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Everything posted by GARYC24

  1. ] hehe I did the same thing... Now that is a "coin"incidence! Get it" har har har
  2. Pic 2. Looks like he's carrying his rig and matching jumpsuit!
  3. QuoteI don't care if you all think this is a girls bike or not. It's my bike and it's a great bike to learn on... I don't see a "snatch patch" so it doesn't look like a girl bike to me. I would like to have a "nighthawk" or a Honda Shadow.!
  4. How about a greasy pork sandwich served in a dirty ash tray? Or I could bring some you some of my grandma's peanuts?
  5. GARYC24

    Friday Funny

    >A woman asks her husband if he'd like some breakfast. "Would you like bacon and eggs, perhaps? A slice of toast and maybe some grapefruit and coffee?", she asks. He declines. "It's this Viagra," he says. "It's taken the edge off my appetite." At lunch time, she asks if he would like something. "A bowl of homemade soup, homemade muffins or a cheese sandwich?" she inquires. He declines. "The Viagra," he says, "really trashes my desire for food." Come dinnertime, she asks if he wants anything to eat. "Would you like maybe a steak and apple pie? Maybe a microwave pizza or a tasty stir-fry that would only take a couple of minutes?"He declines. "Naw, still not hungry." "Well," she says, "would you mind letting me up? I'm starving."
  6. I'm talking about sweet music from a good past experience. How about a Jimi Hendrix experience? Are you experienced?
  7. I had the jumper numbers and all the night qualifications (plus some). But I'm gonna re-do all the accuracy requirements to be more honest in accuracy..I usually land out from the busier landing area and don't really aim for a target as in a pea-gravel..I will apply in about 25 more jumps..maybe dedicate one day or a whole weekend doing hopNpops.. I got 546 (still counting
  8. I agree sort of..all should have a concern with the above topics, except not on a computer message board! And to get back to original pet peeve (if forced to have one would be) complaints and post that have over 450 or more responses that has nothing to do with the original question..some post are here that are way too long..too bad this isn't just a giant live chat room instead of a giant note pad,message board thingy. Other than that..It is addictive to log on!
  9. I took a course for $150 call 1-800 cc-rider in 1994(? if still exist) That included DMV testing, the bike. They must have loved you in Sturgis! har har Want else did you see there! har har!If your gonna just ride in neighborhoods and never on the highway, just get a scooter, or moped of a sort.
  10. Yeah..I just started listening to them.. I play guitar and got their songbook (rush a blood to the head) and their newest "parachute" album 2 days ago. I enjoy them alot ! Good music and you can understand the words!
  11. GARYC24

    Average Joe

    I watched was funny..the guy spilling the martini on himself was hilarius! What I like most however was Kathy Griffin! I love her! She's great! and funny,too!
  12. Subject: Crisco There was an old gal wandering around the supermarket calling out, "Crisco, Cri-i-i-i sssssssco!" Soon a store clerk approached. "Ma'am, the Crisco is in aisle D." The old lady replied, "Oh, I'm not looking for the cooking stuff, I am calling my husband." "Your husband's name is Crisco?" The old woman answered, "Oh, no, no, no. I only call him that when we're out in public." "Well, what do you call him when you are at home?" "Lard ass."
  13. West Frankfort, Illinois " Coal Mining"
  14. I have been a honest 3 days now. Company had a free lunch today (Baja Fesh..good burritos!)I would usually smoke now. Anyways..ya know that feeling when you really feel like smoking one..well I'm beginning to get off on that feeling! It makes me feel stronger, tougher, and I'm enjoy that crazy little rush of blood to the head! The feeling of getting healthier! It's like the the same feeling as breaking down and smoking one..but without the guilty conscience! Have fun with it..go crazy!
  15. SPOOKY STORY... Late one dark and rainy night a man was walking home alone when he hears a....... BUMP... BUMP... BUMP... behind him. Walking faster he looks back, and makes out the image of an upright coffin banging its way down the middle of the street towards him BUMP... BUMP... BUMP... Terrified, the man begins to run towards his home, the coffin bouncing quickly behind him ... faster... faster... BUMP... BUMP.... BUMP. He runs up to his door, fumbles with his keys, opens the door, rushes in, slams and locks the door behind him. However, the coffin crashes through his door, with the lid of the coffin clapping ... clappity-BUMP... clappity-BUMP... clappity-BUMP... clappity-BUMP... on the heels of the terrified man.... Rushing upstairs to the bathroom, the man locks himself in. His heart is pounding; his head is reeling; his breath is coming in sobbing gasps. . With a loud CRASH the coffin starts breaking down the door. Bumping and clapping towards him. The man screams and reaches for something heavy, anything ... his hand comes to rest on a large bottle of ROBITUSSIN . Desperate, he throws the Robitussin as hard as he can at the apparition, and... the coffin stops.
  16. I'm wearing the funny glasses with nose,mustache, eyebrows and some fake Bubba teeth things! I just put them on once in awhile..I drove thru a drive-thru this morning with them...and didn't get much of a response! Made me feel kinda funny! har har
  17. If a man talks nasty to a woman, it's considered sexual harrassment, but if a woman talks nasty to a guy it cost $3.99 a minute!
  18. Well, several months ago I posted about quit smoking..I didn't completety quit..Started off just smoking on drive to Dz and before/after a skydive. and drive home.. Today will be 24 hrs of honest non-smoking! Not even a butt from ash tray (smoked them already har har) It will be an easy start for me this time, because I don't feel good..all this smoke and smell from local fires play a facor on quitting too. I done all the tricks, excuses. and what not.. If ya quit you quit, if ya quit for 10 yrs and then smoke one; so what!..Doesn't make you a failure.. I'm quitting because I can feel their making me sick, I'm getting older (gotta take care of myself, no one else gonna do it!) and all that kind of stuff. Have fun with quitting !
  19. I looks like it would make a good album cover for a band named" GWAR".
  20. Wow ! You alot closer to fire than I am. I live in Camarillo, next to the Simi Valley and Moorpark fires, (and Piru in the distance) The smoke and ash is really getting to me..It smells lke a constant campground outside, ashes and smoke haze is inside our building at work and only 3 people showed up today..well 4 showed 1 took a look around and went home! I'm really getting sick of the smell! I had to close my windows in my room this weekend! The gutters and cars are covered with ash! I can only imagine how worse it must be for you two there! Gary Calhoun
  21. I live in Long Beach, but my office is in Port Hueneme (near Ventura). " Hey, I live in Camarilo ! next door to Pt.Hueneme! Wow ! Let's have lunch!
  22. Daylight Saving Time started for the sole purpose of making better use of daylight and saving energy. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, Daylight Saving Time prompts people to use less electricity for lighting and small appliances, since people tend to spend their evenings outside during summer, enjoying the extra hour of daylight. Benjamin Franklin, during his service as an American delegate in Paris in 1784, first came up with the idea of Daylight Saving Time. The idea went no further than an essay titled "An Economical Project," but earned him much respect from his friends, the inventors of the oil lamp. A London builder named William Willet toyed with the idea of Daylight Saving in 1907. He thought an excellent idea would be advancing the clock 20 minutes every Sunday in April, and then setting the clock back each Sunday in September. Willet even went so far as to get support for the idea, even reaching Parliament with various time saving bills. Sadly, the bill was met with opposition and ridicule each time. The practice of Daylight Saving Time began in World War I, when conservation of fuel was incredibly important. People tried to match their schedules to sunlight hours. In the United States, Daylight Saving Time always begins on the first Sunday in April and ends on the last Sunday in October. This was determined by an act of Congress. Therefore, during the winter, the United States is on standard time. In summer, we are on daylight saving time. Some states, such as Arizona, completely ignore daylight saving time, and stay on standard time the entire year. The four darkest months of the year, November, December, January, and February, are not as affected by Daylight Saving Time as the rest of the year. These months tend to have later sunrises. Farmers have traditionally disliked Daylight Saving Time. Farmers who schedule their days by sunrise note that animals take a long time to adjust to the new schedule, leading to weeks of adjustment twice a year. Orthodox Sephardic Jews in Israel also complain that Daylight Saving Time interferes with their early morning prayers during the Jewish month of Elul. It's Time You Knew.... You can kill time. You can squander it. It can fly by. It can drag. But did you know.... There are 86,400 seconds in a day. A picosecond is the shortest, most accurate measurement of time. It is one-trillionth of a second. 2 to 4 nanoseconds (each representing one-billionth of a second) is the amount of time it takes for a computer to execute one software instruction. A decisecond, one-tenth of a second, is the duration of the blink of an eye. 40 days is about the longest a person can survive without food. 2 minutes is the average time for which a person can hold his or her breath. It takes 365.24 days for the earth to orbit around the sun. a.m. stands for ante meridiem (before midday) and p.m. is post meridiem (after midday). B.C. stands for before Christ. A.D. stands for anno domini, or, "in the year of our Lord." There is no "zero" year. The year Christ was born is believed to be 1 A.D., and the year before that was 1 B.C. The earth rotates 15 degrees every hour. This explains our 24 time zones. All time zones are measured from the starting point set in England, the Greenwich Meridian. "GMT" refers to Greenwich Mean Time, or Universal Time.
  23. Prayer said. "May the Lord smile on you... Numbers 6:25 (nlt)
  24. Go rent the movie "CRASH" Let me know if ya like that one! heh heh... If ya don't see this won't know what I mean,,
  25. Had to look twice to see your were writing this! Eric, when I heard about ya..I prayed on the parking lot for ya..and all the way home (2hr drive) I believe more than ever that all were heard. Take care! Gary Calhoun