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Everything posted by genitor

  1. It sounds to me like he's being more responsible than MANY young men who find themselves in a situation where they are starting a family that they can neither afford nor support. I'm 25, and have thought about this same thing since I was a teenager. I absolutely love my lifestyle, and having children would definitely make is much more difficult to live as I currently do. I also agree that humans are over-consuming every natural resource that's been made available to us, and I don't see any need to help perpetuate that. To the OP, I would simply explain to your doctor in the same rational manner you've done here why it is you do not want children. Good luck!
  2. I think about that sort of thing all the time. That's usually followed by trying to figure out how to stay out of those situations.
  3. Hmmm. I'm not sure how "Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura" relates to Myspace, but maybe that's just me. (This probably won't make sense to you unless you have Firefox w/ the Google Toolbar installed)
  4. The Crossfire absolutely has the Katana's openings beat. I would say about 80% of the openings on my Katana are awesome (soft, on heading, etc). The other 20% are all over the place, and sometimes scary as hell. I never found a way to make my Crossfire misbehave on opening. Once it's open, I do like the Katana better. It's definitely more ground hungry, likes to dive more, and has lighter front riser pressure, etc.
  5. I actually have torn rotator cuffs in both of my shoulders, and I can tell you that sit flying is absolutely the WORST thing I can do for them. I've been dealing with this for a few years now, and it's gotten to the point where I can finally lift a decent amount of weight again. However, sit flying still makes my shoulders ache for days. It's just something about the angle of your arms while sitflying, and the fact that 150+ MPH winds puts a LOT of pressure on them, which is transferred almost directly to the shoulders. Taking some NSAIDs before/after might help a little bit. Other than that, good luck!
  6. It's amazing how many people I hear complain about closed end cells. It's especially funny when someone complains to their packer about it, as if they just packed the thing with 5 lineovers! Either wait for a couple of seconds to let it finish inflating, or pop the breaks and coerce it just a little bit. In any event thank your canopy for being so nice to you, and worry about more important matters!
  7. I wish RWS offered such combinations. When I bought my last rig, the smallest reserve I wanted was a 143. The smallest Vector that is sized for a 143R is built for a 150 9-cell main. So, I bought that. But now my main is fairly loose (though not dangerous), and I definitely wouldn't want to put something smaller in there. It seems strange that a company with such a history of safety innovations in this sport wouldn't offer a rig with a small main container and relatively large reserve container. I suppose that's safe for lighter people, but it sucks for us beefy folks that like to fly smaller canopies. I guess PD's new reserve material offers some hope. However I probably wouldn't buy that for at least a few years after it hit the market.
  8. Couldn't agree more. I've often thought the exact same thing.
  9. I've been told by someone very familiar with tunnels that Ft. Bragg easily has the fastest tunnel. This was a couple of years ago, though.
  10. I actually taped the door open for the first few days, and put the food on the outside. I then showed them where it was, and they eventually figured it out. Once they started feeling comfortable going through the open door, I took off the tape and let the door close. It took another little while before they figured out they could open it themselves, but they did eventually.
  11. So, is there a missing series of numbers caused by Bush getting D-20000? What was the last "real" D-license given before this was done (I'm assuming 19xxx)?
  12. If nothing else, I'm absolutely sure that a lot of people start swooping just to look cool.
  13. The word "grammar" should be on that list as well.
  14. I agree, it's most likely the Optima. I have one and the canopy alarms are great.
  15. I don't think Pablito was even referring to the TSO process when he responded. I believe that the statement that you quoted was him responding to the original question (ie, how do you know when a reserve needs to be repacked). Isn't Pablito also the rigger in charge of RWS's loft (so I'm assuming he REALLY knows his stuff anyway).
  16. I need to find something to do besides skydiving. I really do not know what to do during the day on a weekend when the weather is bad. I try to think of what I used to do before I started skydiving, and I always draw a blank. I guess I need a good non-skydiving hobby. Anyone else have this problem?
  17. I voted Officially Other for "Officially Stupid".
  18. Coheed and Cambria - Welcome Home, and the rest of the Good Apollo CD.
  19. Bumping this old thread because I'm trying to do the same thing. So... were you successful?
  20. What would have happened if it had been his main risers that were hung up when he cut away? Usually, you think of a cutaway when the container is already open, or when you have a total or whatever, which doesn't put any force on the loose risers. However, in this case, that single riser would have had tension on it. I'm thinking that after cutting away, the jumper would start to fall, dragging out one side of his suspension lines. Then, the main pin would either come out of its loop, or the main container would rip open. After that happened, the other riser would come loose, followed by the main pilot chute being drug/ripped from its pouch. After all of this occurred, it would be very possible for the main to inflate while still attached to the airplane. Depending on how it was snagged, it might or might not come loose. Also, because this did end up being a reserve riser, cutting away took away his option of using his main had his reserve been unusable. So, I'm thinking that in this situation, pulling the cutaway would definitely NOT be the correct action. Thoughts?