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Everything posted by skyhawk

  1. i dont think its a matter of say clinton being smarter than bush, hillary was just smarter than mrs bush. Jeez you silly americans dont even know who is incharge of your country :) the only thing you learn at school is to memorize
  2. skyhawk


    ill tell ya if i get 10% of the profit :) the only thing you learn at school is to memorize
  3. Hey wait i wanna RULE australia hmmm wait yer your right bout the manipulation thing :) the only thing you learn at school is to memorize
  4. another dumb thing he said is the whole nucleur threat nations, come on that is asking for trouble. I know if he had said that about australia i would be deeply offended. I was especialy surprised of the inclusion of russia, give me one reason why they would want to nuke the US now the are a democracy so its not to prove an ideological one, they are having enough trouble looking after themselves let alone trying to take over another country and the have a ton of US businesses so they would be loosing tax income. Give me one reason why and i will shutup. Also (according to my paper) he didnt mention places like india and pakistan which arnt just known for having nukes but recently had them pointed at eachother. I also noticed that he said this (please correct me if im wrong) soon after all of those soldiers died in afganistan, hmmm is it just me or was it to get the US accepting of the casualtys. These pretzels are making me thirsty :) the only thing you learn at school is to memorize
  5. skyhawk


    no offence but when i seen a video clip of here ages ago i thought she looked like/sounded like a retard. I mean litererly i thought she was mentally retarded the only thing you learn at school is to memorize
  6. Hey!!! If you start tracking from one side, I'll start from the other and we'll high-5 in the middle. What could go wrong with a rock-solid plan like that? It's not a real sport unless you can die from massive internal trauma im up for it oh even better after we left the chopper we flip back over then fly back in and land in the chopper :) the only thing you learn at school is to memorize
  7. just wondering what type of turnover your dz has people wise i just got back from the dz (had to pick up my rig , no jumping :( )and the only person i recognised was the dzo, its monday so mayby that slightly explains it but i also seen a picture on the website and i only recogtnise a couple of ppl. So what type of turnover does your dz have ?? the only thing you learn at school is to memorize
  8. just think if it was the other way guys had penis ones, there would be a hell of a lot of cypress fires why didnt you pull dude look at it i dont wanna pull that its just wrong :) the only thing you learn at school is to memorize
  9. i did by im arragont so i just assumed everyone would like me :) the only thing you learn at school is to memorize
  10. :) i know im always right lol also nother thing i thought of if yous think we get a bad rap think of wiccans the ones that i know (which oddly enough are all female) are real friednly and happy and kind. You look at the media and youd think there evil the only thing you learn at school is to memorize
  11. you forgot all the free beer :) the only thing you learn at school is to memorize
  12. who cares how we are portrayed. At the end of the day if you think someone will see you in a negative light cause of skydiving dont tell them. To Rap just remember you are looking at it from a skydivers point of view. Nonjumpers wouldnt of noticed most of those things for what they are if at all, for example the hard landings from a wuffos pov its just somebody that fell over. If your reserve fails you will die", this basicly is true viewers dont care about anything else they want instant information and its true sure there are exceptions ,/if someone said to you "if your motorcross bike crash at 100kmh you will die" you dont want to hear about things like helmets and protection and stuff radio commands to the students again other ppl wouldnt pay any attention to this. just to set the record straight this isnt really aimed at you
  13. Just watch out for that rear rotor, my friend! nah ill shoot it out first. More of a challenge if the thing is spinning aroung :) the only thing you learn at school is to memorize
  14. hard one :) im not in instructer so my opinion on this aint woreth crap :) anyways nobody on here will really be able to tell you if you can you would have to ask your instructor. Because in the 2nd jump you are still being held on to it prob wont be that big an issue however they will probably(and if they dont you should ask) make you go thrue and refresh all the things you learnt especially emergancy procedures. In my opinion there shouldnt really be a problem but at the end of the day its up to the instructor obvioulsy you really want to jump so when you should do it will be a personal decision. Some positives of waighting till the summer. You can save money You will prob have less repeats this is especially true with the later levels if you have long times between aff jumps you forget little things for eg dont drop a knee. Go have a talk to you instuctor because they know your potential skill the best and can also spend more time talking about specific things like your ability to pay (if you could do 5 levels over a wkend or only 1) the weather in the area etc etc the only thing you learn at school is to memorize
  15. my goal is to track thrue an open helicopter :) what can i say im goen to be an old man but i will do it eventually the only thing you learn at school is to memorize
  16. lol sinkster that is just my signiture :) i didnt acctually type it there it is under all my posts :) and to be perfectly honest the statement is about high schools :) not university i dont want to fo to university but i do want to be earning top dollar and be at the executive postion in big business. This cant be done without a degree so im going to get it and also work my arse off so i get really high marks as well. Due to the way it works i will also be able to work full time the only thing you learn at school is to memorize
  17. no it is run by the profeshional places i.e the big australian universitys your not meant to do 5 degrees :) its more the fact that 4 of them are business based so different parts (units) are already done in another one and the 5th one (criminal one) you have to major in something else as well so just by doing the business one i will have done that bit. It is fully legit just alot of hard work on my part 5 in 5 years is probably pushing it a bit but 4 of them can be done over a ten year period so if im running abit behind it doesnt really matter. the only thing you learn at school is to memorize
  18. ok update over here especially where i live eveyone wants you to have a uni degree as i said they dont really care what it is they just want it. Youth employment around here is really shit and no offence to anyone but i dont wanna be worken in walmart when im 30. The courses are teach yourself type so basicly i can work full time go home and study the stuff and write the assignments and shit. when it comes down to it i will leave ahead of the other students because not only will i have had gotten a Bachelor but i will of also been in the full time work force for all that time. my plan now is get a full time job in like a retail store or somthen get a Bachelor of Business at nights and weekends also because of the way it is the courses are unit based and alot of them cross over so by doing the Bachelor of Business i will have taken out about 10 or more units of other ones. In 5 years i will have 5 Bachelors 5 yrs of full time work and part of my helicopter licence then im gunno go get a high payen job at a big Business and make a shitload of money :) the only thing you learn at school is to memorize
  19. ive got it down to Bachelor of Communications Bachelor of Arts in Criminology and Criminal Justice Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Business in Financial Planning Bachelor of Commerce (Commercial Law) i want to do all of them
  20. Try English 101 dude i have to pay for it why would i pick somthen i know i would fail lol
  21. well i been tryen to get a job for a while now cept everyone wants me to be qualified or experienced. Over here in aus you need a degree for pretty much everything, even to be a run of the mill cop :( so i give up im doen the thing i said i would never do. Im going to University but im doen it onlineish , no not one of those $100 get a free degree things its some thing run by some universtities you get books and stuff and have to sit exams do assignments thing is you can do it at home. point is i can still get a full time job and also get a couple of degrees while im at it :) i havnt picked which ones yet at the moment im thinking doen business and human studies or somthen the only thing you learn at school is to memorize
  22. its both for me on my last jump on student gear i pulled high like 8-10 cuase it was the sunset load and just enjoyed it for about 1 min then the storm clounds started to head towards me so i got down as quik as i could :0 i like to pull low enough that i get as much freefall as possible but i can still play around under cannopy the only thing you learn at school is to memorize
  23. its open 24 7 :) the only thing you learn at school is to memorize
  24. i am so gunno learn that shit for the next party i go to :) the only thing you learn at school is to memorize
  25. skyhawk


    Dodge Neon - hey i got one of them :) well acctually its a chrylser neon but they are the same thing you can pick up a secnd hand one over here for about $10 000 australian :( we paid like $25 000 new in like 1998 the only thing you learn at school is to memorize