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Everything posted by LyraM45

  1. True, you never said word for word that feds were overpaid or a tax waste, but it's the general attitude from people who take a staunch stance that there needs to be massive lay offs and cuts to federal employees and salaries. Usually these people think the fed is fat staffed and/or overpaid all around. Sorry if I put words in your mouth, as you may be the exception of most people with that POV. The drips and dribbles do add up, but getting a measly .5% increase after a two year freeze IS a cut back. So, we're doing our part, just like other people in private sector who probably haven't seen the same yearly raises, even the ones just for inflation/cost of living. So, if we're already taking a hit, and there's still massive bleeding (hell, there would be massive bleeding still even if we took a freeze for the next 10 years), then obviously the bigger spending issues need to be concentrated on more. Where is most of our money going? Where has it gone? I doubt it's not the .5% fed increase that sucked it up! Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  2. So, the janitor at my facility, who is probably making less than you if I had to guess, deserves a pay freeze indefinitely because "we are broke?" .5% isn't even enough to meet adjustment for inflation, but it's something. It's not a full adjustment for inflation, but it's nothing either. I think it's a good compromise for the federal worker bee who is just trying to get by like everybody else. If you're asking me personally if I get "we are broke," I do. I'd be willing to take a pay freeze or pay more taxes for as long as I need to to get us out of this hole. Does that mean every other federal employee has the means to be able to do the same? No. I'm married double income no children, so I have that luxury. Not everybody else who is federally employed does and they don't deserve to take the brunt. What part of that don't you understand? edit to add: I get your point, and I agree with you for the most part. What I have a problem with is your take that every single federal employee is in some bogus overpaid position that isn't really needed and is just fat that needs to be trimmed; like every federal employee is an overpaid waste of your tax dollars and it's putting us in the mess we're in. The point I'm trying to make is that it's not true for every single federal employee worker bee, but I'm sure there are areas in the federal arena that are pretty fat on the pay and/or staffing with people who may not do much and some positions can afford to be cut with more work among those left. So I agree with you there, just not as a blanket statement for every federal employee. Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  3. I don't envy or begrudge the "perks" like decent health insurance that Lyra and her cube-neighbor get. Reasonable use of my tax dollars, IMO. 0.5% after a 2-year freeze? Jeez, are we getting raked. Actually, the health insurance is pretty weak. I pay about double what I paid private sector, and get less. When I got married last year I hopped right on my husbands plan with Lockheed Martin and he's paying for himself plus me, with better benefits than I had through federal employee health benefits, and it's costing him about the same as I put out for myself only and getting much less benefit. So, we're definitely not making out like bandits there. At least not in CA federal health benefit cost area where I live. As for the NWS pay, it's pretty equivalent with what some of my friends are making in the private sector meteorologist positions right now. So again, we're not making out like bandits here. I didn't go in to the NWS because of the pay. I probably could have made more eventually if I stayed private sector and went into management. I went in because they hire very little and only take the creme de la creme of meteorologists, and I wanted to be a part of that elite group. Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  4. Pay cuts? You do realize that every federal worker is not paid like a congressmen, right? Do you think we all roll around with six figure salaries or something? I just got done talking to somebody in my office, federally employed, who is part of the custodian staff who cleans the place. I can assure you they are not living large. These people are trying to get by just like everybody else. I get the feeling you think federal employees are part of this high paid elite group..... you're wrong. Does this mean there are no federal employees who are overpaid? Of course not, and I'll agree there are probably some areas to cut the fat back on, but to make a blanket statement like you did above is just ignorant of what really happens in the federal employment arena. Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  5. Federal employees have been in a freeze for the last 2 years. And we're getting a .5% increase now. Whoopdefreakindo..... I wouldn't get your panties too much in a twist over it. Still, I'm thankful for the .5%. Don't get me wrong.
  6. I have been saying this for a few years. We are definitely on our way there! Love that movie! Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  7. Yeah, there was no acrimony during the Bush years. Acrimony, yes but now there is extreme prejudicial dislike. I have friends who have told me they will no longer associate with anyone who supported BHO. That is on the mild side of expressive displeasure. And that's Obama's fault? IMO, you're part of this group you speak of. YOU guys are part of the problem. What's that saying all the youngin's throw around? I think it's, "haters gonna hate." And the group you speak of were staunch haters before they even knew anything about what he ran on or his policies. Some of them are ignorant of it still! I have a feeling you're blaming the wrong person(s) on this one if that's the direction you're going. Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  8. Ha-- I was just about to reply this, except saying that my wings feels like a brick on my back. I know women in particular have issues with the wings fit. They have a habit of really coming off of your back in a sit, even when the laterals are extra tight on you on the ground. The laterals themselves are a another issue-- I hear a lot of chicks have to send their rig back to be taken in (me included, and I was measured right in the shop! ....the customer service was AWESOME through that process though!) And I feel like the rig just never feels broken in and is like a brick on a shorter female with a moderately sized canopy in there (I have a 135 main and reserve and I'm 5'6" 127lb). I jumped an older javelin before this, and I would say the wings isn't screaming in comfort over it (despite all the padding options I got). BUT... it's functional and safe. I am not a fan of closing the riser covers on it compared to other rigs, and my rigger would probably prefer to pack the vector over the wings. It's the best rig for the price that you'll find out there. If I had the money, and I didn't mind waiting for a new rig, I would look into the vector, IMO. I've heard good things recently about infinity too. Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  9. I'm jumping at Seb all weekend!!!! Freeflying though Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  10. This came out of the mouth of a comedian. Nobody is going to take this seriously, let alone defend it to the death. Oh my god-- Get over it. Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  11. hahahaha.... what's that saying again that you use about teaching a pig to sing? Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  12. I get that you just don't get it; and I'm not going to explain it a fifth time. And obviously you don't get what I'm trying to say, so we'll just leave it at that. Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  13. NICE! Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  14. Well, no-- I said I know what it really means/implies. But, there are some things, even know they are called "alleged," until due process, that are pretty cut and dry. FSDO is going to show up, and either you maintained your airplane or you didn't. If I got a ticket for 'allegedly' running a red light, it doesn't mean I didn't run the red light, it just means I haven't conceded that I ran the red light yet or tried to prove otherwise and failed. Get what I'm saying? The point I'm making is that there has been an awful lot of hiding behind the 'alleged' word. Some people even claiming that the FAA is out to get said DZ in trouble, they are innocent, and they harp on the 'alleged' part of everything. This isn't just in regards to this case. I've seen it brought up very quickly in the past few incidences similar to this one too. Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  15. No one is getting fined. There has been a complaint lodged against ALLEGING misconduct. Innocent until proven guilty. Or so I have been taught. I never understand the "alleged," part of the aviation fines. I mean, I know legally what it means/implies, but theoretically you have to think: either they screwed the pooch or they didn't. It's pretty cut and dry when the local inspector pays a visit and finds concrete evidence that you neglected your aircraft mx, or missed a check that was supposed to be done per latest circular or directive, or anything else that is so clear cut; either it did or didn't happen. Each time this happens, it's just raising more eye brows in the FAA. Mr. Inspector from the local FSDO will be watching more closely, which is OK for those that are crossing their t's and dotting their i's like they should (which should be EVERYBODY, but obviously it isn't), but they'll also be keeping an eye on the sport more as a whole, and they're going to be swift when the littlest thing comes up on their radar. It's just no bueno. Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  16. Ditto! And wow, what a great letter that guy wrote. I need to save that and make sure to post it every time a friend starts up the whole "they just voted for Obama because they're lazy and want free stuff," facebook status. Really cracks me up! Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  17. Do you use that word around women or just on the Internet? Most women I know, hate that word. You probably don't know that many women outside of the US
  18. That's awesome of both of you! Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  19. I was just about to link to an article talking about Eric Cantor's knowledge on this since Oct. I highly doubt something that could have been bombshell in general to the election or to Obama would have been kept quiet by the Republicans, especially so close to the election. Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  20. Kinda goes along withe the recent mantra of republicans being OK with non affiliated fact check sites......until the fact checking sites started showing who really had the pants on fire the last year or so. Then all of the sudden it was "biased media." Kinda like RonD in a thread last month basically saying "I don't care what unbiased media or fact checking site says if it goes against what I want to hear." If somebody is out to label every single source as bullshit or (insert party affiliation here) run tainted source because it doesn't line up with what you've decided to believe no matter what, then I believe it is just impossible to have a conversation or debate with somebody like this. There are people like this on both sides, and a lot of them happen to be part of what I consider the far left/right. I don't think a lot of good comes from those camps because there is only so much that can come from people so close minded! (this isn't all directed at Anvilbrother..... just throwing it all out there in general) Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  21. Do you really think Obama should have tackled gay rights as the first thing he did after stepping into office and taking over an economy that was in shambles? I didn't expect him to. My friends in the gay community didn't expect him to. What he needs to do isn't going to happen overnight, and there are other fish to fry on the plate. Saying that I, and others, should expect him to charge forth and go to town on this issue above all else would be pretty dumb. Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  22. He hasn't done everything that he can do for equal rights yet, but he's at least moving in the right direction. Another 'lesser of two evils,' between the two I guess. He's moving in the right direction more than the other guy. So far he's done more for gays/lesbians than any recently presidents before him. I think DOMA will eventually be tackled. Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)