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Everything posted by chaoskitty

  1. Really sorry to hear about this. I've pointed all of my Nashville and Knoxville area friends to this thread, as well as local riggers around TN, AL, and GA. Hopefully we can help you get your gear back.
  2. Ohh better bring one of those small Asian women back for Wyatt, too.
  3. ...and Princess Bride. Inconceivable!! The Princess Bride was a love story.. and they had a fabulous kiss at the end..
  4. Yeah right.. That will be a nice wingsuit canopy though.
  5. 0:5:0 Only 5 jumps but a gorgeous weekend at the dz in between running to holiday parties friday and saturday night. All of my jumps were totally fun with awesome friends.. and I crossed the 400 mark.
  6. We miss our Kelly! And our Kristin! Shane brought a huge bottle of Patron to my house Friday night, which I will hide upon your return. hhahahaa! Have fun see ya when you get home! Love you girlses!
  7. Haha.. theres PLENTY left.. but I'll just invite hippie over one night and that'll take care of that!
  8. looks abit like woodt Harelson yeah.. a bit.. but look at his mouth and nose.. I think its Jeff Daniels. I dont think #1 is Kelly Ripa but I dont know who it is.
  9. You're playing Gold Rush.. arent you? 2. Jeff Daniels
  10. Dude.. you showed up at my door with a case of beer, 2 bottles of wine, a bottle of vodka, and a (big) bottle of Patron... And you're raving about the steak?? You're the one who ROCKS! You were a fabulous guest. I've lived the life of a road warrior.. and you're welcome to a home cooked meal at my house anytime. Oh and Michelle..I know you want my magic bullet. haha!
  11. --------------------------------------------------------- As mentioned before...wouldn't we need a bus to carry more jumpers? And we just got the short bus screen printed and all prettied up! We've had an otter out for boogies before and managed to get everyone on the plane. How many more does an otter hold vs. a the caravan? Not many.. but its a faster, more comfy ride.
  12. How come you met me but I never met you??? Try to stay on topic.. I have shopping to do and I hate shopping.
  13. Interesting article... .. but then there's this: "Dr Kevin De Cock, director of the HIV/Aids department of the World Health Organization told the BBC.." Seriously?? aaaahhaha I love it.
  14. I would LOVE to get some tunnel time in during the boogie. I guess I need to call them huh?
  15. Hmm I dunno. The only serious vidiot I know has flaked out on the boogie.
  16. SkydiveNFlorida. Where'd that girl run off to?
  17. What do you want to see? What do you NOT want to see? What have you seen lately? I'm just talking about stuff in the theatres, but take it where you like.. Seen it: Casino Royale.. loved it! Just a cool, entertaining movie. The Fountain.. cant say I hated it but I didnt really enjoy it. The plot was a bit far-fetched. The levels of fantasy/reality/drama didnt really work well together. NOT gonna see it.. Apocolypto. After the pure depression I felt after watching Mel's other "masterpiece".. I think I'll stay away. Blood Diamond.. just looks like crap. Leo is definitley not HOT enough to pull off playing a South African. He's kind of a tool anyway. But I am a fan of Jennifer Connely. Too bad. Turistas looks scary. Want to see it: The Holiday.. looks cute and entertaining. The Pursuit of Happyness.. cant wait for this one! I'll probably cry. Deja Vu.. cause I like Denzel. Ok now flame me for having shitty taste in movies.. .. cant help it! I like to be entertained.. not scared or confused.
  18. Isnt he a raging homosexual? Are you his gay lover?