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Everything posted by LyraM45

  1. All because you have a right to that view, does not give you the right to impose that on others..... which is what republicans try to do. They think only people within their view should have the right to marry. They used to think that about blacks marrying whites too. Oh, how times have changed and will change. What side of history will you be on? I know if I were against blacks marrying whites back in the day, I would be sure as shit embarrassed to admit I was on that particular side of history. ETA: I shouldn't say republicans. I guess I should have said social conservatives, which FWIW, tend to be republican, but it's not all republicans I guess. Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  2. Why, in your mind, is that just a gay thing? You think hetero couples don't have open relationships like that? If not, you need to get out more often! You mean, kinda like how straight people are telling gays who they can and can not marry? Got it. If somebody told you that you couldn't marry your significant other, you wouldn't be at all offended? Or get nasty and defensive? How dare those single parents have the audacity to raise their kids without their hetero counterparts after a divorce! If having a single gender raise you is so devastating, how come kids from a divorced family or raised by 1 parent aren't all screwed up? You keep on about this whole "jury is out thing," but it sounds like it's not really out for you. You've settled on your opinion (or at least it sounds like you have), and what is funny is you probably have no personal experience with gay couples raising children. Do you know any? Do you know any peers who were brought up my gay parents? I know both, and guess what-- some of those kids came out plenty more accomplished than friends I have that were raised by straight parents. Doesn't mean that all gay kids come out like that, and it doesn't mean that all straight kids come out all f'd up. A kid is a kid, and who they grow up to be is going to be is shaped more by how they were raised and not the gender or sexual preference of who raised them. I just went to a bachelor party for my friend and his partner. They have been approved to adopt a 5 year old boy in June after they are married. Both have higher degrees (one getting his PhD at the moment), both have great jobs, both are amazing people, and they can both provide a loving and nurturing home for a boy who needs one. I think of it this way...... It sounds to me like you'd rather see a kid stay in an abusive crack house with a traditional mom/dad set up versus growing up with two accomplished people like my friend and his partner. I just don't see how that makes sense. Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  3. LyraM45


  4. LyraM45


  5. LyraM45

    Rock on

  6. Why push it? There is always another day to jump. I sprained my knee last weekend at the DZ, and had to pull myself off a freefly camp this weekend because it's just not all tidy yet. Seriously-- there is always another day down the road to jump! Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  7. Or the third option, extremely sloppy detective work on the part of the FAA. top Which might be true-- and I am just playing devils advocate here, but what I said would still stand at that point. You still can't blame somebody for being skeptical until seeing the final ruling or statement on this case, even if it's to say case dropped for whatever reason, including sloppy FSDO investigation. Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  8. I never said you couldn't have two straight twins. I'm saying you can have any kind of twin. One can become a crazy person and the other one a respected doctor somewhere despite them being raised the same and being brought up with the same morals. You guys both ended up being straight. Great. That's not because of the way you were brought up, or else we would never see a situation like the one I outlined above where one twin ends up gay and one straight. Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  9. If that was the case, then we would never have a case where a family has two kids-- say they're twins just for shits and grins in this story. Both raised the same, both had the trophy mom and dad that put them in all the sports, and the clubs, and the plays at school. They both got straight A's and went to college and came out professionals. Both ate the same thing for breakfast every morning while they were being raised. One ends up gay and the other is straight. With your reasoning, this would never happen, but it does. So..... why does it? Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  10. And if it was a misunderstanding and it's been taken care of with the FAA, particularly in the case of it being a paperwork issue, then you still can't fault people (like Dave... and anybody else for that matter) for feeling uneasy and being skeptical given: 1.) the history with other aircraft (Pitt Meadows) and 2.) the fact that a final ruling or statement on this case has not been issued and this is only the word of people at Lodi that it was basically a misunderstanding that has been since taken care of. ETA: When I say "you can't fault people," I don't mean you, Iago. You just got hit on the reply button and instead that is a general "nobody can fault anybody else for" kind of 'you.' Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  11. I don't think most people are out to correct your grammar or belittle you for it just because they don't agree with you. BUT.... if you're going to post something belittling people who don't agree with you (IE, liberals here) and call them dumb, then you better have your grammar right. Just sayin' Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  12. Do you have a link with the most up to date information or FAA report on that? Last I heard the situation was not rectified at all, and instead the charges still stand and are now past the local courts and hung up in national or federal courts or something. Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  13. And boom goes the dynamite. Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  14. I agree it's hypocritical, but not in the way you're talking about. What is down right hypocritical is when said politician tries to morally thump his chest and tell everybody else what they need to do sexually or with their own body; trying to pass laws to be more inline with these 'christian family values,' and then turns around and does something like this guy. Apples and oranges with the whole bill clinton vs. this senator-- Bill clinton was not going around and casting judgment on people and trying to pass legislation based on these 'moral values.' Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  15. It's usually at this point that some (you'll forgive me) rocket scientist responds, "So if people should be able to marry their dogs if they want to?", and then we're off to the races. But that is not two consenting adults. Same when they bring up the "oh, well I guess people can marry a child now." That also is not two consenting adults. Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  16. Against my better judgement, I've followed this thread. And you're so freakin ridiculous (especially that last post to Bill) that I have to ask-- are you really serious or just trolling and taking the piss? Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  17. Agreed So, what makes some limitations OK, but not others? Again, this is coming down to everybody's own interpretations. You guys are saying "well, I'd like to see these limitations," yet you are screaming bloody murder over people who want to see other limitations, like restricting the use of automatic weapons. Nobody will ever win this argument. Somebody will always end up unhappy no matter what happens. Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  18. yeah... I almost called it a debate, then edited to conversation, then decided "segment" was the best term for it. Yea, that would be a good term for it.
  19. I don't know if I would call it entertaining. I couldn't even bare to watch it for more than 10 minutes. If the guy was slightly less batshit crazy and could at least let Morgan get a word in to keep the confrontation...errr... I mean conversation going, I might have been inclined to watch longer. Just after a few mins though, I wanted to start clubbing baby seals. I think Morgan can be pretentious sometimes, but in terms of who was the bigger twat last night, I think this Jones guy took the cake! Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  20. I've jumped both over the years, but just got a G3 to jump the full face full time here in the NorCal winter (I came from south TX and FL in the years before this so I never had to worry about such things as the cold!). But I think what motivated me even more was tunnel flying.... I have just zoomed by a coaches knees or nuts or whatever with my face one too many times as I've been progressing head down the last few hours. I'll definitely be flying the open face when summer jumping comes back around! Everybody has their reasons for what they jump. Neither helmet is naturally better than the other-- just depends on what you want and what you feel better jumping in. Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  21. Wow! I need to find out where I can get a government job like this, because mine and anybody else I know in the government service is completely the opposite: I work 8+ hour, I make straight time for any OT required, I get no breaks, I get no lunch break. Hell, I can't even leave my desk. If I have to go pee, I have to take a mobile phone with me to the bathroom in case anybody calls. There is no such thing as cutting out early, unless you are dying of the plague and you have to close down the ops desk and get a whole other facility to back up our ops. My friends in private sector on the other hand... I know quite a few who do feck all during their day, take extended lunches, come/go as they please, etc. .... I'm not bitter or anything though Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  22. If we had a booming economy we would not be in such dire straits. The recession was primarily caused by greed of a lot of people, with Wall Street being top of the list. Don't blame air traffic controllers, national lab researchers, the National Weather Service and FBI agents for the economy being lousy. No Cause government employess are already paid higher than non gov counter parts Really? I took a pay cut to take a government job from the private sector equivalent I had. Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)