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Everything posted by chaoskitty

  1. I think you're confusing Sheryl Crow who did a duet with Kid Rock.. and Faith Hill who married Tim McGraw and popped out 3 kids.
  2. Totally. But if you're a friend, I wont only be a bitch TO you, I'll be a bitch FOR you. Take me for who I am, or leave me alone.
  3. Oh good! Now I get to give you crap for having lived on this planet for the past 10 years and never hearing of Faith Hill.
  4. "Serial"... he immediately thought of his first experience with Cheerios.
  5. Hmm.. you better hope shes not a Florida fan..
  6. Careful who you're chatting with.. have you seen this guy?? He's also been known to shave a shamrock in to his head, run around in leather thongs, swap out the bcg's for a wingsuit.. among other things you probably dont want to know about. Dude.. time to lose the BCG's!!
  7. But I thought you would like redneck music.. since.. looking at your avatar, you have no teeth.
  8. Ok but when you're trying to get in to Heaven and God asks you why didn't you do what kitty said and get rid of the BCG's... what will you tell him?
  9. sigh. For you, Bolas.. I'd go gay.
  10. Yeah she is hot.. and she can sing. But I posted a video of a hot young chick singing with the dallas cowboy cheerleaders dancing back up and all I got back from Dave was "I'm GAY"!
  11. Linder is blowing a big flame (good job dude!) and Kelly is pulling her sweater down so Adam could write an IOU on her boob. You're right, theyre exactly the same. Time to get rid of the BCG's Bolas!!
  12. Apart from American Idol.... WTF is wrong with you???? I can see your assimilation is going to be even more difficult than Bolas's..
  13. She won American Idol last year. .. and her performance at the dallas game. I thought it was pretty cool. But I like country and all that singy dancy shit.. Theres many many gratuitous shots of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders if Carrie isnt hot enough for ya.
  14. They had 3 weddings.. they should have to get 3 divorces too..
  15. Well.. was it good for you?
  16. I thought my brother was going to start licking the tv..
  17. Both of those yamaha's are hella sexy, but I like your bike just as much.
  18. I love singing that song! Its just a down and dirty I'm pissed off and you're damn well gonna hear about it song! .. but yeah its wrong to actually DO those things. Of course shes smokin hot.. you cant be a female country singer without the whole package anymore. Did you see her halftime show during the Dallas game on Thanksgiving?
  19. Of course! People without pants are either sexy or really funny... so either way, I'm entertained!
  20. Happy bday to 2 of my favorite hotties! See you soon! ps= kenz... ATL Dec 9-10. hint hint.
  21. Dont wear pants on your birthday this year.. and you should be fine. Send photos.
  22. I might go to circuit city in the morning to check something out... and I was going to go to Macy's to shop for an outfit for my offfice christmas party, but after the turkey and the bar tab I just ran up with my brothers... forget buying clothes tomorrow! I'll be hitting up the YMCA instead.