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Everything posted by HRHSkyPrincess

  1. Volcanic, rocket fuel burning explosions...yup, they're cool. ***************** Attitude is everything!
  2. Remster, Remster, Remster, You were not listening at all times (remember that one on your elementary school report card? Bet you had a red check mark every semester.)...'s not GIVE multiple orgasms, it's HAVE them. Some of us can HAVE them, Remster. Which gives you plenty of time to take care of your short and sweet version. BWAHAHAHHAHAAAAAAAAA! ***************** Attitude is everything!
  3. Yes, Remster, and some of us are multi-orgasmic!! If only ya'll could keep UP with us.... ***************** Attitude is everything!
  4. Hey, Girlfriend, if you can't find the stuff, pm me and I'll mail you a tube!! It's hypo-allergenic, clear, lovely slippery wonderful, uh, okay, that's it, that's all I'm saying... ***************** Attitude is everything!
  5. Be sure to include a tube of Wonder Gel with that special gift! ***************** Attitude is everything!
  6. Hmm, maybe "someone" better see to it that your ship gets launched and soon! How about we kiss it and make it better.... ***************** Attitude is everything!
  7. I always have a malfunction dream within days of my reserve repack. The reserve always works and I land happily ever after! As for weirdness, ask Dave H. at SSM! I starred in one of his skydiving dreams...heh heh heh...not what you think, but very funny. Maybe he'll see this and post. Dave, are you out there?? Just fly by and I'll pick you up! BWAHAHAHAAAAAAA! ***************** Attitude is everything!
  8. For whatever it's worth, or not worth, here's the website for the Small Business Administration: All of the SBA folks I've had contact with in the disaster response/recovery work I do have been very helpful to the folks they serve. And, yes, there is paperwork, but there's paperwork involved in just about everything! ***************** Attitude is everything!
  9. Bravo! And what a wonderful, thoughtful act of kindness. ***************** Attitude is everything!
  10. You did NOT 'fail'! You are learning to skydive and therefore, some lessons may need to be repeated. Remember, it still counts as a jump in your logbook. 999 jumps from now, just as when you were in first grade, it won't matter that you had to repeat a lesson. It WILL matter that you are still having fun, being safe, and SKYDIVING FOR GODSSAKES! Purple Skies, D. ***************** Attitude is everything!
  11. Ground or boot him for awhile. Be sure to chew his ass out good. Call the other dzo's, too. Who wants a stupidity statistic at their dz? It's bad for the sport and eventually, enormously horrible for his heirs and devisees! ***************** Attitude is everything!
  12. CRIKEY! If you see him and Terri, tell them I'm a big fan and let Terri know I'm from Oregon. She'll understand... ***************** Attitude is everything!
  13. I agree with you. Steve Irwin in no way compares to Michael the Freak Jackson Who Is More To Be Pitied Than Censored, bless his heart. Anyway, Steve's follow-up comments to the "croc feeding incident" were honest, credible, and logical. He probably shouldn't have let the baby's intro to croc-life be on international tv...Crikey, Mates, that baby was safer in his arms that most are in strollers!! G'day! ***************** Attitude is everything!
  14. Hey Bill, I'll make a jump for ya and take you with me in spirit! Purple Skies Forever, D. ***************** Attitude is everything!
  15. You add mine in here, too. This arrives with good magic for you, Bill. "Keep on the sunny side, always on the sunny side, keep on the sunny side of life...." ***************** Attitude is everything!
  16. No one should be forced to pray to anything or anyone in a public school. (Public school is not a house of worship.) That's what it means. It 's pretty simple. You want prayer in school? Go to a private school. Pay for it with your dollars, not mine. And what do I do? I vote. Yes, I too would rather be judged by 12 of my peers... ***************** Attitude is everything!
  17. This is a victory for freedom. Now, if we can get the far right with the blinders on to get OFF of the Pledge of Alleigance and restore it to the original, pre-1954, version. One of the freedoms upon which this country was founded was the freedom not just OF religion, but also FROM religion. Remove the phrase "under God" from our Pledge. Yes, I digressed a bit, but it's related to the whole Constitution and Bill of Rights debate. We must be vigilant forever to protect the contents from those who would disembowel it and sew it up to meet their own views. Happy Holidays, y'all! ***************** Attitude is everything!
  18. Wife has perspective. Be a good boy and keep jumping with a deep voice! ***************** Attitude is everything!
  19. I'm a late bloomer, too. Started skydiving 2 1/2 years ago, on my 50th birthday! Am now a USPA Coach and I LOVE THIS SPORT! Go for it! ***************** Attitude is everything!
  20. Copied, Pasted, Printed, and Three-hole punched. Now your short dissertation is headed for my personal 'coach's corner' binder. I'm new (less than a year) at coaching, love it, and want to impart correct and useful information to students. Thank you kindly. p.s. Had a negative experience some time back when I refused to loan my Sabre 135 to someone that NONE of the jm's, S&TA, DZO, and DZM thought had any business downsizing at that point. This person was really ugly when I just said no. I still stand by my decision, but heard Teddy Roosevelt's words echoing in my new coach's brain: "If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen." I took the heat. Am still in the kitchen! No regrets.
  21. Ya bunch of wooses...that was nothin'! Guess emergency room surgery is not a career option for you, eh, Turtle? Let me kiss it and make it all better... ***************** Attitude is everything!
  22. Ever read A Town Like Alice? ***************** Attitude is everything!
  23. I've never dated a smoker, never will. Ya, man, it stinks. ***************** Attitude is everything!
  24. You are the man! Remember: You're quitting for LIFE...breathe in, breathe out...and if you have a weak moment, call me and I'll slap you alongside the head!! That would be your NORTH head, Mister Man. ***************** Attitude is everything!