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    Langar - england
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  1. I assume you can fold them back and still wear the jumpsuit.
  2. Thnaks. theres some encouraging stuff. It is starting to dawn on me that i am falling rather quick and this may be an issue. Rich
  3. Hi, Yes the WARP jump was a coached jump at peterborough. I am very appreciative of anyone who volunteers into a 4way with me. I have a lot to learn. Im sure i was jumping with competant reasonably fast fallers. This included experienced guys who all did their own bit. I clearly rocket low at the slightest manoevre. The formation was flying great when we were in a star. All was fine until i turn. This has been a common problem for me but only recently pointed out. It does seem that im spending my recent jumps dealing with going low, recovering ground and not making the points which in principal should be easy enough. Thanks for the offer. Any help is appreciated. Regards Richard
  4. Ok. I will attempt to improve the eye contact situation! Im not quite sure whats meant by 'popping' after a point. Do you mean de-arching and slowing fall rate? Its possible my turns are too aggressive and fast. Should get it cracked. Keep on practicing! Managed to drift underneath a member of the 4way last time stealing his air!! and causing more confusion. Still had fun!! Its a steep learning curve!! Rich
  5. Hi, Im a fairly biggish chap (approx 100kg) but have a reasonable fall rate. Estimated around 125/130. I am quite wide and this probably creates an element of drag. I messed up a 4way in an attempt to achive my FS1. I tend to drop significantly low when attempting to turn for a point. I am still using old cat-8 techniques for turning ie banking the upper body. Perhaps this deflects a lot more air hence the drop. I am capable of performing knee turns and wear booties. Would knee turns be the better option? I appreciate the difference between the two methods of initiating a turn but figure that dropping a shoulder to turn maybe the contributing factor to the increase in fall rate and hence losing the formation. I was instructed that i dont always maintain eye contact and hence look for the gripper. This could be a factor too. Any opinions? I appreciate this is a little subjective but any discussion would be useful. Regards Richard
  6. richardd


    its all experience!! I'll take a newpaper out with me next time. This can keep my face dry whilst i catch up on whats happening!
  7. richardd


    Jumped on satuday. The weather was cold but generally quite nice. Somehow we were despatched into rain. That was pretty unpleasant! My face was stinging hours later. Dont suppose theres any advice on this one except avoid the rain ! Rich
  8. Well went to the DZ with the sole intention of getting over last weeks malfunction. I even jumped the same rig!! Laughing in the face of superstition. However, i was more nervous than usual and super paranoid on the way down. My slider did stick up a little and this unsettled me a bit, i was parnoid about my chest strap, then paranoid about my canopy (oh know did i pick the right size) but landed and av done it. Bit of an ungraceful landing in high wind but job done.
  9. Cheers. Think you are right. At the time you are quite clear in your mind and positive about what you have to do which is a good thing. The concern sets in after time to reflect. My biggest worry is a highspeed mal or horseshoe. This one was pretty calm and calculated. I spose thats another forum though!
  10. No problem. Just thought id ask. Gonna bury the throwout ghost next weekend.
  11. PSS Should have an mpeg file of this incident soon!!
  12. Thanks for the support. I dont really remember being told any great deal about landing rounds but that could be my memory. Just a bit of common sense and the risers seemed to do the job! I had limited height on crossing the road, went over near the model plane club. I was running with wind but didnt feel instinctively happy about turning into wind. I was low and wasnt used to how the canopy would descend with a 180 so went with the runing landing. Maybe i screwed up but i im ok so maybe the right decision. All that weight training must have paid off!!! Sometimes its easier to make comments from a spectators viewpoint but i was under the canopy and made the call. which turned out ok
  13. Ive gained a valuable experience. Cutaway and round ride so am confident for next time. I will make sure i am aware of what i am jumping next time! Im not sure it will make any real difference wether round or square if theres limited kit.
  14. Sounds like russian roulette. I am told there are one or two rounds still knocking around. A chute is a chute i spose.
  15. Had my first mal today on jump 25. This was my conversion to thowout PC. all went well, the main deployed with slider up and lineover. Although not obvious at first. Just didnt steer or respond to inputs. Chopped it and to my horror a round appears argghgh. I landed running unfortunately on a windy day but PLFed and landed hard but am fine. Big grin