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Everything posted by HRHSkyPrincess

  1. Well, then, I think I'll jump with you! ***************** Attitude is everything!
  2. Sugar, hundreds of years are NOTHING in the giant picture of the evolution of living things. Think in terms of hundreds of thousands of years...millions of years... ***************** Attitude is everything!
  3. Most USPA member dz's 'encourage' you to join at the AFF Level 4. If your particular dz is threatening to not allow you to jump without proof of membership then perhaps you need to consider doing business (and shelling out your dollars) elsewhere! You indicated you have paid the dues and are just waiting for the membership card, etc. My question for the dz is: What's your problem?? ***************** Attitude is everything!
  4. thank you...we sometimes forget that we are all from the same tribe-earthlings! Unless and until we get our act together on this planet we will continue to be denied admittance into the intergalactic community. ***************** Attitude is everything!
  5. This is a passing worth of the Beautiful Minds of our century. He knew the power and the danger of it all. What an incredible burden that must have been... ***************** Attitude is everything!
  6. We did night jumps at our dz Saturday night, too! It was so beautiful to step out into the stars and three-quarter moon...the dz was just below, easily seen (thanks to the perfect spot by our pilot, Heath). The first landing was a stand-up and the second was a plk (parachute landing knee). Woo woo~~! And yes, it was my 'first' night jumps and, I hope, not my last. I loved it!!!!! ***************** Attitude is everything!
  7. Doesn't matter who signs what...anyone can sue anyone else (and they'll go after he/she who has the bucks) at any time. Even if 'frivolous', it still costs to defend the suit. So what benefits do we get from USPA if that third party liability is going away....hmmmm..... ***************** Attitude is everything!
  8. I concur. Thank you. :) ***************** Attitude is everything!
  9. There are many items a coach can INITIAL out to the side margin, but the signature needs to be an AFF instructor or S&TA. The coach's initial is proof to the AFF instructor that particular skill has been observed. :) ***************** Attitude is everything!
  10. Good point with the exception that to most folks, driving is a necessity, skydiving is not! Rats. ***************** Attitude is everything!
  11. Lotsa luck on your letter to the editor! Based on personal experience, you may not recognize your own work when/if they publish it! Editorial license is one thing (and often necessary), but having your words chopped and rewrapped like they were prepared by the 'butcher of Lyon' is quite another. Perhaps you'll be lucky and the person who reviews your letter will actually have command of the English language. :) ***************** Attitude is everything!
  12. Warning: Give Casie metered doses of Goldshlager. You've been warned... ***************** Attitude is everything!
  13. I WISH I was going, but have to go to Pennsylvania instead! The Skydive Aggieland folks are really nice and anyone who goes will have a great time!! ***************** Attitude is everything!
  14. Write your elected officials and insist that he/she/they write and pass the laws which will regulate the price of fuel. Of course, then we wouldn't have a "free market"...right? Right. I live in a State that grows the stuff for crikey's sake, so it's really insulting to hear the propoganda about why the gas prices are so high! ***************** Attitude is everything!
  15. No, that's Louisiana. ***************** Attitude is everything!
  16. ya gotta S M I L EEEEEEEEEEEE, to be H A DOUBLE P YYYYYYYYYY! :) "If there's all this shit, there must be a pony..." ***************** Attitude is everything!
  17. We understand, Aggie Dave, and we love you because you're you and such an AGGIE!!!!!! I won't even ask what you dream about.... ***************** Attitude is everything!
  18. Antiques Roadshow, horse racing (Triple Crown), and college football (Univ. of TX vs whomever) :) ***************** Attitude is everything!
  19. Eloquently said, Aggie Dave! ***************** Attitude is everything!
  20. Holy shit. Very bad juju there, very bad... ***************** Attitude is everything!
  21. GREAT PIX, CASIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Looks like you and Carol were having a BLAST~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ***************** Attitude is everything!
  22. So, did you and Soft Landings post your bareass photos?? I haven't seen bad girls, you! ***************** Attitude is everything!
  23. Great tip on the downwind movement! Thanks. We sometimes see them swirling over the corn tops in the fields near the dz... ***************** Attitude is everything!
  24. Well, well, look who's giving the upbeat message!! Good girl. :) ***************** Attitude is everything!
  25. I'm sorry...this just happened to a friend of mine. She is quite devastated because he really gave her the feeling he cared a great deal. Just remember: Never cry over a man/woman, just yell: NEXT! ***************** Attitude is everything!