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Everything posted by FallRate

  1. This might be a repost...found it on BobandTom.com... The pweor of the hmuan mnid Aoccdrnig to rscheearch codnutced at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are tpyed, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit oedrer. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? FallRate
  2. Unless they have changed the law in the last five years. Anything less than 100 grams is a minor misdemeanor which does call for a $100 fine. The most important part is that there is no criminal record involved. Now, if you have 99 grams of the stuff in say, five or six separate baggies, you're going to prison! Alaska put a measure on the ballot in 2000 which would have completely decriminalized pot. But whoever wrote the measure screwed the pooch when it mentioned that not only would all those currently imprisoned in the State of Alaska on pot related charges be released, but that reparations would be paid by the State for the inconvenience. I'd have no problem with the first part, but the second is a bit absurd. It failed. Perhaps they'll try again. (or maybe they already have...time to google) Update FallRate
  3. Seems fair...I'm all for beating the piss out of anyone who wears the Eagles' colors, anywhere. FallRate
  4. Pat Buchanan spoke out against the original Gulf War, so it is no surprise to see that he doesn't back this Admininstration on the issue of Iraq. FallRate
  5. FallRate

    XPs SP2

    Thanks for the reply. My current residence is very close to the middle of nowhere and the only high speed available is satellite, and it is rather expensive. I'm not that much of a web junky. I'll probably just take my desktop into work and update it there. FallRate
  6. FallRate

    XPs SP2

    Ivan, I'm starting to get the feeling that you work for Microsoft. By the way...how can you go about downloading the 72meg SP on a different computer and then transfering it. I could download the admin version (whatever they call it) but it's really large and I don't currently have the hardware to transfer that, and I don't want to buy it. FallRate
  7. Someone wielding an AK-47, even if pubescent, doesn't count as collateral damage. FallRate
  8. Would a humidifier/heater combo count as air-conditioned heat? Man, I'm bored. FallRate
  9. All law abiding persons with a license to carry concealed firearms will strip themselves of the firearms whenever they enter into bars, if it illegal to do so. If they do not, when the law requires it, they are not law abiding and should not be licensed. FallRate
  10. This is an interesting article on Vietnam-era military service. http://www.strategypage.com/dls/articles/2004217.asp FallRate
  11. I don't remember where I read this, but Ben Folds has been producing an album with Shatner recently. I think it's Ben Folds. Must google. BRB.... Yep, it's true. Apparently Folds is producing Shatner's upcoming album "Has Been" and Shatner appeared on Fold's last release "Fear of Pop Vol. 1"...or something like that. FallRate
  12. Concerning NPR, I have enjoyed everything that Sarah Vowell has contributed. She's a treasure. (I try to ignore the fact that she loves Clinton.) FallRate
  13. I'm not familiar with any of the film-makers involved with this, but it looks interesting. FallRate
  14. Maybe it's humor inspired by John Cage. (I will be disappointed if at least one person doesn't get that...the post was deleted...it's blank...anyone?) FallRate
  15. To elaborate on Wendy's point... There is a difference between those who are in need and those looking for a handout. This post addresses the idea that the position one holds in life may very well be deserved and should not be amended simply because it falls short of the ideal. In those cases, where opportunity is squandered, it does seem ridiculous to assume that injustice is the sole cause and to seek redress by appropriating funds from the communal kitty. But this post discounts the fact that any person, no matter how well intentioned or how hard they apply themselves, may at some point in time find themselves in a position where they need assistance. While it is misguided to "simply give a man a fish", it is unreasonable to believe that the same man can remain viable while "learning to fish" without some means of support. FallRate
  16. Paris!? I laughed. FallRate
  17. Umm...California? FallRate
  18. On the very bright side of things, Goss recognizes that the demands made upon today's intelligence community have changed. And as Jimbo has alluded: it is best to have someone in the position of evaluating intelligence who has had enough experience to acquire some of his own. Edited to add....And as far as being a 65-year-old: As much as we love to discount the opinions of people in this age bracket, I love the idea of having someone who can say to the President: "Sir, if I were a younger man and had any concern about my political future, I might be willing to nod my head and blow smoke up your ass. But this, Sir, is the way I see it." FallRate
  19. Everyone hates a winner. Even in America, nothing engenders more support than the underdog...that's why we tolerate Canada. FallRate (In advance: just kidding! I love our Northern Neighbors. Except, of course, the Quebecois population. )
  20. She's a Dallas Cowboy's Cheerleader. I almost forgot, you live across the pond. Cheerleaders are the women who stand on the sidelines, wearing skimpy costumes and dancing for our enjoyment. Football and cheerleading: that splendid mix of sex and violence which equals ratings! FallRate
  21. There are positive aspects to football.
  22. Butthead? Me? FallRate
  23. Maybe that is why defections are down. I almost forgot volleyball. FallRate