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Everything posted by Albatross

  1. That is what credit is for!!!! Ready, Set, GOOOOOOO Albatross
  2. Well, first of all welcome home. You must know that there are a few things in this world that are perfect and it is our right and duty to try to enjoy them all. First is the perfect beauty of the mist on an Irish hill side at dawn. Next is the dark color and taste of the perfect pint of Guiness on the bar. Last but not least is the feeling of the cool air as you fly free through the perfect blue sky. Be free enjoy the sky the earth and the beer. Ready, Set, GOOOOOOO Albatross
  3. I'm in for both this Sunday for the Flyboyz camp and the attempt when ever it is. I'll help if you need it I might be able to get Venwood out as well. Anyone else out this weekend at Perris. Ready, Set, GOOOOOOO Albatross
  4. Viking I am going with Shark on this one all the way. They never quite go away. It is your mind telling you that the open door is dangerous and it doesn't quite get the idea of a canopy on your back. If you feel them acknowledge them and let them come and the look at them and know that they are not in control. "Fear is the mind killer. I will let it wash over me, and around me. When it receeds only I will remain." A great quote from Dune that a friend with similar issues reminded me of. Fear is a good thing as long as you don't let it rule you. You will come out of the plane make it a choice not a concequence. Ready, Set, GOOOOOOO Albatross
  5. Ouch!!! That had to hurt. Well, that would be a painful way to hurt but at least it wasn't too bad. Hope to see sout at Perris soon. Michelle says great things about you. Maybe we can get in a few 2 ways before she joins us. Ready, Set, GOOOOOOO Albatross
  6. Isn't flying by yourself great!!! I am glad to see that you made it out again. I think that my level 4 was the best thing ever. As for the sneezing roll over and go but down then you can do what ever. I am going to be out this Sunday and next so let me know if you are going to be out either day. Chris Ready, Set, GOOOOOOO Albatross
  7. Virtual Pie!!!!! Sorry about all the flour. Ready, Set, GOOOOOOO Albatross
  8. Michelle, I had a lot to say yesterday today it is simple. I am proud of you. Much love!!! Chris Ready, Set, GOOOOOOO Albatross
  9. Totally worth it but best if you do it alone. Ready, Set, GOOOOOOO Albatross
  10. I can't beleive that we are all sitting around debating what is good and bad for society. Geek had it on the nose: Good parents prevent drugs, guns, violence, teenage pregnancy, and all that other shit. If we are just grown up to take responsibility for our actions our live and our kids then the world will be a better place. Think of raising a kid like a sky dive. The making it is fun. The first step is really hard. You funnel the exit and have to fight to make it go well. If you pay attention and hit your marks then the thing goes off with few problems. WHen there is a problem you take action and do something about it. Don't worry about it too long and don't wait for someone lese to fix it. PULL THE DAMN HANDLE and fix the problem not the symptom. Ready, Set, GOOOOOOO Albatross
  11. Michelle, I know that you only have the 3 jumps but today you are my hero. You overcame you fear, you kept your cool and you took the actions that saved your life. While I have a bunch more jumps than you do I still wonder if I will be able to do the right thing when the time comes. You are a godess in my book and a real fighter. If you come back out and that is your decision (I really hope you do) look for me tall, dark hair tatoo of the sun, moon, and star onmy shoulder: all the beer is on me that day! Ready, Set, GOOOOOOO Albatross
  12. O.K. now for my advice and embarassing admission. I am more scared to sit by the door or look out than I am to jump out. I had the pause when I was practicing but not in the air. Try to reherse the dive in you mind is stages. First the exit only. Next the exit and the dive flow. Last the dive flow from after the exit. Once you have done it many times in your head you just follow the script. Look at the wing and go. Good luck. Maybe I will see you out there soon. Chris Ready, Set, GOOOOOOO Albatross
  13. COngratulations it couldn't happen to a nicer bytch. I guess that means that I will have to buy all my stuff from you now. When is the Party? Ready, Set, GOOOOOOO Albatross
  14. Welcome to the club!!! now you know what most people miss in life. I am excited for you to start the journey. The list of firsts that you are about to embark on will cost you a lot of beer but will change the way you look at the world. Ready, Set, GOOOOOOO Albatross
  15. O.K. I have some bad? news for all of you from the land of movie effects. Her boobs are digitally enhanced in Tomb Raider. She is in Rolling Stone talking about how it embarassed her to ahve them look SOOO big. I am hurt for one I will just have to deal with the problem. I may have to see the movie several times just to come to terms with it. Ready, Set, GOOOOOOO Albatross
  16. I may get some greif for this suggestion but here it goes. Take some time off. If you are working that much and it is consuming your mind and you are getting to jump like once a month then you might have problems with AFF. You are describing the problem with a long drawn out training lack of experience and comfort along with lack of currency. Canopy contrl and confort are all about being familiar and current. The same is true for freefall. Maybe you could take time off and get to a place where you could do all the 8+ jumps in a week then if you are still having concerns about the canopy take some canopy control classes. Good luck and remember to relax and have fun. Ready, Set, GOOOOOOO Albatross
  17. Albatross


    Lisa I am so stoked for you. Is this the oly one or the first of many this month? I know that the anticipation has been hell but welcome back to the wild blue yonder. Can't wait to get on a load with you. Ready, Set, GOOOOOOO Albatross
  18. Yes hights bother me. It is really bad because I am a rock climber and skydiver. I am terrified of the edge of the rock from the top. I am infinitely more comfortable on the face just below the crest than on top. Even worse, every time I climb out to float on exit, this little fear of falling off races throug my mind. I never hesitate to jump but I het nervous that I will fall. Weird the way that your mind fucks with you. Ready, Set, GOOOOOOO Albatross
  19. We all lose a little of our freedom and a bit of ourselves when one of our brothers or sisters goes in. We share a little of the pain but again and all to often my thoughts and prayers go out to those that Peter touched. Enev thought I did not know him my world is a little less bright today at his passing. Blue skys forever. Ready, Set, GOOOOOOO Albatross
  20. JKA is offer us the chance to see these beautiful women (and You are all beautiful)bearing there assets and you guys are talking AUTOSHOP. I don't think taht you are skydivers at all. Every skydiver would sell his car for a rig or a few jumps but would sell his soul for a pretty woman. JKA I think that you idea rocks. I want to be a judge. Ready, Set, GOOOOOOO Albatross
  21. Jesica Come visit us in So Cal. There are like 6 DZ with in 2hrs and schools for anything from Canopy, to SkyU, to Freefly. Perris and Elsinor are two of the friendlyist DZ you will find. There are always people to jump with and ussually a few people with 500+ jumps to jump with any low timers. Let us know if you come we always like to meet old friends. Ready, Set, GOOOOOOO Albatross
  22. OK We did this one a while ago and the whole thing about women having a harder time landing came up. I like this idea better. Men are constantly in competition and trying to push themselves to look better to impress the women. Women are more confident in themselves and don't hink that this is the best way to impress. Or maybe woman are just a little samrter and realize that hitting the ground hurts Ready, Set, GOOOOOOO Albatross
  23. Albatross

    gay skydivers

    We accept peircings, pink hair, tatoos and rondom DZ hook ups why the F(*& should we care if two who ever want to be together. IF you can find happiness with another person in this world good for you. I am still looking for a skychick to do two-ways with. (Got to throw in the obligatory I am not gay comment). Ready, Set, GOOOOOOO Albatross
  24. OK I am going to add my gas to the fire. As the aformentioned WHITE STRAIGHT MIDDLE CLASS MALE, I think that HAving more diversity in skydiving is great. I bet that there are a decent number of Gay men and women in the sport, just not Flaming ones. They are just not hitting on you or having a lot of PDA so we don't know. Spectre I am heart broken to hear about you nephew taking his life so young. However, I have to say that you are blaming the wrong group. Pediphiles are sick people who pray on children and the vast majority are "Straight" men reproducing a crime that was done to them in childhood. Gay men and women are just people who happen to be atracted to people of the same gender, just like I am atracted to agressive women or women with blond hair. Don't lable a group as bad because of one F@#$ed up person. Don't continue the hate and cause pain and suffering for others. Catch and convict the BASTARD who did this terrible thing and put him away so no one else is hurt. Let the rest be. I hope you and your family find some peace. Ready, Set, GOOOOOOO Albatross
  25. Andy you will get a lot of input from both Perris and Elsinor. I am biased to Perris because that is where I did my training. I think that Perris has a great mix of Freefly, RW and skysurfers. The people are great and friendly. COem out this weekend for the para-preformance games and the party to see. If you want a ride sunday send me an e-mail. Chris Ready, Set, GOOOOOOO Albatross