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Everything posted by HRHSkyPrincess

  1. Skydivers, this is big news. Casie, aka Porn Kitty, donated blood yesterday in the name of a fellow skydiver. Casie is afraid of needles so her bravery must be recognized!! The voucher given her at the Blood and Tissue Center in Austin, Texas, will be used as credit for blood units to his 'account'. This skydiver is seriously ill, with a life threatening illness. An email plea went out yesterday from our dz S&TA to donate in his name. If you are able to donate (I can't, don't weigh enough, but am in the National Marrow Registry), please PM me and I will help you find the blood and tissue center nearest you (USA) and will give you his name. You can then mail the voucher to me and I'll take responsibility to deliver it to him and/or his family. If Casie, Chicken Little Porn Kitty, can do it, anyone can!! CASIE, I'M HONORED TO BE YOUR FRIEND. THANK YOU FOR GIVING A TRUE GIFT FROM THE HEART. ***************** Attitude is everything!
  2. Jumping less is better than not jumping at all. I, too, have a very limited budget, but I wouldn't quit for anything or anyone (except my daughters and they'd never ask). We can look up and know that we've been there...and we're going back. :) Come on down, Norman, even if you can only afford to look at Phil's cool new 'beer light' (it can be seen for miles) and make one jump on the sunset load. You'd be welcomed with smiles. Purple Skies, D. ***************** Attitude is everything!
  3. Uh, what's with that A License number? ***************** Attitude is everything!
  4. Learn that RW stuff first and learn it well. It will only increase your abilities to freefly. It's all about being in command and control of your body. Freefly speeds are faster than RW and things can go wrong faster, too. You should have all the necessary equipment, which would include an audible altimeter, among other things. I certainly would not recommend anyone freefly with student rental gear! Ever. Student gear is designed for belly to earth, deploy deploy deploy!! When you're ready to sitfly, etc. get with someone who is very good at it and has excellent safety practices. Have safe...have more fun. ***************** Attitude is everything!
  5. Oh no, if they really really like you and you snuck past the 100 mark by oh say, 50 jumps, they use anything in the dz eggs, ketchup, mustard, mayo, whipped cream, tuna, and god knows what else. Also, it's a set-up/ambush. It is quite a shocker...and they were all laughing their happy asses off!! ***************** Attitude is everything!
  6. Great checklist! I loved my night jumps and will do more. I would emphasize the part about letting your eyes adjust to the dark. Get away from the bright lights of manifest and packing areas. S&TA should certainly conduct a preflight briefing with all participants, including the jump pilot. Night jumps are fun, but serious business. Prepare and then ENJOY the YEEHAW! ***************** Attitude is everything!
  7. That's Farmer McChad, to you! BWAHAHHAHAAAAA! Hey, Chad, if you read this post, pm me. Hope you're feeling okay. :) ***************** Attitude is everything!
  8. P.S. She fell off her mountain bike two weeks in a row. I mean these were spectacular crater type splat crashes!! Sorry, no camera, no evidence, but trust me, it was colorful. Heh. ***************** Attitude is everything!
  9. Well, Case, should I post what I know about you? BWAHAHAHHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! It's all good, dotcommers, all good. ***************** Attitude is everything!
  10. You are absolutely correct. Let's say the Pledge the way it was originally written. It was tampered with by knee-jerk 'patriots' 50 years ago. They were wrong. It's time to correct that error in judgement. Let us all remember one of the premises our country was founded upon was freedom OF and FROM religion. I've never said the words 'under God' in my adult life. Never will and ya can't make me! ***************** Attitude is everything!
  11. Nothing. I did not quit anything or anyone I loved for this sport. It expedited the exit of a boyfriend who was doomed anyway and that was a plus! Skydiving was in my plan for decades so it was a perfect fit. Oh of course there's the skydiver's lament of not enough money, but I'm in good company there! My life, my world, only improved with the added joys of skydiving!! YEEHAW! ***************** Attitude is everything!
  12. Okay, so what's stopping you? Is she marrying someone else or something? Are there some other insurmountable 'issues'? We only get one go-around in this life. There's no dress rehearsal. Carpe diem and all that jazz. Oh, and Willy Shakespeare allegedly wrote: "To thine own self be true". Hugs, D. ***************** Attitude is everything!
  13. Hey Brains, if you had to give up someone for skydiving then they weren't right for ya in the first place. It would have been something else anyway...besides, you didn't 'give them up', you made a choice. A long term wise choice. :) ***************** Attitude is everything!
  14. Yes, and watch Trauma: Life in the ER on TLC, too! ***************** Attitude is everything!
  15. BTW...where did you cut and paste the original rant from?? :) ***************** Attitude is everything!
  16. Hey Lee, That all sound swell, except you forgot the part about real men/retrosexuals are also fiscally responsible and don't leave the woman holding the bill (unless she said up front she'd pay for it, and some of us retrosexual women do)!! The rest is pretty reasonable. You must admit, The Queer Eyes for the Straight Guys have really helped some hurtin' units out there in macho-land!! BWAHAHAHAAAAA! ***************** Attitude is everything!
  17. Simply stated: Never have, never will. My personal ethics dictate that I pay my way as much as possible so that the man I'm with will never doubt my reason, my CHOICE, for spending time with him. Ever. ***************** Attitude is everything!
  18. Same in Texas...and our dzo would probably beat us to the lurker. Lurking a skydive without the knowledge and prior consent of the jumpers involved is an absolutely brain-dead stupid thing to do! ***************** Attitude is everything!
  19. I will bend over and kiss my sweet little ass goodbye. ***************** Attitude is everything!
  20. Good Dog ***************** Attitude is everything!
  21. you like to watch, huh? ***************** Attitude is everything!
  22. No dues, No membership lists No telemarketing No rules, except POST WHORE AWAY!! ***************** Attitude is everything!
  23. I do not date smokers or bigots. It's easy to spot the smokers, the bigots are sometimes camouflaged. :) ***************** Attitude is everything!
  24. Gosh, how sad that you think that! You must have gotten your feelings seriously hurt somewhere in the past...remember, there are times we reap what we sow. ***************** Attitude is everything!
  25. NOT true, but you do need to be able to at least pay your own bills! I've known some men who were the epitome of the traditional 'gold-digger'. They just had a different M O. D'oh!! If a woman cares for you, there is a mutual attraction, the physics will follow. :) ***************** Attitude is everything!