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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/21/2022 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Dear sfzombie13, Sailors will tell you that you need a rag to inspect steel cables. There are two methods of inspection. First, you can slide the rag along the steel cable to check for broken strands. Secondly, you can slide your bare hand down the cable, then use the rag to staunch your bleeding hand. Hah! Hah!
  2. 1 point
    Sentencing decision, yes. Original jury found the defendant guilty but deadlocked on the penalty so we got it. The legal standard may be reasonable doubt, but sitting in that jury room making a decision of that gravity there needed to be no doubt at all for any of us to go home and sleep well.
  3. 1 point
    Made enhanced versions of these.
  4. 1 point
    The rank and file of the German army - even of the SS - weren't all psychopaths (though far too many of them were). Also, the person giving the order for mass-murder is not necessarily the person being forced to actually perpetrate it.
  5. 1 point
    These thoughts are interesting but since Cooper did not specify or explain anything chute wise, and there was no long winded discussion, he made do with what he was given and he went ahead and jumped. The crew could have played dumb and told Cooper they didnt know what he wanted! - didnt know what to tell people. But that didnt happened either. They took Cooper's words as given, got chutes, delivered chutes, .... he made do. We have been at this for years speculating endlessly! Cooper was only at it for several hours and gone! There weren't endless iterations from Cooper. He got chutes, made do, and jumped.
  6. 1 point
    Parachutes are pretty basic, and especially in those days when they were all round canopies, they were all fairly similar. So anyone who was familiar with any type should easily be able to figure out any of them. Back chute harnesses are all about the same, so if you know how to put one on then you do. A few of them had slightly different chest strap attachments, but nothing that should befuddle anyone. Anyone making an intentional jump, sport or paratrooper, would have a back main with D-rings for a front reserve. A military pilot or crewman, or a sport aerobatic flyer (such as Hayden) does not intend to jump, so the back bailout rig they would use is a reserve, so they don't have D-rings. A sport jumper at somewhere like Elsinore would not use a bailout rig, but they would see them being worn by either the pilots or people just taking observer rides (and landing with the airplane). It sounds to me like he was asking for two rigs, mains and reserves. However, Flyjack presents other possibilities...
  7. 1 point
    Depends on what the poll discloses. You might see the percentage of gay people decrease, because there are now other "options" to chose from in a poll. it is then easy to start claiming the percentage of gay people is decreasing and therefor society rally doesn't have to do much for them anymore.
  8. 1 point
    Colorized and enhanced the Count Coopula sketch
  9. 1 point
    Also handy for confirming that your (tandem) drogue is out and fully inflated.
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    Location: https://www.google.com/maps/place/62°03'28.7"N+6°58'16.5"E/@62.0550845,6.9601921,14z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x1c8546693d2c94ac!8m2!3d62.0579618!4d6.9712387!5m1!1e4
  12. 1 point
    Good. Killing people in the name of "justice" absolutely should NOT be easy. Particularly given the chances of getting it wrong.
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