2003 - 8h06 an Austrian parachutist makes a success of the crossing of the English Channel in free fall Photograph not gone back to Felix Baumgartner in free fall [ © AFP/Archives Off ] CALAIS [ AFP ] - an Austrian parachutist equipped with a carbon aileron made a success of Thursday morning the crossing in free fall of the 34 km of the English Channel between Dover (Great Britain) and Calais (Pas-de-Calais) after a jump with 9.000 meters of altitude. Felix Baumgartner, 34 years, jumped of a plane to 06h09 to the vertical of Dover then fell during ten minutes at a speed of more than 200 km/h, before opening its parachute with approximately 1.000 m with the top of the Cape White-nosed monkey, in the west of Calais, where it was posed with 06h23. The parachutist of the extreme - which took off of Calais on board a Skyvan- twin-engine used a respiratory assistance at the beginning of its fall and took on a special combination at an altitude where the temperature is lower than -50°. The air controllers had granted a half an hour old to him crenel - of 05h45 with 06h15 - so that it can carry out its exploit. Felix Baumgartner checks his equipment Wednesday [ © AFP Philippe Huguen ] to obtain a maximum horizontal displacement at the time of his fall and to thus cross about thirty kilometer of sea, Felix Beaumgartner had fixed on its back an aerodynamic triangular carbon fibre aileron of a scale of 1,80 m. "All the conditions were met for this jump. I felt like a bird. In spite of some problems of rope and a fabric which tore, the experiment was fantastic ", declared the Austrian little after his landing. The flying Austrian, who had prepared for three years this bet of crossing of the English Channel baptized "Icare II", indicated without them to specify that it had already other projects at the head. The man, former automobile mechanic, carried out various exploits of jump in parachute, since the Christ of Rio (the jump low, 29 meters), since the twin towers of Kuala Lumpur (451 meters), or since a mount of the Canadian island of Baffin in the sea (1.500 meters). ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  19. Not in the UK. Well, I never did it anyway! ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  20. When I do them I extend my arms straight to the side, then say I want to roll left, i throw my left arm arcross my chest. I begin to roll. About half way through the roll, i throw my right armm under my chest and extend my left. Voila! ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  21. I am guessing that for to go unconcious at 40000 in 15 seconds you would have to be breathing. So for each breath you take you are getting no where near enough oxygen in the body and you then breathe out, getting rid of the very little oxygen your body took in during the last breath. If you took a breath at 0' then (somehow!) got to 40k in a second. You could still survive on the breath for as long as you could on the ground. Hope you get what im saying, I have a complicated way of describing things ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  22. Probably! I booked my AFF Course for Easter weekend this year, hoping to get through at least half of it... Cos of weather I only got 1 jump in on the bank holiday monday then, just as I was dying to get another guess what? Yep. Wind. ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  23. How? I didnt know a bend could be brought about by low pressure. What would cause the nitrogen bubbles? ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  24. When diving you breath compressed air. The deeper you go the more compressed the air gets, so you diving regulator has to put more air in your lungs to keep them from collapsing. With the extra air in your body, you take more nitrogen into you blood. As you ascend after the dive, the air expands. If you ascend too quickly it doesnt give the nitorgen enough time to release itself properly and this can cause nitrogen bubbles in your blood. This is a bend. If you ascend at the correct speed etc and do not have a bend straight after the dive and then climb to altitude in a plane, this has the same effect of rising too quickly during a scuba dive as nitrogen will remain in your body for a few hours (the exact length of time depends on how deep / long your dive was). ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------
  25. Following suit from the Skydiving: How Old Then, How Old Now? thread, I thought it would be interesting to see how many jumps everyone has in relation to how long they've been jumping Ive got 15 jumps in 4 months (UK Weather!!!) ------------------------------------------------------ "Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!" ------------------------------------------------------