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Everything posted by chaoskitty

  1. (He said Penal... heheheheheh)
  2. 17 Now is that the chronological age? Or the age of maturity.. cause I know some damn near 30 yr olds who havent made it that far yet..
  3. I thought it was "The 28 yr old Virgin"?
  4. We've sucked donky balls the past two weeks.. you're not allowed to skip anymore! Last night, we sucked so bad that the boys had to take Les to the pony just to make up for it and show her a good time.
  5. I substituted the splenda brown sugar with the regular that the recipie called for, but you only use half of the amount that the recipie calls for when you use splenda. I thought about substituting egg beaters for eggs as well, but I didnt want to take it too far.. I also used about twice as many pecans as the recipie called for. I like that splenda brown sugar in my cream of wheat too.
  6. I've tried a few of those 'diet helpers' and none of them worked. Best thing thats worked (for me) for dropping a few pounds fast is phase 1 of the South Beach diet. Its 2 weeks of no sugar, no carbs. So that leaves lots of good, lean protiens (which you like anyway), veggies, and low fat dairy. I plan on going back to phase 1 after this week. Damn the pecan pie!! sugarsugarsugar ..although I made an "experimental" pecan pie with Splenda brown sugar and it was really good! I used the recipie off of this month's cooking light magazine. Did I mention how good it feels after about a week on phase 1 and you have all of the sugar out of your system?
  7. Do I look like your grandmother?
  8. Its like calling me a "bird". So no, not offensive, just very casual I guess. Casual is good.
  9. I'm sending Christmas cards this year! I swear.. I'm buying stamps and everything! So if you'd like me to send one to you, PM me your address and I'd LOVE to! I'll PM my address so you can send me one if you want to. I hope to get enough cards to tape all over the back of my front door like my mom does. I have my own front door this year!
  10. That reminds me.. I got a creepy phone call yesterday. I'll tell you about it tonight.
  11. No.. and if anyone used those words to describe you, well they dont know you very well at all.
  12. Beezy and I were talking the other day about Chris.. as we've just past the 2 year mark. It seems like he's been gone forever.. A lot has changed since hes been gone, and I wish he could have been here for it.
  13. chaoskitty


    Damn You Shane!!!!!!!!!!!!! .. it is a funny pic..
  14. chaoskitty


    I love Bolas, but you can NOT take Orlando Bloom as legolas away from me!!!!!!! (sob.. sob..)
  15. Not you either, Jenn.. duh..
  16. Yeah but Paul Schaffer is a professional musician with a degree from a very good music school. UNT.. did ya know that, Dave?
  17. I had to post to see how many I had. I'm totally on the downhill slide of postwhore.. too many idiots on here. (not you, kenz. )
  18. ... waiting in line for Remster to let them have a turn.
  19. Haha.. that was the worst porno (and the worst nose job) I have ever seen!! I liked the big cock but other than that it was just comedy.
  20. .. Glenn burgers... steamrollers...drunk dials.. bed time movies in manifest..
  21. I was one of those idiots... If I can make a 200% profit off mine it will be worth it...I could use the extra cash!
  22. Hey man.. if you can't take contradicting opinions then dont post. I never said you shouldnt breast feed your baby in public. Just how I would handle it myself.. because someone asked. Somehow you think that people who prefer privacy and discretion are extreme prudes.
  23. chaoskitty


    yeah.. cause you are wrong I thought I tied you up and put you in the closet? How did you get out?