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Everything posted by Albatross

  1. Happy Birthday Lisa!!! I'll be out tomorrow to share the sunshine. Fly Free, Fly fast, Fly together Albatross
  2. Although I think that everyone has said their peace about this topic I am going to throw my 2 cents in. I think that just like every thing else you must walk before you can run. All of us could use more canopy skills early. The problem is I am not sure how to regulate it and how it would be taught. Fly Free, Fly fast, Fly together Albatross
  3. Sorry to hear that froggie. I know that money problems can be a bitch. Congrats on the perfect landing. I think that you obveously did a whole lot of good things on the dive. You learned that even if your are not perfectly stable that you can be aware and deploy. Besides the only two parts that you really need to get right are dump and land. If you can walk away you can always try again. As for the level, try my visualization cue: imagaine that the relative wind in cradling you like you are sinking into a huge pillow. Feel it all over you. A little pressure on the left makes the right come down and so on. WHY DO I SUDDENLY HAVE THAT WARM FEELING? Fly Free, Fly fast, Fly together Albatross
  4. I don't think that wingie was thinking of going out with her I think he had a nice personal night in planned. Besides I think that he would still be crushing the corn and scaring the cows. Fly Free, Fly fast, Fly together Albatross
  5. You are all soft!!! I am going to take the $70,000 for the RV, buy the second rig, all the goodies and sleep on the damn ground like a real man. As for the love slave, any woman who wants to bunk at this house better be wild enough to due it under the stars at the DZ. Fly Free, Fly fast, Fly together Albatross
  6. Zennie I koticed the exact same thing when I down sized to a 170 (loaded at about 1.2). I figured that suddenly I am moving fast enough to get lift to support my weight and I can actually stop my decent for a few seconds. Fly Free, Fly fast, Fly together Albatross
  7. Mike you had my mouth open nad eyes wide as I read both accounts of your story. I am glad to hear that you are still with us and in good shape. Your story terrifies me and gives me hope at the same time. It is hard to hear that something like that could happen even if you do everything right but great to hear that if you fight like the devil you can come through all that shit. If you ever come to Perris I'll buy the beer and a jump for you. Live long and fly free, you and your wonderful wife deserve it. Fly Free, Fly fast, Fly together Albatross
  8. It sucks dating someone who doesn't unerstand or share your passions whatever they are. When I spend 4 nights and part of my weekend fighting they don't understand. When I go to the DZ and jump they don't understand. When they don't understand the things that I love and make me who I am then they miss me. Bottom line if the other person doesn't understand the things you love then they don't understand a basic part of you and there are problems coming. Fly Free, Fly fast, Fly together Albatross
  9. It is really a lot of fun to fantisize about the new rig and a real bitch to pay for it. I recently bought my own rig and I love it. You have Square 3 at your DZ right? They will have a ton of rigs that you can jump. Try all the top manufactures and see what feels the best. Chosing a rig is like picking a mate, only you know what feels best. Try the spectre I love mine and it is great to land to fly and so fun to land. The proper size of spectre made me finally understand that flying my canopy is not just a way to get down but another way to play at the DZ. Fly Free, Fly fast, Fly together Albatross
  10. I guess that this way they will finally have a few good men. This British army is starting to look a lot like the San Francisco city government. Fly Free, Fly fast, Fly together Albatross
  11. Get, The Fuck, OUTTTTTT? Fly Free, Fly fast, Fly together Albatross
  12. Having lost friends to everything from AIDS to car crashes at age 4-80 I have come up with my own philosophy. Live each day as if it is you last because one day you will be right and you don't want to leave any bit of life unlived. Fly Free, Fly fast, Fly together Albatross
  13. I just got a bonehead mindwarp and a new dytter and am having trouble hearing it in freefall. I noticed that the hole in the padding was not lined up with the hole in helmet and fixed it. Has anybody else had this problem? Fly Free, Fly fast, Fly together Albatross
  14. O.K. enough second hand information. I am just about to finish the Basic Body Flight Course. We have covered all the basic motions of RW and body flying: box man position, foward, back movement, tracking, vertical movement, center point turns, side slides, and superpositioning (combinations of the moves). I have really improved my flight skills. I am very certain that I am falling straight down and not spining. I can find my levels better than most people at my jump number. I highly recomend it. Most of the AFF instructors say that one jump with Skydive U is worth 10-20 alone or with friends. GET VIDEO IT REALLY HELPS. Fly Free, Fly fast, Fly together Albatross
  15. Albatross


    When are they coming back? I could use a fantasy weekend. Fly Free, Fly fast, Fly together Albatross
  16. I don't know about you but the place that I work has like 70% foreigners. They all have "different" bathing and grooming habbits. Some just smell. Others are visably dirty and still others just reak of perfume. I am not sure what is worse three days without a shower or like two bottles of Channel. Both make me gag. Do the Euros at least brush their teeth? Fly Free, Fly fast, Fly together Albatross
  17. Albatross

    4 way

    Orgie or 4-way Fly Free, Fly fast, Fly together Albatross
  18. Why stop with just the flippers. Use the thick ridgid "Duck Feet" and add the boggie board. Think of the glide that you could get. Maybe one with channels for the wind. Fly Free, Fly fast, Fly together Albatross
  19. Albatross


    It must be greater than 300 because a few of the guys at Perris Valley have patches that say 300 way atempt Chicago. Fly Free, Fly fast, Fly together Albatross
  20. Albatross

    New toy!

    You might want to suggest that your friend send the broken Pro-Track back to B&L. They seem to have some of the best customer service on the planet. They have replaced several peoples "lost" Pro-Tracks or Dytters. They might be willing to fix or replace the damaged unit. Fly Free, Fly fast, Fly together Albatross
  21. I don't know about where everyone else is, but I was told that the RW balls are illegal in California. They are affraid of exactly what someone mentioned, not recovering at deployment. Fly Free, Fly fast, Fly together Albatross
  22. Albatross


    Venwood and I are going to be out there the 22nd. Fly Free, Fly fast, Fly together Albatross
  23. O.K. I have been taking my new canopy and repacking it like every 2-3 days just so that I feel better about getting on back to back loads this weekend when I jump. I have even taken to timeing myself. Have I gone off the deep end or is this just another step on the path to being a true skydiver? Does anyone else have this type of odd habbit. Fly Free, Fly fast, Fly together Albatross
  24. Sounds like fun!!! I will make the arangelments with my bank account to be there. Do sharks eat birds? If the playmate ever shows her preaty little butt around here again we may make that au natural jump at elsinor this weekend. Blue Skys and Safe Landings Albatross
  25. I can sum the weather up for you in a few words: Hot or Foggy. That time of the year it will be like 90-100 sometimes and 80-90 most of the time. The social scene at Perris is good the Bombshelter (the bar/ restraunt) has good parties and there are almost always people visiting the area. Everyone is good fun and my friends and I will be around most weekends. Drop me a note before you come and we can make plans to be there and welcome you to the family. Have you checked out to see the people landing and loading. Blue Skys and Safe Landings Albatross