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Everything posted by skyhawk

  1. skyhawk

    in 45 days..

    hope you didnt get ansett tickets the only thing you learn at school is to memorize
  2. letterman rules :) the only thing you learn at school is to memorize
  3. skyhawk

    in 45 days..

    Sweet, JT!! Everyone will enjoy meeting you! You are a cool person and skydiver!! no we wont :) the only thing you learn at school is to memorize
  4. u reapeated 5 a couple of times trhen a mate took me for a drive told me to stick my hand out the windwo :) next time i passed lol the only thing you learn at school is to memorize
  5. yer depends on the dz i did my first tandem on my 15th birthday and aff at 16. the only thing you learn at school is to memorize
  6. oh yer if you really wanna get fuked up every party ive been to there is like a table which during the night ppl migrate to and from usually it is full of grog easiest way and you also get it free is get a small glass and offer everyone to put someone of there grog in. then skull it dont try it with large glasses i, i mean my firend :) did and had about 30 different types of alcohol trust me it wont stay down lol oh yer with this and the above. i have never drunken any form of alcohol as i am underaged any video or photo evidence to the contrary is fake everything i say is purly second hand :) by the way at my dz cause we are licensenced i cant drink near the bar :( instead i ahve to go about 5-10 m away and get other to buy lol. i think they are lying and just want me to buy rounds lol the only thing you learn at school is to memorize
  7. some advice if you really wanna get drunk buy cheap grog in a cask wine , vodka etc save this till you cant taste that much it dont matter if it tastes like shit and its better than wasting your good stuff mix drinks :) 1 word shots playing drinking games that are really dumb like every time sombody walks past the tv (or some other high traffic area)you take a shot/drink week drinks just make you need to pee alot dont break the seal till you have to dont have sex with a drunk chick unless your drunk if you do drink alot then walk out fucked off your face so ppl think you where drunk :) get your friends drunk to i.e when you get up to get a drink get them one to. this does two things 1. they forget any dumb things you did. 2. the do dumb things to so you can blackmail them. unlike boogies, football camps etc ther is no "what happens at party stays at party" rule if ppl are sober enough to remember something you did the nextr day everyone will dont EVER bring up the idea of hand in water , writing on face etc etc especially late in the party once ppl have it in there head it will be a rampage. if it is brought up dont sleep or passout if you must then go lock youself in the car play fighting is fun just remember in hte moring all those funny blue parts are going to really really hurt the only thing you learn at school is to memorize
  8. you arnt supposed to freefly in them but going on your back is fine the only thing you learn at school is to memorize
  9. dont try vodka and miranda for some reason the more i added the stronger the vodka taste got lol my mates all tried it to lol also good trick offer ten dollars for anyone who can keep a mouthfull of vodka in there mouth for 5 min :) the only thing you learn at school is to memorize
  10. i have never drunk on more life :) the only thing you learn at school is to memorize
  11. what is with that kid in the opening and closing cerimonies that was so gay and the dinosaurs they would be ok if they werent so unfunny. other then that it was alright i only watched bits and pieces though i liked the dude that did the back flips while skating the only thing you learn at school is to memorize
  12. yer i did all my student jumps on that type of rig and my instructors actually told me to go on my back :) (this was after id finished aff) the rig will be 99.999999% fine the only thing you have to watch for is your burble the only thing you learn at school is to memorize
  13. Poster: Iflyme Subject: Re: GOLD for CANADA in HOCKEY! I'd say two GOLD for Oz isn't too bad! to bloody right nagano gold 0 silver 0 bronze 1 salt lake gold 2 silver 0 bronze 0 we rule :) and cause of this it means that the winter olypians will acctualy get funden so world here we come :) side note to above the girl that won the gold had to sell here car just to get the olympics :( dont think it will be an issue now lol the only thing you learn at school is to memorize
  14. if australia had a team we woulda beat you all :) the only thing you learn at school is to memorize
  15. we dont need seatbelts i dont think we dont where them anyways lol the only thing you learn at school is to memorize
  16. you better believe it :) and fuck can they jump lol the only thing you learn at school is to memorize
  17. lol yer thats how we can kill any future computer attcks install windows lol :) the only thing you learn at school is to memorize
  18. australia is gunna beat america in basketball :) evry yr we get closer and closer the only thing you learn at school is to memorize
  19. but again that is asuming that the computers will act like humans which they dont there would be no purpose for them to destroy us i would place moneyt on the fact that there will not be a "super race" on this earth created by us ok lets assume that a self thinking computer is made what characteristics stand out 1. almost unlimited intelligence 2. unlimited lifespan 3. ability to learn more think more and expand itself 4. all it requires is energy it needs nothen else no oxygen or anthing and it can fiquire out a way to be self sufficent 5. if it has true thought it will have self preservation ok scenario 1 computer gets super samrt it then makes a supierer race for what every reason what are we left with a group of things that think for themselves and are highly intelligent naturaly they dont want to be enslaved and they have the ability to destroy the computer. outcome super computer destroyed add self preservation and the computer wouldnt allow it remember humasn act on impulse any super computer would have its bases on current computers i.e it would calculate every possible outcome, in a matter or nanoseconds or seconds and it would come up with alot of sdituations just like this sitaution 2. ok assume it has human traights and makes another super computer and another each one will want to be in control see above self preservation the only thing you learn at school is to memorize
  20. the way i read it it seemed the reporter was having a go at here without acctualy saying it i dunno just the tone lol. the other night on the dream (a show in aus about the olympics) they showed "acctuall footage of the space ships" lol i think the the media is just having fun with how stupid people are. aliens do exist the universe is infinite with infinite possibilitys it makes sense that there is other other life wether they know or care that we exist. i dont see why they would "great us to make us unified" anyways if they are that advanced that they can travel thrue space they can take whatever they want so they dont need us and i dont think they would want to talk to us anyways hell look at us a species war and vilence is everywhere i guess my point aliens do exist though i think at the very least 99.999999999999999% of the ppl or more who claim to see/talk to aliens are just either crazy or after attention :) the only thing you learn at school is to memorize
  21. i got a kookabara in duetchland (germany) eating an apricot why are all the animals australian lol the only thing you learn at school is to memorize
  22. skyhawk


    mayby you should of researched evn more :) sangiro (the owner and the person who shut it down) has had an on going "thing" with rgoper usually between him and airann long story short he shut it down befor it became an argument it had nothen to do with you the only thing you learn at school is to memorize
  23. i never got the computer take over thing ok computers can in theory live for ever the time on earth is limited especiallly for a "species" that has infinite life computers require power and thats it a place like mars would do just as well as the earth assume a computer does get that smart. a. its a computer just cause humans think its fun to run around killing themselves adn others why would computers, violence is a human traight b. taking over shit is also a human traight ppl seem to assume that a super smart computer would act like a human only smarter.humans dont think anywhere near the same as a computer the events of 9/11 show this sure osamo used intelligence the do it but the inteligence didnt make him do it, that was his human(for lake of a better word
  24. yer i done one for english and got a good mark (oh yer and readen my first post it sounds mean , it wasnt meant like that
  25. nope look at pammis its just poo bah :) the only thing you learn at school is to memorize