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Everything posted by LyraM45

  1. I'm curious about your response to 'work both sides'. why work both sides instead of just being focused on daffy with left or right leg in front always??? I dont surf switching up sides - I always have my right foot forward (its called a sex change btw and is a trick some people do mid-wave or on a skateboard midtrick). Same with snowboarding. So why is skydiving headdown different from that??? Why not always use your good side....its the GOOD side!!! curious...
  2. You still never answered those up thread asking how this is different from desegregation years ago? I was also wondering if you can elaborate clearly the differences, please. Thanks! Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  3. Don't get me wrong-- I'm totally willing to pay good money for coaching. Good coaches deserve it. I'm shelling out a ton of money right now for good tunnel coaching with a great coach, and it's money well spent. But, I do appreciate the guys with the mentality of trying to pay it forward or help progress the next generation of skydivers. I like this approach in all walks of life-- not just skydiving. Weather I get coaching from you or not, I hope to run into you and buy you a beer when I'm down in SoCal one of these days
  4. I work for NOAA with the National Weather Service. I'm sure you're being coy trying to directly correlate the occurrence of severe weather phenomenon, particularly tornadoes, with the current budget cuts; I'm sure we both know that is not the case. What is being impacted directly is the warning and forecast services that are provided through NWS, which as others have stated, is also how other weather services and news outlets get their data. The ultimate goal of the NWS is to save lives and property with these services. NWS budget is such a minute amount of the entire federal budget, yet it's being hacked more aggressively than many other agencies. We've been threatened with cuts of 30%+ of a budget that is really small to begin with. Last year we were threatened with rolling black outs where some offices would see closures for up to 30 days at a time. Do you think proper warnings would have been out the other day had the Dallas forecast office been closed? Sure, the back up office would have taken over ops, but since they are understaffed due to budget cuts, would everything be handled just as well? Probably not, especially since the back up office was probably experiencing severe weather of their own. I think it's been shown time and time again that warning services are really valuable during times of severe weather. Other cuts would also drastically change the quality of data coming in (since offices potentially can't afford to put a balloon up twice a day for a sounding, which takes that atmospheric data and feeds it to the models which forecast potential severe weather-- no new data, no new model runs, and no new forecasts). There is a long list of potential impacts due to these budget cuts, but I've glossed over a few major ones that really would increase the likely hood of possible increased fatality numbers in severe weather situations if the NWS can not provide it's services. And don't even get me started on aviation weather services..... Don't get me wrong, I think the fat has to be trimmed in terms of federal spending. I just think it could be taken from things considered more 'non essential'. My position on this would be the same if I was still working private sector weather. Apologies for the lengthy post! Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  5. CAMPS Oh, doh! I knew that seemed too good to be true! I'm sure it's a kick ass place anyway.... but free coaching would have definitely made it super kick ass Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  6. Whoa! I didn't know Elsinore did free coach jumps. That's sweet!!!
  7. Well the serious lack of aircraft maintenance is a big deal. The FAA and more importantly the aircraft manufacturers required maintenance schedule should be a bare minimum. Amazing how much money you can save when you neglect the required maintenance huh? The most skilled jumper in the world is not going to save you when the plane crashes due to a issue with maintenance and the most skilled jumper in the world is not going to help you when your body is crushed by all the jumpers who were not wearing safety belts. It amazes me how much people will risk to save a few bucks. Maybe years afl I would have been as foolish? But now after seeing death, id rather pay a few extra dollars for the added chance of the plane not losing control due to not changing out the control cables. Yep-- what he said. This was basically going to be my reply. I'll second what somebody else said about getting some jumps under your belt and then visiting the area dz's and make your own decision from that point. Don't get me wrong, I know good people and good instructors who are at Lodi, and I would recommend them to you for your AFF in a heart beat..... just not at Lodi. I would suggest if you want to stay in the valley, check out Davis. And as somebody suggested, if you want to go a little closer to the Bay Area, then check out Byron. Just my .02 about all that. Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  8. Agreed! And also wanted to add a little tid bit to the whole being awesome at flying your body from the tunnel time. That's great and all, but it will never replace the situational awareness that you get from the actual jumps. One of the reasons I wasn't out freeflying with larger groups after I got a bunch of tunnel time. But then again, I'm just a conservative weenie sometimes. Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  9. Plus this was a survey of people in NJ. Have you ever been to NJ? Have you ever been to FDU? Definitely not a liberal think tank! Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  10. Took the words right out of my mouth! Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  11. You and I are definitely on the same page here, but I was just saying in general there are locals there who post on these boards (or locals that I've talked to in person) who keep saying this is all some sort of misunderstanding, nothing has been violated and everybody just doesn't get it, etc, etc.... so now that I hear of this FOIA thing, which I'm not that familiar with, I figured it would be the ticket to end all the debate officially. But, I've been reminded that a FOIA request will do nothing if the case is in litigation still, which it could be for a long while, so it's useless right now anyway. Either way, back to the topic on hand, the seat belt thing I've seen with my own 2 eyes and it's something I'm not comfortable with. I don't need a FOIA request or anything to help me out with deciding what is going on with that. Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  12. If so many locals scream that Bill has been wronged and everything against him is a misunderstanding, FAA is out to get him, etc, etc..... can't anybody file a FOIA request, post the given info, and just put this all to rest on exactly what is happening? Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  13. Might not be required, but..... Exactly why I wear my seat belt and choose to frequent dz's where everybody else does too. Shit hits the fan the after take off, you'll be happy you had it on. Agreed. Some people overlook the importance of making sure EVERYONE has a belt on. In the Perris crash, most of the fatalities were cause by people being crushed by those sitting aft of their position - and the fall was from only a couple dozen feet! A belt won't save you if others in the plane aren't buckled up too. BINGO! Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  14. Might not be required, but..... Exactly why I wear my seat belt and choose to frequent dz's where everybody else does too. Shit hits the fan the after take off, you'll be happy you had it on. Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  15. I got to do the chamber as part of an aviation physiology class during my undergrad. Totally awesome experience. If you happen to be near a facility that offers sessions to the public try to get in on one. It's a real eye opener for aviators, skydivers, etc, etc. Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  16. This really bums me out. I've said before that this isn't about people giving you a hard time-- it's tough love because people try to look out for one another in the sport and do what they can to prevent another crater in the ground. Isn't that what you did for Sangi? Didn't everybody give you an 'attaboy' for it since it probably saved his life? Just seeing your reply like this makes me sad. I really hope you're right with how confident you are in your skills. As others have stated, they just hate to see an incident thread like Sangi's, except in the parentheses it could say VB instead of Sangi (and worse...maybe even the name of whoever else got taken out with you). I just really wish you could see people are trying to help you. I know Sangi realizes it now. Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  17. There's no controversy about the FAA violations. The operation has been fined twice for blatant failures to perform mandatory work on aircraft. If I'm getting the story right, one of the fines was for continuing to fly the plane after being spanked and told not to fly it any more until the required work was performed. In my opinion, anyone who jumps at Lodi is supporting behavior that can and eventually will have the FAA come down on the sport in ways that will result in vastly more expensive aircraft maintenance rules (in the US, skydiving currently operates under the very least stringent maintenance requirements) and those dramatic cost increases will by necessity be passed on to us. Imagine what the price of jump tickets doubling will do to your jumping habits. But hey, a USPA Director jumps there so it must be ok, huh? What he said, and also anything davelepka has said in this thread. I don't now if you've looked much at Davis, but if you want to skydive in that area then for me they are my choice hands down based on everything that is up for 'debate' about Lodi (although I agree with what has been said-- I don't know why there is even debate over FAA fines and violations). If you're willing to travel a little away from the valley, then check out Byron and Hollister. Seriously, if you have to start a thread to ask if you should consider jumping at Lodi for your trip, isn't that a red flag right off the bat? There are plenty of other DZ's in the area that have all their i's dotted and t's crossed. Just my .02, but as others have said you're an adult and can jump wherever you want at the end of the day. Enjoy your travels!
  18. I did my first tandem out of that thing back in the day. Good times!
  19. I have to ask, and keep in mind it's politely as possible, but how many more people need to jump in and say something for it to become obvious that it's just not one or two 'trolls' or an 'everybody is out to get you' thing? I don't think they're out to hose you, VB. They just don't want you broke. Like looking out for another skybrother, just like you said you've tried via friendly advice for Sangi in the past.
  20. Dammit I hate it when I read a post on and look for a 'like' button for a few seconds before realizing-- doh, wrong place! But yes... me likey! Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  21. And that is exactly what I'm talking about. Only takes one bad apple to shine a whole lotta' bad light on a bunch of good ones. Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  22. Texas is full of all kinds of people from all walks of life, all political affiliations, and so on. The media bash Texas because they're jealous of our success, independence and lifestyle. And they need a boogyman to attack to make themselves feel superior. There are several people right here in this forum who also subscribe to that personality style. All the BS people like to throw around is just a stereotype, nothing more, and those have no validity. Texas even has liberal enclaves, like Austin. You can find places in Texas to fit just about any kind of lifestyle (except maybe snow skiing). I've lived up and down the east coast and visited a lot of other states, but I love Texas, and really don't care to settle anywhere else. It has a wide variety of geography, cities, recreational pursuits, jobs, and a relatively cheap cost of living. "I'm not a native Texan, but I got here as soon as I could!" As far as the death penalty goes, see this: State execution per capita: Note that Oklahoma has a higher per capita execution rate than Texas. And Delaware isn't far behind Texas. But when was the last time you heard the liberal media calling Oklahomans or Delawarens a bunch of barbarians for their death penalty? I'll bet you haven't. That right there alone is proof of the anti-Texas bigotry that many people hold. Fuck 'em. If you don't like what we do here, don't come here. You have 49 other states from which to choose. Stereo type that is hyped and overblown? As in, it really doesn't exist but everybody makes it out to exist there? I have to disagree with you there. In my three years living in TX I saw the stereotype more fulfilled than not. The one place I felt like it wasn't typical TX was when I was in Austin... and even then, it's still TX Edited to add-- I know VERY nice people from TX. And I love the friends I made there, but just saying in terms of TX being thought of as conservative/republican leaning, people who love their guns, their BBQ and smoker, their country music, and their religion, their heterosexual marriage, etc, etc..... that is kind of what I noticed there. Like I said, the only gulp of fresh air I felt outside of that was when I spent time in Austin. Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  23. And it's a shame that the FAA has to be involved like it is! Seriously no bueno! You can't fix stupid.... or careless for that matter.... or people who choose to look in the opposite direction of stupid and/or careless. Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)
  24. Sounds like maybe you got lost in the mix of first timers, then. I'll echo what was just said too-- just chat with the instructor about more air and body position. I'm sure you'll figure it out with the instructor and have a rockin session.
  25. How much tunnel time do you have? If it was your first time in and you're not flying the best, they are not going to blast you with the wind.... but then again you really shouldn't be sitting on the net, either. Ask your instructor what the signal is for a little bit of air and they'll tell you what to do. Also, usually the instructors are very good at telling the driver when they need a little more air for the student, so either your guy was having a day dreaming moment and didn't do it, or more than likely he felt you needed a few more minutes to get stable before turning it up for you a notch. Either way, I would just talk directly with the instructor about it. Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)