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Everything posted by LyraM45

  1. That's exactly it-- no amount of reinforcing is going to save you from an EF-4 or 5. The only hope people have in that situation is to be underground, or just plain lucky above ground. Shelters are tough to build in that area in the hard rock that is just under the surface. I'm sure they're expensive. Sucks.... it's the only chance people have in a ginormous tornado like this. I am really keeping all of these people in my thoughts tonight! Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  2. I thought you were getting that feeling before the election? You know, when you thought the antichrist couldn't possibly be voted in again? Oh.... wait........ Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  3. As many others have stated, this is the whole reason ACA has come about. These problems have been around forever and is not something that has just come up for you and millions of others because of Obama care. Been happening for a long time, and lucky for you, you didn't have to experience all of this at any point earlier in your life. Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  4. Ddddduuuuuudddeeeeee. Get over it. Election was last fall. It's over. For the sake of your sanity, get over it and try not to find any way possible to work something about Obama or liberals into your post even when the OP was about puffy clouds, rainbows, and/or unicorns. Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  5. I met you last night standing at the counter. I was filling out the Packing Data card for that brand new Infinity you saw sitting there. If you have much time set up in there, let me know and I can come push you around a bit. It really helps to have someone in there to sort out all the new habits you will develop. Congratulations getting back in there. Walls are weird at first. You'll pick it up quicker than you think if you have a bit of guidance. What Tim said
  6. Maybe you don't remember that as a candidate, obama promised to get the troops home, and in reality they faced more deployments. Now there are questions on how many thousands will stay after they all come home? According to my friend, a retired LTC/contractor in Afghanistan, we are still building up installations there, and there is no end in sight. Before he went to Afghanistan, I tried to warn him of my 38 mos 11 days in Vietnam and how we walked in the end. Now he knows; only we aren't walking anytime soon. Your president has been less than truthful when it comes to foreign policy and committing American lives. The more he kills, the less votes against him (or hillary). Remember, Bush has been long gone, and barrybarack was going to give us "change"? That wasn't a lie. I remember as a candidate that he promised not so much to bring everybody home, but to get out of Iraq and turn the focus on Afghanistan and Al Queda; to go after Osama Bin Laden like we should have been doing for so many years before. ..... or am I not remembering that correctly? And I forget, how exactly that plan worked out for him? Oh, yea-- Bin Laden is dead, and we've pulled troops out of Iraq and they're in Afghanistan. How is that less than truthful? He campaigned on that, and that was the "change" I voted for. I'm not saying the guy is a saint, and I for sure do not agree with all of his policies, but I will defend him with regards to your post because you're throwing him under the bus for something that is pretty much b.s. From Factcheck regarding Obama's "bring troops home" promise: Obama has largely kept his promise to “be a president who ends this war in Iraq and finally brings our troops home.” In a speech back in October, Obama announced that the U.S. was ending its nine-year war in Iraq, and that “as promised, the rest of our troops in Iraq will come home by the end of the year.” While the majority of the 40,000 troops still stationed in Iraq were brought home in time for the holidays, not all were. As Stars and Stripes reported, some 4,000 members of the 1st Cavalry Division’s 1st Brigade were reassigned from Iraq to Kuwait to complete the second half of the brigade’s tour. Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  7. Aaahh, OK-- makes sense now! I was just making sure after hearing your story that a new person doesn't walk in and expect to be on their head in 90 minutes!
  8. BHO is president. People have lost their will to hang in there. This is why we need guns. +1 on the facepalm. Wow..... just wow. Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  9. RE: being on your head after only 90 minutes of tunnel time--- I don't think most people are stable on your own and/or signed off with just 1.5 hrs on your head (let alone all the flying you will have to do to work up to getting on your head!). Great if you are the exception and can do it, but I don't think that is most people, so I wouldn't walk in with that expectation. More than likely you'll have to get through the whole progression and spend a bit of time doing that if you've never really done the tunnel before-- be prepared to belly fly, back fly, and sit fly before you can even attempt to get on your head. The tunnel is very humbling. When I worked the front desk at a tunnel back east I very much enjoyed watching cocky 1000 jump plus skydivers get in the tunnel and bounce around like a pinball on their bellys, let alone get to their head like they thought they would do on their first tunnel session. So, go in with an open mind and be open to doing what you're told by your coach. There is a plethora of fantastic flyers here in NorCal. They are up flying at the tunnel every single night. Lots of coaches here too, as well as great guys at the tunnel who will coach you and help you out. Just stop by the tunnel any night and I'm sure you'll see the locals there training. I'll be there tonight for the 9pm block. My husband is flying my time since I'm injured, so if you want to stop by and chat..... or I'm sure anybody there would be glad to chat with you on whatever night you pop in.
  10. I don't think anybody is saying it's OK to just do this for no reason. The legislation is proposed for circumstances where the mothers health is in danger or if the fetus is not viable. We can argue until we're blue in the face if that is right or not even under those circumstances, but your OP implied that NY just allows abortions like this for no reason. Furthermore, I don't get the whole hypocrisy thing. Now if you posted a picture of bloomberg walking down the street with a big 7-11 gulp full of soda and said he was a hypocrite for pushing for a soda ban, yet drinking his, then fine, but...... yea, I don't see the connection like that here. ETA: Is this video indicative of how all clinics are run in NY? Or is this a rogue clinic that is advising crazy shit on a late term abortion? I'm asking because I honestly don't know how things are run there. Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  11. ^^ Yes, this!! ^^AND this. Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  12. AP 15 April 2013 - Observers noted that the backback of poorly constructed hemp was laid gently near the 'recycling friendly' receptacle. Observers noted that the suspect carefully checked for spotted owl eggs before riding a Segway down the block - stopping 12 times to pick wallets from various spectators and then taking the money and giving it to next person down the street. Police are combing the area for a person of questionable gender with pony tails, Birkenstocks, excessive body odor and a self satisfied and superior smirk. WARNING, do not confront this individual, call a sensitivity counselor and stay back, the suspect may be wearing crystals. bbwwaaahahahaha.... this just made my day!! Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  13. Thats exactly why in my post I said there are left wing extremists as well. And I'm sure if this was their bomb signature they would have been called out. All the article was saying was that in previous right wing bomb history, this is the type of bomb they have used, or this has the signatures of it. They also called out signatures of middle east groups-- actually, they first and foremost have reported this. What are those signatures? I don't even know, but if this bomb had "left wing extremist" signatures, I hope the media would report that the same. Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  14. Did I or the article I linked to say it wasn't Al Q? They particularly mention that it could be, that this bomb has signatures of both fringe terrorist group AND Al Q. So no, I'm not kidding. And FYI, I could care less if they said the signature was left wing fringe. It is what it is, signature is a signature, and that's that. I'm not going to throw a news network under the bus for reporting on a certain groups bomb signature. Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  15. And here is an article with a follow up to that. I thought the way they said it on live TV the other day was a little soon, and it did come off wrong. But, evidence is evidence-- and it's all going to come out. All that they're saying is that this has signatures of what right wing extremists have used in the past for their bombs. Doesn't mean just any republican, or some conservative running for office, or your neighbor who is a hardcore republican. It is just one of those crazy nut jobs, probably a lone wolf, from the fringes. Left wing has them too-- like weather underground, anti-capitolists, etc. This event happens to have signatures of right wing extremist groups-- should we deny that? Should it not be reported? Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  16. Uh. bwaahahaha-- this just made my day! Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  17. I just saw that instead of typing a separate reply, you added to your original post above mine: Is that really all that was alleged? Seems like a quick fix to me and don't know why there would be so much hooplah still. I seem to remember there being something about not inspecting/replacing certain parts too.... or am I not remembering all of that correctly? So, is that really what happened? Just a misunderstanding that they missed a simple looksie? Again, is there an official statement or release about this, or just what you've heard from people at Lodi? And again, just as in my hypothetical situation I posted about in my last post, why would it be bad for somebody to approach this place with a little bit of skepticism after the allegations with no follow up stating case closed it has all been cleared up? I would not confuse healthy (and warranted) skepticism with persecution. Please reply to my hypothetical situation above-- Listen, I can guarantee you that people who sit on the fence and have a little bit of skepticism or doubt because of the allegations, would be soothed over if there was any kind of follow up regarding this incident(s); as in any status involving the case, IE: charges dropped because it was a misunderstanding, charges/allegations still stand, still in appeal, hearing, etc, etc. You speak of this open door policy for FAA and ease of getting the real low down from them, so surely you would have no problem producing something official on this-- as in something that is just not what you heard from somebody at Lodi. Let me know what you hear when you knock on the open door at the FAA. Until then, I damn well reserve the right to be skeptical (without persecution) of this place. Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  18. Are you taking the piss or being serious? The reports and allegations filed against Lodi regarding the acft mx has been posted quite a few times in a few different threads over the years. Are you trying to say no such reports exist because nobody posted them in this thread? As I stated earlier when posters were alluding to a "misunderstanding," by the FAA-- where is the report saying the charges are dropped and everything checks out fine? I bet you can't find that. Last I heard everything is still being heard by the courts and it's gone on past local level now. Why would the FAA continue to hear this case if they found out there was nothing wrong to begin with and they made a mistake? You do a good job at looking down your nose, talking with disdain, and passively insulting people who dare question what happens at Lodi. I'm sorry, but even if I wasn't a local jumper, I think somebody would be stupid to not have questions about a place that is so infamously known for these problems. And this isn't infamously known because of what is said on this website or said by other fun jumpers-- these people can look up FAA REPORTS that you speak of; and those speak for themselves. I'm still waiting on the FAA report saying this was all a misunderstanding and everything in fact is in tip top shape and fines/charges have been dropped. Can you link me to that? Seems like you know the FAA reports pretty well..... or maybe you can do a FOIA request on it since it's available to the public like you say. Let me know what you find. I won't be holding my breath in anticipation..... ETA: Theoretical situation here, but if you were thinking about having lasik done, you'd look up a doc and reviews, right? What if there was an article out from an optometry board alleging this doctor did something neglectful that could have maybe resulted in somebody loosing their vision but they didn't..... would you be wrong to question if you should go to this doc? Or would you be wrong to be the slightest bit hesitant to go see this doc, even if it's just in the back of your mind? Or wrong to have the slightest bit of skepticism? Of course not! So, why would you criticize somebody for being weary of something after they heard there is something screwy going on? And in this case with Lodi, you hear something screwy is going on from an official governing agency like the FAA. I'm sorry, but if you're going to bash people for having even the slightest bit of skepticism when there is reason to have it, you've got to be crazy. Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  19. Ha, so I've got to update my previous post-- ssssooooo..... again, there is always another day to skydive. I'm perfect proof. 3 weeks ago I sprained my knee pretty bad. I've had to pull off 2 freefly camps and miss a snowboarding trip since then. My knee still wasn't quite right. Finally got the MRI on Thurs, and I've got a complete tear of my LCL. Glad I waited and didn't go right back jumping and stuff. Trust me, it's better to take your time and be better safe than sorry after you mess yourself up
  20. Doesn't matter what happens on a DZ so long as their jumps are cheap right? Gotta get it while the gettin is good! Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  21. Third thumbs up for Davis. Middle of the week they can turn a pac (if they have the pac right now) with only 6 people. On the weekends there are loads going back to back most of the time. Check out Byron too. Weekends get busy going back to back with the king air, and it's not far from the city-- probably not more than an hour if I had to say off the top of my head. Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  22. LyraM45


    You bring up a very good point and example of what could happen in this situation. Honestly, I am not sure how to deal with it. For me personally, even though I am all for "let consenting adults do whatever they want," but then again I still think there is obvious situations where we don't do that, IE: marry your own daughter and risk genetic issues with your kid. In this hypothetical situation of that not being an issue..... I honestly don't know what to do in the situation you outlined. I guess I've never really thought much about it! Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  23. LyraM45


    Then let them marry. I wouldn't do it, but I wouldn't stop anybody else from doing it either. Two CONSENTING ADULTS (IE: not your dog, your horse, a minor child, ect) should be able to do whatever they want if it's not hurting anybody else or infringing on anybody elses rights. Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  24. Ggggrrrr, baby, ggggrrrrrrr I think matt will only let you do me if he can take photos. Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  25. Said every republican during the election. Look how that turned out Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)