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Everything posted by FallRate

  1. OK. I remember watching a documentary about an undercover police operation to catch pedophiles. On one of the videotapes, two men are discussing a particular boy that they have been tracking. One of the men makes the point that when they kill the boy he wants to be able to look into his eyes. (Apparently, that was his motivation. Sick fucker.) The men were arrested and charged with conspiracy to abduct and murder the boy. The notion that these men had the right to first murder the boy then suffer the consequences is naive and irresponsible. FallRate
  2. Perhaps you mean indefinitely? Coincidentally, to say they are being held forever without a trial assumes that they will never be charged/tried/sentenced or released, which is an assumption of guilt on the part of the US government for an act which cannot yet have taken place. FallRate
  3. Apparently not that secretive. FallRate
  4. Yes, they can, and they work well. I always wondered why my Father wore a clip-on to work...he was a cop...he explained that they come right off if someone tries to grab them in a fight. I just thought my Father had a bad fashion sense, apparently he was just sensible. FallRate
  5. This is the type of discussion that ends up in a semantic quagmire. It's a bit like a trainwreck...lots of fun to watch. FallRate
  6. Ahh, yes: typical knee-jerk criticism of anything remotely positive concerning Iraq. They are offering him the chance to leave the country. FallRate
  7. The Clintons' marriage has nothing to do with Bill's sex life. FallRate
  8. It will prove to be politically valuable at some point...if attitudes toward divorce on this site are any indication. Hillary says: "I'm getting a divorce." Generic replies: "You go girl."..."Way to take charge of your life."..."You are so brave."...etc. But then who really gives a crap if they divorce!? FallRate
  9. The original exchange was between Winston Churchill and (I believe) Nancy Astor. FallRate
  10. Charisma Carpenter...'nuff said!
  11. I hope Lew doesn't mind, but I feel like posting a more pleasant picture... (Lew is on the far left.) FallRate
  12. Hitler! I said it, argument over.
  13. Kallend, do you have to be so rude...all the time? FallRate
  14. That is doubtful. FallRate
  15. God save the trolls...no one else will give a shit. FallRate
  16. Actually, Islam is a religion. A Muslim is one who practices Islam. FallRate
  17. Why was a DEA agent working a bust in Mexico? FallRate
  18. Quite true. It has long been believed that Noah's Ark, whatever it's origins truly are, is in Turkey. Apparently the area it is (was) believed to be in, or the mountain it is (was) believed to be on, was off limits during the Cold War as it was close to the Soviet Border. This is the first I've heard about it in over 10 years. FallRate
  19. Everytime the issue of socialized medicine comes up I think of standing in line at the BMV for 45 minutes and then being told why it is I have to leave and get some other document to get my license renewed. Speaking of the BMV (Ohio)...I lost my license somewhere and had to get a new one. I went in with what I thought was my birth certificate. After 45 minutes or so the misanthrope on the other side of the counter told me that it wasn't a genuine birth certificate and that I would have to get ahold of the county I was born in to get a copy. Fine. I do this and go back a couple of weeks later. Then, after showing my credentials and paying my fee, I started walking over to the chair where the license pictures are taken. I was then told that there was no need, and before I could figure out what was going on, I was handed a new license with my original picture on it. It's a digital pic so they just keep it on file. So why was it they couldn't just look it up and look at me and give me a copy the first time!? FallRate
  20. Taking complete control of the country would be easy: Free Universal Home Delivery of Yoo-Hoo. I'd cave...that is one tasty beverage! FallRate
  21. There is a jumper at SDC (an assumption based on seeing her there on two occasions) who is about 6'1". She is adorable! FallRate
  22. Thinning out the herds is a legtimate reason to hunt. Overpopulation is a danger to the animals and us. I don't do it...just happy that some people enjoy it so that we don't have to pay to have it done. FallRate