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Everything posted by GARYC24

  1. Why am does things like "Turdy-One Flavors and "Sprinkle"s come to my mind..I may be on to something to make it funnier or even worse..I just don't know..
  2. Some people are what you eat.
  3. Thanks for the links.. I was referring to F...ING" adjective..but now I guess both lines were to date in the movie that I was referring to.. Yeah..I was glad there wasn't alot of "adult language" in the movie as well.. very rare now adays! By the way..Cat in the not for children! Saw that yesterday!
  4. I saw it last week, good movie, glad I went and saw it (maitinee price) There was 2 things I questioned regarding the time/era..The guys they pulled out of water onto the boat(they was in dingy) one of the guys said "", and Crowe said "God speed to someone..I didn't know if these were spoken of back then? Seeing this movie on a big screen is a must if your gonna see it.
  5. It looks like a real live "Gremlin"! I did a post awhile back..same story different dog. I guess every dog has his day! har har!
  6. Actually, I wouldn't mind having one of those! I did the chia pet (scooby doo) before. I'm thinking about getting a real old coin..I got 1 years ago in an extra large box..deep inside was a little piggy bank and inside was a Large cent over 120 year old!..That could be a keepsake.
  7. Anyone else trade names at work, dept, etc.? We did today, planning pot luck, monthly birthday cake for Dec. It's a $20 limit..I just mentioned " Hey, that's a skydive" So, now I have to get out and go shopping, find a parking space, stand in line, etc.
  8. GARYC24

    On the bus?

    Quote And you get to feel superior for having taken public transportation. If you sit in traffic, you end up screaming at the morons on the freeway with you. I used to take a bus to work.and .never felt "superior" "The busses don't work here, I'm an asshole" (Charlie Sheen)
  9. He's like pinnochio in reverse. The more he lies, the shorter his nose gets.
  10. " Servant" Yes, it's Biblical. Also, reminds of of BoB Dylan song..Ya, always gotta serve somebody..
  11. This could be USA new slogan: " Our Gays suck less!" hahaha
  12. The article doesn't say what their looking for. But to answer your question.. Yes..he probably could pay his way out of it..
  13. . The whole world is based on things like this today, from magazines to television. (Hell, we post boobies on here every day!!! ) That might have something to do with her response. I say she was not not wrong. I am not gonna dwell or "dribble" much on this here..I wouldn't want to offend people who don't believe in God or Jesus.
  14. I was dis-qualified once for yelling: " Officer Down!"
  15. The whole issue of the removale to me is a "bad" reason..not a "good" reason. I don't know how it got there in the first place. The same thing is being allowed in Texas.. And the guy that helped get him removed also commended him when he put it up..he now is just covering his "ass".. This is just a step to remove "God" from the world as far as I concern... They'll probably remove it from all the currency before the day I die.. Anyway..this was not a "good" thing a something America should be proud of! Just more reason to me that the world is in a bunch of shit.
  16. I've known several people who have committed suicide.. one of my closet friends at 17 yrs old, his dad. 2 in 1997.. And I still don't know what to say. just speechless..sorry to hear about your friend, and someone's child, and brother. Gary Calhoun
  17. According to the Red Book of Westmarch, In Middle-earth, Evil Warg Hobbit lad name Porto Green from Willowbottom Hobbit lass name Salvia Green from Willowbottom Dwarven Fili Orchands This name is for both genders. Orkish Name Sharkrísh the Grim This name is for both genders. Reminds me of a Jim Croce song "I gotta name I gotta name"...har har
  18. Why ask Why? drink Bud Dry!.. Seriously, now..I do believe I fall into the category of liver panels results a few months ago were bad..bad as in not good,abnormally high! So, basically..since you posted what you posted.. Questioning one self is "one gauge" of a telling whether you have a problem that needs addressing and/or putting an end to.. Gary Calhoun
  19. Nah..I missed that concert (barely)The Who in Ohio years ago..mass caualty at the door!
  20. Just had that brought up in our safety-meeting at work last week. I'm gonna have to get mine re-current in cpr-first-aid and infant. And seek the PAD thing BillV mentioned.Company may seek a course..BUT I'll take it again before theyever will! Gary
  21. I just recently added additional dis. insurance. ~ $4.62 weekly....$800 extra month in addition to regular coverage. I'd like to think that the decision was not an easy one for your company to make. And should not have effect on re-hiring in the future..(if desired) I treat this additional dis. insurance (ING) like my CPR card(sort of)..nice to have hope I never have to use it. Gary Calhoun Romans 8:28
  22. Was in it in 1991 World Freefall Convention (Jerry Bird seminar load) the plane landed and was boarding the next load before I landed! Be ready to jump when you get in it!