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Everything posted by chaoskitty

  1. chaoskitty

    "My Boys"

    Cause some of us would rather go to a hockey game than to a baby shower?
  2. chaoskitty

    "My Boys"

    That's 'cause most of the time the non-girly types turn out to be rug munchers. Well not really. Theres a big difference between not being completely absorbed in gossip, clothes, and make up... and being gay.
  3. People....Jesus. Now that the introductions have been made, can we get on with the free wine thing? AMEN!
  4. chaoskitty

    "My Boys"

    I liked it too! I'm not quite as much of a tomboy as she is, but enough to relate. Guys like the girly girls. Imagine that?
  5. Its twue.. its twue!! But anyway .. back on subject. Our trivia team sucks and we blame Adam since he wasnt there. Party on Friday @Frankie's.
  6. I shouldnt have clicked on this thread. I get strep about twice a year.. Gargle with warm salt water. It sucks.. but it works. And go to bed! Quit blowing your germs around in the wind tunnel!
  7. I disagree. Today's country sounds like toned down rock. I can't even understand half of what is being sung, and there seem to be very few unique voices that will make you stop and listen. And, where the hell is that steel guitar? A lot of today's mainstream country is total crap. The good stuff is still out there though.. just have to look for it.
  8. Yeah I saw that. I might have believed she was serious if she hadn't done the same thing to her husband when he won entertainer of the year a couple of years ago. I'm pretty sure she was joking and everyone would have seen it if the cameras had stayed on her. Its all just drama..
  9. Oh its hillarious.. the scene with the drunk psycho girl driving the PT Cruiser... "TELL ME I'M PRETTY!!!" ... hehehe...ohhh that reminds me of someone! hahaaa!!
  10. "I'm a virgin.. I always have been." hehee.. that always cracks me up. (40 yr old virgin)
  11. Huh.. I was wondering what I was doing on Friday night..
  12. The glasses that look like the bottom of a coke bottle. The ones he got in the ninth grade.
  13. I talk to Chris sometimes. He lives in Philly and is the metro of all metros! He hasnt jumped since he blew out his shoulder a few years ago. I partied with him in San Antonio one weekend and he wore a tshirt that said "I speak Jive".. hehe!
  14. PDS.... ohhh the happy places his posts took me to...
  15. I thought you said your call would be interesting?
  16. Oh who the hell knows. Wanna swing by Dolly Parton's house?
  17. If I ever have a question regarding country music singers, I'm definitely calling you. Blues, Dave hehe.. I lived in Nashville. Useless country artist knowldege is part of the culture.
  18. No, that was Garth Brooks who left his wife for Trisha Yearwood.
  19. No, Shania married Mutt Lange, who used to be Def Leppard's producer. They only have one kid.
  20. We only want photos from the neck up, if he is not wearing the BCG's. We definitley dont trust him below the waist! Been burned too many times...