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Everything posted by HRHSkyPrincess

  1. It's no big whoop. You get a short lecture then put on a rig, undo the chest strap, flare as you jump in the pool (or you'll have to do it again), the canopy is thrown over your head, and you swim out from underneath it all. Tip: Volunteer to be first so you can put on a DRY rig, everyone after that will put on a clammy, wet one! Hee hee... ***************** Attitude is everything!
  2. Happy Birthday to US, Pilot Mike! Mine was Sunday,the 6th! WOO WOO~!! Birthdays are good, very good. :) ***************** Attitude is everything!
  3. You're response is correct IF that person is not jumping with or landing near anyone else. They DON'T have the right to take someone else out due to their own stupidity/ego and failure to heed expert advice. Yes, accidents happen. Duh. So why not minimize the risk to others (you know, keep it to yourself)? ***************** Attitude is everything!
  4. Dead Babies...take care of themselves.... Lordy what college memories AC conjures up!! ***************** Attitude is everything!
  5. Sadly, there are some folks who just won't take any advice from anyone. They think they know what's best for them regardless. Filling out the Fatality Report in advance may be a wake-up call for most, but I have actually had contact with a person who refuses to take the good advice of her ST&A, DZO, and every single JM around her. Her ego has clouded her judgment and she may pay the ultimate price. And as one person stated in another thread, 'you can do everything right and still die', why wouldn't you want to do everything right, take the excellent advice, and get the odds in your favor? This is some incredible FUN we're having in the skies!! :) ***************** Attitude is everything!
  6. Listen up non-CReW Skydivers, this person is an EXPERT. I downloaded and printed her 'cheat sheet' for CReW. Thanks, Wendy. I am but a mere CReW puppy. You ARE the CReW Goddess!!! ***************** Attitude is everything!
  7. BINGO! THE FIRST THING YOU NEED TO DO IN A CANOPY COLLISION IS NOTE THE ALTITUDE AND COMMUNICATE! If one jumper is wrapped he/she may not be able to see his/her altimeter so it is vital to communicate the altitude. Communicate with positive statements/commands only. Communicate and save each other's life. Review canopy collision procedures while still on the ground... :) ***************** Attitude is everything!
  8. Be proud of your slow sit speed and get some belly flyer to do a hybrid dive with you! My sit averages about 124 or so. I've been having a blast doing a hybrid with a very good belly flyer. He docks on my knees, we part, turn 360, redock, laughing our asses off all the way to separation/track altitude!! Yeehaw! ***************** Attitude is everything!
  9. Tell her it rose from the dead and won't be there. Then dig it up before she does, make sure the grave looks undisturbed, etc. Take her to the nearest natural sciences museum instead. Leave the possibly diseased rodent six feet under! Oh, and have fun. :) ***************** Attitude is everything!
  10. Take a nice deep breath just as you step to the door, inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. Ahhhhhhhhh...a very experienced freeflyer (Bryan Moffett) taught me to do that. Doesn't matter what type of jump-RW, Sit, CReW, or just plain SCReWing around, it will make the jump better. Just breathe... ***************** Attitude is everything!
  11. I've had skydiving dreams when my reserve is or has recently been repacked. There's always a malfunction (in the dream) and the reserve always works perfectly (in the dream and, I fully expect, in real life)! Woo freakin' woo~! ***************** Attitude is everything!
  12. She is guilty by her own testimony. Watch Court TV. She was convicted by a jury and she will have the appeal process, ad infinitum. And that is as it should be. Cell without end, amen. ***************** Attitude is everything!
  13. I vote we wallpaper her cell with posters of the dead man and the damaged vehicle windshield. ***************** Attitude is everything!
  14. Betty Boop is the cat's meow! ***************** Attitude is everything!
  15. Please don't focus on how 'long it will take', but on how much you learn, safe skydiver habits, respect for the weather, etc. And have some FUN! Plan now on it taking longer than the two weeks you have set aside....take some of the pressure off of yourself, you'll have plenty of that without a timetable!! Have fun, be safe. :) ***************** Attitude is everything!
  16. Brains ain't kiddin'--HE'S A PROFESSIONAL! And I think he learnt the trade from his pa. Hire him and if something goes wrong, ground him til it's fixed!! Hee hee hee. ***************** Attitude is everything!
  17. From one Royal to another: Be thou always altitude aware...from many sources. Sounds like you kept your cool, reacted correctly when the problem was discovered, and disposed of the 'problem' upon landing! Never cry over a man or a fouled altimeter, just yell: NEXT! ***************** Attitude is everything!
  18. Your hospitality was appreciated and almost made up for the lack of indoor plumbing (hee hee hee). Seriously, the friendly, helpful atmosphere was great, load organizing and bug spray an added bonus. And oh it was sweet to jump from an Otter again... What a hoot to meet all those dz dot commers! (Be nice, boys, I spelled it correctly.) Thanks, Aggies over Messina Hof, we had a blast!!! ***************** Attitude is everything!
  19. How refreshing! An 'older' man. But not by much... ***************** Attitude is everything!
  20. The older the couple gets, the less age makes a difference. It DOES make a wad of difference if the younger person is in their 20's. They still have a whole lotta livin' and growin' up to do! I was in a long term relationship with a man 12 years younger. 99.9% of the time the age difference didn't matter and didn't create any problems. Once in a blue moon there would be an issue that I had already experieced just because I'd been on the planet longer. He was often smart enough to learn from me! The other times he learned the way most of us do: The School of Hard Knocks! Now, to answer YOUR question regarding a date. Ditto. ***************** Attitude is everything!
  21. When was the last time you were on I-35? I rest my case... ***************** Attitude is everything!
  22. RIGHT ON, BABY! Kiss Kiss!! ***************** Attitude is everything!
  23. Hmmm....the S O is making threats, eh? Hmmm....maybe the S O shoudl take a hike! Crikey!! :) ***************** Attitude is everything!
  24. When people ask me if I'm afraid or worry about getting seriously injured or killed I tell them, quite sincerely, that the scariest and most dangerous part of my skydive is getting on Interstate 35 to drive to the dz! Keep in mind we all have to make life choices. You have chosen one of the most life affirming experiences on the planet! Gently, but firmly, tell your friends and family that you are not asking their permission or even blessing, but rather you are inviting them to share your joy! Blue Skies, D. ***************** Attitude is everything!
  25. Oh, yes, the Japanese Garden in Portland makes the one in San Francisco look like an elementary school project! Thanks for mentioning Jake's! I'm not a big Mo's fan, but there is a cool restaurant in Newport (on the Coast) called Canyon Way Bookstore and Restaurant that has excellent food. I still recommend a slice of Betty's pies at the Spouting Horn in Depoe Bay. Also, the grey whales are migrating, and you can see them from shore most days. A 'whale watching' cruise out of Depoe Bay is an awesome way to see the Oregon Coast, too! Enchanted Forest is over by Salem, isn't it?? I remember sliding down the rabbit hole to meet Alice...heh heh heh. Fun for kids of all ages. ***************** Attitude is everything!