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Everything posted by skyhawk

  1. skyhawk


    dam jessica didnt bite :) lol the only thing you learn at school is to memorize
  2. skyhawk


    any one wanna help me get 1000 while im in australia in 2 months? hopfully ill have a fulltime job if so ill be more than happy to help :) the only thing you learn at school is to memorize
  3. skyhawk


    o someones cranky today :) the only thing you learn at school is to memorize
  4. go to :) with the aussie dollar at the moment afff will cost you about 5 pound lol :) (o)(o) i got a iq of 189 so there
  5. sabre 150 (o)(o) i got a iq of 189 so there
  6. 28 males dude clay is on his way lol (o)(o) i got a iq of 189 so there
  7. do a search it was on here a while ago :) thought about it but a mate told me he tried it while snowbarding and couldnt here it much cuase he was payen attention on everything else :) give it a try the worst that can happen is it doesnt work the only reason i didnt do it was cause i ran outa money :) some advice ok your using mp3 so 1. make sure that the actual player is taped down you dont wanna loose it. 2.take off your shirt then get someone to tape the audio cords up along your back then put your shirt, jumpsuit back on it would suck if it lassood you or your canopy :) 3. Be safe and if you cant here it dont worry fix it when you land 4. where a full face youll he able to here it more and the earpeices shouldnt get blown out :) (o)(o) i got a iq of 189 so there
  8. skyhawk


    soory but when u said that i started thinken bout south park lol (o)(o) i got a iq of 189 so there
  9. Camera then gear and s&t and freefly and cannopy then talkback cause its always so big :) (o)(o) i got a iq of 189 so there
  10. skyhawk

    yes gold

    yes australia won a gold :) "i dont anyone to ruin this yes we all know he only won cause everyone else fell over but we still one :) " pretty good for a country with barly any snow (o)(o) i got a iq of 189 so there
  11. skyhawk

    Bad DZ Night

    sure :) (o)(o) i got a iq of 189 so there
  12. skyhawk

    Bad DZ Night

    yuuukkkkyyyy (o)(o) i got a iq of 189 so there
  13. sweet :) (o)(o) i got a iq of 189 so there
  14. i have issues with the ways business's are run ok at my work and most everywher else here is the order bottom line customer staff this just doesnt work it should be staff customer bottom line no im not sayen like staff are great and we shouldnt make money look at it this way happy content staff that feel safe are more friendly to custmors work harder and are generally more happy. staff treated like shit do the least amount possible and dont really care, hell why should they customers can pick this up im sure you have i know i have gone to shops and its just a vibe that you get about the place if the staff are legitimatly happy and content it lights the place up so to speak it also influences your spending habits ive noticed that the places where the staff seem the unhappiest ive spent the less and rarly visit customers as above if staff are happy then customer can tell. they should be really looked after all companys say customers come first but then they slug more fees on or cut staff so ppl have to wait longer bottom line rather than thinking of what major money you can save think small if you use the cheaper toilet paper you can save $100 a year ditto with coffee and bags etc etc you have 100 stores and over a year this quikly adds up a little story i work at a cinema and my main bosses are the leading exmple of my first model.We where playing around with configuiration so one day the podium was next to the candy bar. We were very understaffed. People came in and lined up at the candy bar because of how understaffed we where it was taking ages to get served i was counting and we would have lost no joke prob about $500 in sales that night why because ppl are on a time limit they just spent $12 per head on tikets the candy bar prices are really high why would they miss there movie to pay so much money for food, they wont t\so tehy waited for a little bit then left. This isnt just a one off this happens all the time. To get a better bottom line they saved $40 but lost $500 tell me where the good business sense is in that? ill post more later lol cause of my english some might get confused lol (o)(o) i got a iq of 189 so there
  15. i doubt it will be because ppl like gold for one and to get that you need to train full time how many countrys could afford to bother training potentiel skydivers just remeber the ppl competing arnt the only ones on the pay role all the up and comers are also getting payed to train to make it worth while including coaches regardless of which aspect was chosen youd prob need a caravan at min youd want to be doen at least 10 jumps on most day this all ads up and is very expensive 2nd its not a people doable sport anyone can go out and run or skate or snowboard etc they may not be any good but they can do it to jump you have to go through training. hell you could even do syncronised swimming if you want, basicly it is never going to happen cause its to expensive and not easily doablle for the average person..........base jumping on the other hand lol (o)(o) i got a iq of 189 so there
  16. post deleted by moderaters because we felt like it and we can do it if we want so there lol you ppl need to settle down if its not acceptible its not acceptible alot that are complaining wherent here befor it was moderated this one used to be basicly open and you could post undr anonomous however due to problems it was locked to only registered users it could be much worse no doubt many of you have seen other forums go down just look at rec its a joke on this site. if you dont want moderation dont expect the site to be any good (o)(o) i got a iq of 189 so there
  17. skyhawk


    Is that Brittany Spears? no (o)(o) i got a iq of 189 so there
  18. um its like 11am here :) (o)(o) i got a iq of 189 so there
  19. skyhawk

    Bad Spot

    ha ha suck shit your going to die lol :) (o)(o) i got a iq of 189 so there
  20. skyhawk

    Bad Spot

    fear wil keep you alive lol if you here a noise run lol oh yer and dont fall for it if she offers to show you her boobs its a trick man a trick lol (o)(o) i got a iq of 189 so there
  21. skyhawk

    Bad Spot

    im in another country im sorta safe lol (o)(o) i got a iq of 189 so there
  22. skyhawk

    Bad Spot

    either that or she has somthen in her mouth again
  23. .It seems the city of Q has been doing everything they can to make sureour little party doesn't happen again each time they caught wind of an airport that the i dont get it why would they care if they arnt having it they should be happ y someonelse is picking it up so they dont get nasty emails and calls and shit let alone the bad name personally it sounds to me like bullshit (o)(o) i got a iq of 189 so there
  24. skyhawk

    Bad Spot

    she still hasnt replied hmm (o)(o) i got a iq of 189 so there