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Everything posted by chaoskitty

  1. chaoskitty

    at a loss

    Hugs, girl. I hate that helpless feeling. Keeping your friend in my thoughts. Let me know if I can do anything.
  2. Can we have a bi-plane this year? One we can jump out of? Pretty pleeeease?
  3. What?? A bad landing?? He told ME that he tripped and fell when he was carrying the last orphan out of a burning building. What a show off! hehehe..
  4. I'm currently a past military brat. Do I count??
  5. He's having surgery on his broken fibulaaahhh today. Heal up quickly monkeyboy!! muah!
  6. Why cant you fly home on a bum ankle? We miss our Kelly! But we are not surprised that you fell down. hehe! Dork.. get yer butt home.
  7. I saw the entire event. What you just said is true. Thats all I really want to say about it... except blue skies, Tom.
  8. awww.. Sandi.. great photo! I had only spent a little bit of time around Tom but he was a sweetheart.. and a class act. He was wearing his heart on his sleeve for Ilea all week so I'm glad he got that kiss in the door. Blue skies, Tom... you're in good company.
  9. Have fun, Spence. I'll miss you guys but expect drunk dials. Don't go to bed too early its a two hour time difference.
  10. Well you'd need to keep up your strength for whatever youre going to do to Lesley with an inch of oil slathered all over her. And if I know that girl.. she'll wear you out!
  11. Hey.. I'm not an asshole! But can I deliver the big smooch to your sweety??
  12. Because I love you.. I would make you a steak and peppers sammich on a wheat sub roll. You take care of me.. so if all you need is a sammich and an open beer.. shiiit thats easy.
  13. Ah.. yes so do I, according to the man at the Jiffy Lube. I told him not to rotate my tires because he didnt have the ability to balance them as well. He said they didnt need to be balanced. I said yes they did. The he winked and said maybe we should get my husband involved in this. Jerk.
  14. Yep.. Tanya totally hooked you up, but we're all thinking about you!
  15. Steve is in your pants??? You might want to let him out, I don't think he's very comfortable in there.
  16. Nah.. consider the source. All I did was cut off the horns, wipe its ass, and throw it on a plate. So wheres that other Horned Frog???
  17. Yeah BABY!!! Nice end to a good season! 37-7 win over N. Illinois at the Poinsettia Bowl.
  18. What exactly did she do? I keep seeing the MISS USA Scandal all over the news, and something to do with the Donald.. but I must have missed the part where they spelled it out.
  19. So if we keep putting you back on the list you'll have to show up right?
  20. Well get to work on cloning yourself while youre at it!
  21. Huh?? Who is fucking around in the hangar? That only happens after the beer light is on.
  22. If you grab the zip file, it should have an exe file when you unzip it.. and then install it from there. More than likely, all of those other file extentions are included in the zip file and you'll need them all. Thats all I can say without looking at it.
  23. I met lots of good friends at Monroe. Everyone is still around though. More or less.