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Everything posted by Albatross

  1. Great pics! The views of Montery and the Redwoods make me want to road trip. Glad to have you back Blue Skys and Safe Landings Albatross
  2. The most useful thing I have tried is looking in the mirror. Try lying on the ground or a soft stool and assuming your arch. Looking from the side you will probably notice that one leg is asymetrical. If you don't have a good mirror use a friend and a creaper. Blue Skys and Safe Landings Albatross
  3. I just bought a used but never jumped rig (J3, spectre 170, PD160R, and a cypress)and have no idea how to take car of it. I know that the manufacturer's literature will come with it and have advice, but what else should I do to make sure that it is kept in tip top shape. Blue Skys and Safe Landings Albatross
  4. I just bought a new rig on auction and I know that I not only want to see the whole thing when a rigger checkes it out I want to pack it. I am getting a brand new ZP and want to practice packing the damm thing so that it won't take me like an hour to pack when I finally get it to the DZ. Besides on my first(BEER) jump, on my first rig(BEER), I want to know that it was my first(BEER) pack job on it as well (Also after dropping all that cash I need to save any pennies I can). COngratulations on the new Rig. Blue Skys and Safe Landings Albatross
  5. You guys we can all try to deny it but the truth is that we are all geeks. I tried to cover it for years by SCUBA Diving, being an athlete, fighting full contact, rock climbing, and now skydiving, but when you get all comfortable with yourself you admit you are a geek. Besides remember that it is that geekiness that allows us to get cash for our passions. Also geeks run the world. I mean what is the "cool" kid from high school doing: selling used cars with like 4 dirty kids and a fat and ugly wife. Blue Skys and Safe Landings Albatross
  6. Congrats froggie We're all really proud of you. I think that there is alot more potential there than you've had achance to show. You should be very proud it is a tough job and you obveously did a great one. Blue Skys and Safe Landings Albatross
  7. I had to put this up here because only you guys would understand. I just rolled out of bed and made my way to coffee after a great night and $100 in drinks for my skydiving buddies. It was my FIRST RIG. I can't beleive it is real. I finally won one of the auctions but now I have to wait for at least a week for the seller to get back into town before I can even think about getting my hands on it. This is going to be the longest week of my life. I have the whole weekend set up for when I get MY rig. Fri, Sat, Sun camping at the DZ; Jumps with Skydive U; my friend's openning A licence jump; and my premere as an owner not a renter. How did the rest of you deal with the wait? Blue Skys and Safe Landings Albatross
  8. I don't know if we qualify as geeks but my friends and I all work together in a medical lab. We have two genetisist and on researcher. We work with computers and DNA I think that is as bad a combination of Nerd and Geek ass it gets. Blue Skys and Safe Landings Albatross
  9. Albatross


    The picture of Kermit with red panties is not what comes to my mind froggie. I say a logo of a skydiving dinasaur on that you could use as a jumping frog tatoo. Blue Skys and Safe Landings Albatross
  10. froggie I don't think that is a reall problem for you. Cool frog good looking and likes to skydive. Somehow I think that there are a few guys who are knocking on your door. Safe Landings Albatross
  11. When I was a student (not so long ago)one of my instructors told me something great to tell those people. When I jump out of the plane I am a dead man, UNLESS I take some very specific and deliberate action to stay alive. I am chosing to live everytime I throw the pilot chute. All the Wuffos are just alive because nothing has killed them yet. We are all alive because we made a choice. Blue skys and Deep Thoughts Albatross
  12. I totally understand the concern of those of you out there who are familiar with and competent at hook turning. The idea that someone will come in and regulate or force you to do some dumb course is understandable. However, the other side is also a valid concern. We all would like to see fewer or none of our friends get hurt or die from a hook turn made at the wrong time or under the wrong conditions. Would it be all that bad if people with say a B licence could challenge out of the training and get their licence based on demonstrated ability and knowledge, while new people (like myself) would have to learn their skills like we all learned to fly. Don't take away rights just try to insure a minimum level of currency and competency. Blue Skys and Safe landings Albatross
  13. Lets get wild. I am totally up for a week(end) of Vegas, wind tunnels and skydiving. We need a few things for the others who don't jump. froggie can come, your a woman nobody will ask anything about your age. I want to meet everyone from all over that would be the perfect place. Blue skys and Party Albatross
  14. I still have bits of the fear but they are in the plane or in anticipation. What I hope never goes away is the tingle that I get that makes me feel so alive. I feel like everything is brighter and more colorful. I just apreciate all the little things just a bit more when I jump. I guess the feeling is like being a little kid again thinking that I can fly. For me that is the feeling I get after a good jump or one that pushes me. Blue Skys and Safe Landings Albatross
  15. Sky Dolphin, Did not mean to say that all the women are hairy. I was just recalling a bad night in some bar near Mt. Hood. I was way too drunk and I am sure that she looked normal in the bar. I almost died when my friends showed me the picture of me with my arm around this woman who had little whisps creaping out from under her tank top. It is just a bad memory for me. Albatross
  16. I used to do all of the things that you are saying are insane. I was a free climber when I was young. I still remeber the day that I was on my last climb. I was like 70' in the air crouched down to make a dyno move (a small jump to grab the next hold). Then suddenly the thought occured to me that if I slipped I would be there with a few broken bones at the bottom of a rock in the middle of mountains. That would have sucked. So I climbed back down. Sky diving is like rapelling all fun none of the worries. You do all you planning and all of the prevention then just enjoy the ride. Blue Skys and Safe Landings Albatross
  17. Welcome to Perris. Love to see you there. Blue Skys and Safe Landings Albatross
  18. I am currently in the middle of the Skydive U bodyflight course at Perris. It is great. I can see the improvement over my friends with a similar number of jumps. I have much more control, move more fluidly and have much more confidence. I think that every coached jump is worth 5-10 with your same level friends and each Skydive U jump is worth 10+ easy. I hope this helps. Blue Skys and Safe Landings Albatross
  19. Just give us back what is rightfully ours: Sunshine, cool breezes, and beautiful women. You can keep all the rain, the snow, the flannel, and the hairy women. We don't have to sit and wait for spring, today was sunny and 74. Oh God I love Southern California. Blue Skys, Beautiful Women and Soft Landings Albatross
  20. Albatross


    Just plan the dive in your head so you have done it a thousand times before. Take your time with everything. Have someone watch you pack or pack for you. Pick some one you are really comfortable with to make the jump with. Remember that the fear is a good thing unless it keeps you from jumping. It will make sure that you do everthing conservatively and carefully. Just don't get sloppy a few jumps in that is where the real danger lies. Blue Skys And Safe landings Albatross
  21. Congratulations!!!! Make your dreams happen. I hope that it is more than you ever hoped for. Blue Skys and Safe Landings Albatross
  22. Albatross


    Welcome to our little disfunctional family. We have froggie who works as an EMT and is addicted to skydiving. Lisa who works at the DZ and is addicted to skydiving. Me who plays with gene and is addicted to skydiving. You have taken the first step now just repeat after me My name is and I am a skydiving adict. I am helpless against it and don't really care. Have fun!!! The ride only seems to keep getting better. Blue skys and Safe Landings Albatross
  23. I have heard that you can make your PC muscles really strong. I'll bet she is the most popular woman at her drop zone. With the guys at least. Just be safe Albatross
  24. Congratulations on you pre second AFF jump. I am glad to hear that you finally got into the air on your own. No matter what anyone says they will never remember how much beer there is once they all get drunk. As for this being the best I thought that my first release jump was the best until I tried my first sit fly and then RW. The sky is no longer the limit. Welcome to the club. Blue skys Safe Landings Albatross
  25. Why would we eat meat if it takes so much grain to get a pound of beef? Because it tastes so damm good between buns. Sorry to hear about the F&M disease closing the DZs sucks for you.