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Everything posted by HRHSkyPrincess

  1. Excellent point! The DZO is the one who has to carry the legal liability, regardless of the multi-page waivers!! And if the DZO should say yes, but the TM says no, then it's no. No arguements. Safety issues are dictatorial, not democratic. :) ***************** Attitude is everything!
  2. fact, another jumper and I bet $5 bucks a few weeks ago that the other would have the first mal. We figured that would 'mal-proof' us. Well, he had a cutaway the very next jump, on the first jump of his most recent reserve repack! D'oh! Soooo, I of course turned around and found another zero mal jumper and kept the karma going in my him $5 bucks...neither of us has 'malfed' yet. Heh heh heh...Good Karma, good karma, good karma... ***************** Attitude is everything!
  3. I didn't lose my old and cherished friends, just don't spend as much time with them. We seem to communicate more by phone now. I've actually convinced a number of them to visit the dz and some have done a tandem! ***************** Attitude is everything!
  4. What a low-life, scumbag, cretin to do such a thing to fellow Marines. Oh, did I mention he's also a Loser with a BIG L...Hope he gets the max sentence. Or better yet, let's allow him to play parachute roulette with the very same rigs he altered! Now ask yourself, "Do I feel lucky?" Well Loser, do you? ***************** Attitude is everything!
  5. AggieDave WILL drink you under the bring yer vitamins! ***************** Attitude is everything!
  6. Someday, this will be remembered as a very good birthday, especially when one considers the alternative...heh. BIRTHDAYS ARE GOOD! Tell everyone you work with it's your big day and thank them when they wish you well!! ***************** Attitude is everything!
  7. Hey, Wingie, did anyone buy you a duck for your birthday? NO?? Casie will ship one out tomorrow...right, Casie? Happy Birthing Date. ***************** Attitude is everything!
  8. Ya, I told him if thought the "Zipper Club" was exciting he should make a real life affirming choice and go skydiving!! Hee hee hee......... ***************** Attitude is everything!
  9. Okay, done deal. I'm just SURE after my message that Dave will do it and I suggested he take Bif with him! :) ***************** Attitude is everything!
  10. Bravo and good for you! Nothing like a little common sense to extend your skydiving career! You go, Girl! (I'm a very petite one, too. I'm flying my second Sabre 135, no plans to downsize either!) ***************** Attitude is everything!
  11. Uh, Casie, I thought you weren't going to post your date's photos on the internet.... ***************** Attitude is everything!
  12. YOU'RE ALL A BUNCH OF BABIES!!!! I'm only 2 years old in Skydiving dog year's, I'm dead! If one year for humans equals about 7 for dogs, then I'm about 7.42857142857 years old...heh heh heh That would be 52 for you non-rocket scientists. :) ***************** Attitude is everything!
  13. Is your internal clock still ticking?? AFLAC! ***************** Attitude is everything!
  14. Thank you, SM1! Well said. I'm a fairly new USPA Coach and yes, I do sometimes look at the profile as a back-up to what has been written. Sometimes it may provide insight, sometimes not. In my new role as a Coach I take it very seriously when another skydiver asks for information. It is my responsibility, and certainly an unspoken code of ethics, to provide accurate, safe skydiving information. And if I don't know the answer, I need to just say so, and then get the correct answer from my mentor/S&TA or other appropriately rated jumpmster. There is definitely opportunity in these forums for new skydivers to learn a great deal...and maybe even some good tips for others who are 'experienced' jumpers. We owe it to each other to be honest and true. Okay, y'all, I'll get off the soapbox now... ***************** Attitude is everything!
  15. Ya got me on that one....I use both my wrist and audible altimeters. Didn't wear the wrist one once when I made a CReW jump. Bought a pillow mount though, for subsequent CReW. I think altimeters are kinda neato mageato. :) ***************** Attitude is everything!
  16. Thank you and RIGHT ON! I am a former CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) for children. It is important to speak up and out on behalf of the child. ***************** Attitude is everything!
  17. She may not have to even take the stand. Your district attorney represents her on behalf of The People. He/she is trained to deal with sexual assault of a child and so is the judge. Talk with the Victim/Witness Coordinator about your concerns, too. ***************** Attitude is everything!
  18. I am the mother of a sexual assault victim. My daughter was 14 at the time and was sexually assaulted by the estranged husband of a family she had babysat for over a period of several years. He showed up at the house in which the wife and children were living and where my daughter was babysitting on a Saturday morning. He was eventually convicted of 'Indecency with a Child by Contact", a Class C Felony and served time, and is now a registered sex offender. What was important to my daughter at the time and had a lasting effect were several choices we made. 1. She was allowed to decide each step of the way if she wanted to be present during the many many court appearances of the defendant (the 37 year old man's mommy and daddy hired a very good attorney), 2. I eventually understood what the Victim/Witness Coordinator (bless her) kept trying to get through to me: That the state's attorney general's office administered the Crime Victims' Compensation Fund and that monies were available to pay for counseling I could not (nor did insurance cover). 3. We got that counseling and the AG's office paid over $1000! And the counseling involved not just my daughter, but her sister and I as well. 4. My daughter knows that I had feelings of not being there, failing to protect my baby, but she also now understands that I could not and that once she told me, I did everything in my power to seek justice for her. 5. We reported the assault to the police immediately. 6. She is 21 now, healthy and happy. Oh, she will carry that experience with her the rest of her life, but it is just a part of who she is. It does not define her entirely. So, I implore you to tell her mother to be tenacious. Be fierce. Be her gladiator! And give her a hug from me. ***************** Attitude is everything!
  19. And which hottie in the picture is you? (How's that for diplomatic??) ***************** Attitude is everything!
  20. Uh, yes, Casie loves surprises, but prefers all the details in Wingie, perhaps you'd better disclose in a PM what you have in mind for the little vixen! (Casie, don't send him any naked pictures until you know what he has to offer!) p.s. Wanna buy a duck? ***************** Attitude is everything!
  21. Yup...and I learned from an AFF JM/former Screaming Eagle to keep my hand on the seatbelt release buckle. In case of an emergency, it would be a very bad time to be fumbling, looking around for the release! D'oh! And that's the whole point of H&P's (besides a cheaper jump) learn to exit and pull stable in an emergency. May I never experience the real thing...... ***************** Attitude is everything!
  22. Our dz used to do H&P's from 5k out of the Otter, then we got a King Air, the price went up, the altitude went down (3K), and no cut on the engines so we have renamed it a High Speed Extraction! Tuck and roll, get sucked out, get stable asap, and deploy. "First" timers get about 5K and a slower pass, but after that it's HSE! Do I hear a "YEEHAW!!" or a "WOO WOO"?? ***************** Attitude is everything!
  23. THROW it like you mean it! Then fly it! As the old cliches goes: He/she who hesitates is lost.... ***************** Attitude is everything!
  24. thank you, French Guy. And it is/was love that motivated me to try and discuss in a reasonable fashion with a fellow skydiver the pros and cons of downsizing beyond his/her skill level. I have done that and now must step back and watch....actually, I'm hoping I won't be witness to what I think is inevitable in this case. ***************** Attitude is everything!
  25. Exactly. And thank you for the clarification. Learning the disciplines first, mastering the art and skill of skydiving, then gives you the freedom to take the calculated high risks. Ignorance, ego, and under-education does not. ***************** Attitude is everything!